While I basically agree with you: It does not matter for a Free Trader, but it does matter in some special circumstances, such as fighters.
Allocating 13 Dton or not for a m/9 computer in a fighter matters a lot, especially with an additional 12 EP = 24 Dton power + fuel.
Code:FN-0106K91-000000-05002-0 MCr 155 15 Dton bearing 1 1 Crew=2 batteries 1 1 TL=15 Cargo=0 Fuel=2,9 EP=2,9 Agility=6 Dual Occupancy 0,7 154,6 USP # Dton Cost Hull, Streamlined Custom 0 15 Configuration Needle/Wedge 1 1,8 Manoeuvre D 6 1 2,6 1,3 Power Plant 19 1 2,9 8,7 Fuel, #J, #weeks J-0, 4 weeks 2,9 Bridge 1 4 0,1 Computer m/9 9 1 140 Mixed Turret Full 1 2 Weapon Fusion 5 1 2 Weapon Missile 2 1 0,8
Is rather different from:
Code:FF-0106N91-000000-05002-0 MCr 218 85 Dton bearing 1 1 Crew=2 batteries 1 1 TL=15 Cargo=0 Fuel=19,1 EP=19,1 Agility=6 Dual Occupancy 0,3 217,9 USP # Dton Cost Hull, Streamlined Custom 0 85 Configuration Needle/Wedge 1 10,2 Manoeuvre D 6 1 14,5 7,2 Power Plant 22 1 19,1 57,3 Fuel, #J, #weeks J-0, 4 weeks 19,1 Bridge 1 17 0,4 Computer m/9 9 1 13 140 Mixed Turret Full 1 2 Weapon Fusion 5 1 2 Weapon Missile 2 1 0,8
For LBB2 combat, you could pretty much max out the programs needed for a fighter (highest level predict, select, etc) and still only fill up a Mod/6 -- and that's with having everything active through all combat phases, not shifting from CPU to storage. It was also insanely expensive even before buying the computer itself.
HG and later rules are, as you note, different.