Absent Friends Margrave
Yes, because large logs are soooo man-portable...
Yes, because large logs are soooo man-portable...
I think you need to clarify "Mechs." Are we talking exo-suits (combat walkers/Heavy Gears)(under 10m) or are we talking Battletech Mechs (15-40m)?
I think they are awesome but unfeasible. As a nod to them I include them in my Traveller background with the following rationalization.
Giant stompy robots left by the ancients fought each other on ancient Vland. This left an impression on the early Vilani who worshipped them as gods. Much later on, when the Vilani launched the consolidation wars, the Vilani built and used mechs to project an image og Godlike power to their technologically inferior enemies. They were named and built in the image of old depictions of Vilani gods. Their overall efficiency was less important than the shock value of their image. They became a symbol of Vilani might, or among non-humans their humanoid form became a symbol of human might.
Later again, against the Solomani, they were used. The idea was to crush the barbarians using the same symbols, a show of force to their own people as much as against the Solomani. This time it did not go so well. The Solomani lacked the Vilanis early experience with ancient war robots, and lacked the experience of their use during the consolidation war. What was to the 1st Empire a symbol of absolute might was to the Solomani, a rather large target and an inefficient use of resources. The enduring image of Mechs changed from on of assured invincibility to become one of a lumbering behemoth easily dispatched by a smaller and more dynamic foe. It became symbolic of the entire conflict.
Mechs are no longer seen as a viable weapon of war.
I understand the fundamental difference between ground and flight vehicles, but is there any PHYSICS reason that walkers are slow compared to other ground vehicles?
Ostrich and cheetah both manage a good speed on legs and scaling up the stride should increase that speed.
The use of Grav tech makes most man opperated "Mechs" beound cargo loaders an powerarmors but for thouse who suck at grav tech or dont have acess to the raw mitrials (like the solomani) it may be a feasable course of technogical development.