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Military Economies (A snapshot of Spinward Marches)

Hi guys,
Check out this background information for the military in SM, Enjoy!

What is the cost of Military Units in Resource Units? (From T4 (I havn’t checked if T4 RU are the same as T5 RU))

If one Imperial Trooper costs Imperial Cr 150,000 to train, equip and deploy per year (Assumption)
Thus a 42 troop platoon costs 6.3MCr per year,
Thus a 125 troop company costs MCr 18.75 – 18.99 per year.
Incidently the 125 man company probably has around 225 total personnel and around 400-600 including spouses and dependants and various non-military contractors. So round out to 20MCr.
Thus a 625 man battalion costs MCr 93.75 -94.5 p.a. (close enough to 100 MCr)

One Resource Unit (T4 Pocket Empires)
Using Sylea Cr: 1 RU = 4919 MCr

52.05 battalions per Sylean Resource Unit
104 battalions per 2 Resource Units

Summarising 2 Resource Units buys:
  • 100 Battalions of Regular Infantry, or
  • 50 Battalions of Armoured Cavalry, or
  • 50 Battalions of Marines, or
  • 25 Battalions of Elite Special Forces (armoured infantry or armoured cavalry).
Remember that Worlds produce RU but their value is lower based on the TL and Starport.
ONE RU is 5,000 MCr in Year 0 (T4 Pocket Empires)

I think Pocket Empires is one of the best books in science fiction for fleshing out YTU.
I have used it to write a spreadsheet of the Spinward Marches to determine the amount of Resource Units created by each system economy in the Marches based on randomly generated resources, culture, infrastructure and population. This includes a dashboard to bring up any world in the marches on the front page and a dashboard on each page to quickly access each world in the subsector (INDIRECT is a very handy function in EXCEL once learned). However it is not canon so I’m not keen to share it.
It has shown some interesting things about the Marches which I’m happy to share.
First, The actual randomised populations of the Subsectors are often higher (or lower) than was estimated in Spinward Marches (CT). Some of the population values in the Spiward Marches (CT) are just plain wrong, for instance Trin’s Veil Estimated population = 111.3 billion (Spinward Marches CT). Actual Calculated Population = 38.6 billion.
Note that Actual Calculated Populations are only for the main world in the system, not including secondary worlds.

Second, the relative wealth of the subsectors of the Marches

Subsectors: Spinward Marches
Name Worlds Est Pop (billions) Actual Pop SRU
Chronor 24 3.682 9.5902E+09 5097.152
Querion 21 11.12 2.6864E+10 33.058
Darrian 29 23.36 2.4465E+10 1821.449
Five Sisters 25 1.845 1.0261E+09 71.189
Jewell 23 21.12 4.1028E+10 8907.582
Vilis 26 2.324 1.8580E+10 4729.467
Sword Worlds 28 33.73 1.5106E+10 3205.692
District 268 32 2.456 1.2387E+10 2251.191
Regina 32 165.6 7.9874E+10 7947.359
Lanth 27 3.358 7.8493E+08 55.901
Lunion 25 24.41 9.5902E+09 1130.174
Glisten 29 4.518 2.4721E+10 5722.257
Aramis 26 111.1 4.0867E+10 14831.885
Rhylanor 32 131.1 2.4465E+10 19254.829
Mora 26 221.1 5.3456E+10 26221.79
Trin's Veil 32 111.3 3.8682E+10 26729.398
Totals 437 872.123 4.2149E+11 128010.3

Note E+09 is billions
SRU is total produced Subsector RU
SRU is subsector resource units modified by finished goods trade with some assumptions such as the relative sizes of the pocket empires (for which I have generally used the number of worlds in the subsector). While this is not entirely accurate, trade is certainly decreased as distance increased beyond subsector distances.

AS you can see Mora and Trin’s Veil are the power houses of the SM, also Rhylanor and surprisingly Aramis. While Lanth, Querion and Five Sisters are relatively very poor.
Stay tuned for more.
Are these adjusted to TL15 Imperial credits?

Also, being not overly familiar with T4, are these TOTAL credits or just credits available for military expenditures?
According to Striker, "equipment costs 10% of its purchase to maintain each year; personnel cost (in salaries and other expenses), Cr10,000 per year for militia, Cr20,000 per year for conscripts, Cr30,000 per year for long service professionals, and Cr50,000 per year for picked troops."[SB2:38]

You will also need to allow for between 5% and 10% lost, damaged, destroyed, stolen, or otherwise misplaced equipment every year as well.

And then take your 625-troop battalion and multiply it by about 3 to reflect all of the support personnel needed to train, maintain equipment, and deploy said battalion, and add the cost of the transports needed to move them from one planet to another, warships to protect said transports and movement. Then there are the disability pensions for disabled fighters, and pension payments to cover retirees, along with compensation payments to surviving dependents of deceased fighters.

Also, probably a 20% or so increase for Research and Development, along with spare parts warehouses and maintenance facilities.

You are only thinking teeth, you are forgetting about the supporting tail, which is going to be a lot more people that the teeth.
Are these adjusted to TL15 Imperial credits?

Thanks for these important questions.
The answer to the first question is probably yes, depending on the era that you are using. Because Sylea at Year 0 had TL = C, but Capital had TL = F in 1100. These SRU values are in Resource Units. Multiply by 5,000 million (yes, that is 5 trillion) to convert to CrImp Imperial Credits. Which suggests that they are modified to TL 12 in the early era (Third Imperium 0-400), and TL 15 in the classic era (1105). Because TL C is the "gold standard" in Early (T4) era whereas TL F is the "gold standard" in the Classic (1105) era.

Also, being not overly familiar with T4, are these TOTAL credits or just credits available for military expenditures?
These values are not in Credits but rather Resource Units. So, the answer is not as simple as it seems.
The local value of resource units is modified dependant on the worlds’ tech level, resources available, infrastructure, and population (or labour base). It is also modified by the world’s starport type.

The answer to the second question is that they are in TOTAL Resource Units not Military RU.
Military budget is determined as part of the Government Budget.The base tax rate depends on the government type. Tax is determined based on Law Level and Culture. Then a discretionary tax is determined.
The government budget is then broken up into Military budget and Social Infrastructure budget.
Military RU should be somewhere between 0.01 and 0.2 (IMTU values) of the TOTAL RU depending on the relative threat perceived by the member world under scrutiny. Then the naval and army budgets can be determined. (These would be based on YTU assumptions.)

These questions (and the answers) are covered in some depth in Pocket Empires T4. If you don’t have T4 Pocket Empires and Imperial Squadrons, and you are interested in creating your own pocket empires, you should get them. They are very useful whether you are making empires in any of the eras.
(Note: RU = Resource Units)
Platoon Spreadsheet Analysis

So what do you get for the 6.3 MCr that you paid for your platoon?
I have run a quick spreadsheet looking at the weapons and armour from TL 9 to TL 13. I think that most of the Imperial army would be equipped in this range.
TL 13-15 would be the more likely range for the Imperial Marines. The Ultra Elites!
I have used the weapon values from TNE and created some using FF&S MkI.
Remember (as mentioned by timeover51), there is a multiplier of three to allow for support personnel and infrastructure.
Thus the 6.3 MCr investment actually buys 2.1 MCr worth of combat troops and equipment.

At TL9, a 42 troop Imperial platoon carries Assault rifles and Auto Pistols and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. Vehicle Crews have AV 1 CES. They are assigned 5 grav sleds but no grav tank or APC. Some of the Air/Rafts probably have light calibre auto guns. The total cost is 2.14 MCr. They are paid at Imperial wages. They have no tactical weapons so are Light Mobile Infantry. They are regulars with veteran leaders and a few green recruits. The breakdown is O2 = 1, O1 = 2, E6 = 1, E5 = 2, E4 = 10, E3 = 10, E2 = 8, E1 = 8 Total = 42

At TL 9 a 42 troop mercenary platoon equipped to the same level cost only 1.54 MCr They are regulars with veteran leaders and a few green recruits. The breakdown is O2 = 1, O1 = 2, E6 = 1, E5 = 2, E4 = 10, E3 = 10, E2 = 8, E1 = 8 Total = 42
So they are Light Mobile Reinforced Infantry because they can afford some tactical weapons up to the value of 0.55MCr such as Tac Missiles assigned at the Squad level.

At TL 10 a 38 troop Imperial platoon carries ACRs and Auto Pistols or SMGs and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. They are assigned 6 grav sleds but no grav tanks or APCs. Some of the Air/Rafts are assigned Gauss Guns (at least one in three). The others have 12-20mm machine guns hardpoint mounted. They also have grav bikes assigned as reconnaissance and forward observers. They are paid at Imperial Wages. Total cost is 2.21 MCr. They have no tactical weapons and are dependent on Cavalry units for heavy support. They are Light Infantry regulars with veteran leaders and half the unit are green recruits. The breakdown is O1 = 1, E6 = 1, E5 = 3, E4 = 6, E3 = 7, E2 = 10, E1 = 10 Total = 38

At TL 10 a 42 troops mercenary platoon carries ACRs and Auto Pistols or SMGs and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. For the first time, light battle dress AV 4 and man portable gauss guns appear on the battle field though in limited numbers (4). The vehicle crews have CES. They are assigned 6 grav sleds. Half the grav sleds are assigned Gauss guns and the other half are assigned Tac Missiles. They are paid at Merc wages. Total Cost is 2.1 MCr. They are Mobile Regular Infantry. The breakdown is O2=1, O1=1, E6=1, E5=3, E4=7, E3=7, E2=11, E1=11, Elite Leaders, regular NCOs with half green recuits.

Some Assumptions:
Imperial Wages (monthly)
O2, 3000
O1, 2500
E6, 1600
E5, 1400
E4, 1200
E3, 1000
E2, 900
E1, 800
Merc Wages (monthly)
O2, 1200
O1, 1000
E6, 600
E5, 550
E4, 500
E3, 450
E2, 400
E1, 300
Note: Mercs also have mission shares as per Book 4
Equipment Costs
Grav Tank, 2 MCr,
Grav APV 1 MCr,
Air/Raft 126,000 Cr,

CES kCr=1.5 AV 1,

Combat Armor
TL 9, kCr=8 AV 2,
TL 10, kCr=8 AV 2,
TL 11, kCr=8 AV 2,
TL 12, kCr=7 AV 3
TL 13, kCr=10, AV 4
Battle Dress
TL 10, kCr=115 AV =4
TL 12, kCr=150 AV =6
TL 14, kCr=220, AV= 8
TL 9, Assault Rifle, Cr=500, Auto Pistol Cr=500
TL 10 ACR, Cr=1000, Auto Pistol Cr=500
TL 12, Gauss Rifle, Cr=1500, Gauss Pistol Cr=750

Stay tuned for more!
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Wow. How did you create AV4 combat armour at TL10 that is lightweight enough to still move around in?!

I'd like to see your design please as it could be handy.
Wow. How did you create AV4 combat armour at TL10 that is lightweight enough to still move around in?!

I'd like to see your design please as it could be handy.

Opps, Thanks, jec, That should be AV 2, the Combat Armour was taken from TNE. (Previous post edited)
Combat Armor
TL=10, Vol=40, Wt=13.3, AV=2/1 (2), vs lasers 2/1 (2). Please see TNE for the meanings of these values.
Battle Dress
TL=10, Vol=100, Wt=419, AV=4, vs lasers 4.
A good measure of how much you could spend is to first determine the GDP of the system / world in question. Military spending would be between 5 and 30% of that.
5% or less would be a world not particularly militarized or spending much on military forces. 10% would be about normal. Anything above that is militarized and heading towards 30% of the economy going into the military would be onerous on the local economy.

That would give you a good starting point on what you could afford to have as a standing military.
A good measure of how much you could spend is to first determine the GDP of the system / world in question. Military spending would be between 5 and 30% of that.
5% or less would be a world not particularly militarized or spending much on military forces. 10% would be about normal. Anything above that is militarized and heading towards 30% of the economy going into the military would be onerous on the local economy.

That would give you a good starting point on what you could afford to have as a standing military.

Military budgets of member worlds is one of the factors we do have some information about (from Striker). The member world sets its peacetime military budget at 1-10% of GWP (Gross World Prodict) with an average of 3% for Imperial worlds. It pays 30% of that sum over to the Imperium for its military spending. Military spending above 10% (up to 15%) is possible for a limited (unspecified) time, but cannot be sustained indefinitely.

TL 9 Armour

Wow. How did you create AV4 combat armour at TL10 that is lightweight enough to still move around in?!

I'd like to see your design please as it could be handy.

Following is a copy of TL9 Combat Armour that I designed for my CT/TNE game. Enjoy!

TL 9 Assault Armor “Interceptor”
The total volume is 40 litres. Total Mass is 36.84 kg Total Cost 8180 Cr
Dex -3, Init -2. Individuals require Str>7, End>7 to wear this armour.
Head 2.24 kg, Chest and Abdo 16.8 kg, Limbs 12.8 kg, Cloth Weave 5 kg
Total Weight = 36.84 kg

The Interceptor TL 9 Assault Armour provides AV 4 for Chest, Abdomen and Head, and AV 2 limb protection against melee and projectile weapons. Armour provides AV 1 against lasers to all locations. Note: armour provides AV 1 to visor and neck locations.
This rigid armour is comprised of 4 mm composite laminate interlocking plates covering all central body locations, and a full helmet covering head and neck locations. Ballistic cloth weave covers neck to toe, all central and limb locations. The ballistic cloth weave is covered with a flame retardant. Elbows and knees are covered with flexible joint suspension units. Forearms, shins and thighs are protected with lighter composite laminate suspension plates. The helmet has a visor and electronics within the helmet contain a three channel short range communication device and electronic range finder, LIIR night vision/ all weather vision gear.
This armour may be used as a short term counter biological chemical agent protection when used in conjunction with an enclosed air source and/or filter mask. Minimal extra precautions including a hood, gloves, boots and of course, a mask, prevent any skin-air interface. This watertight armour provides protection against the elements between -20 and +45 degrees C.

This armour requires extensive training and familiarization due to the weight and complexity of the armour plates. Individuals can be considered proficient after 6 weeks of basic training. This training will allow normal movement while wearing the armour. Trained individuals can hustle but not run or sprint wearing this armour and may wear the armour for 8 hours continuous before becoming fatigued.
Gloves and boots are composed of Kevlar and ballistic cloth.
Untrained individuals suffer an additional -1 to Dex and Initiative and become fatigued after wearing the armour for 4 hours continuously.
TL 10 Assault Armour

TL 10 Assault Armour “Dragon Skin”
The total volume is 40 litres Total Mass 34 kgs Total Cost 8625 Cr
Dex -3, Init -2, Individuals require Str>7, End>7 to wear this armour.

Plates Head 2.4 kg, Torso 16.8 kg, Limbs 10.8 kg, Ballistic Cloth weave 4 kg
AV 4 Torso and Head, AV 3 covering limbs. Note: AV 2 visor locations

The Dragon Skin is comprised of 4 mm crystal iron plating over a ballistic cloth weave covering all body locations. The plating appears more compact than the earlier model. The helmet has a visor and electronics contained within include a five channel medium range communication device and electronic range finder, LIIR night vision/all-weather vision gear.

A HUD within the helmet interfaces with a shoulder mounted battle computer which allows a +1 DM for the wearer against moving targets. This HUD allows projection of a target reticle to reduce the difficulty of hitting a moving target only. This armour may be used as a short term counter biological chemical agent protection when used in conjunction with an oxygen source and/or filter mask.

This armour provides protection against the elements between -50 and +45 degrees C. The Dragon Skin should not be considered a vacuum suit though it can provide a sealed environment. Individuals wearing this armour will succumb to hypothermia within 20 minutes in deep space. It will provide only partial protection from radiation on the battlefield or in deep space.
Dragon Skin requires extensive training and familiarization due to the weight and complexity of the armour plates. Individuals can be considered proficient after 6 weeks of basic training. This training will allow normal movement while wearing the armour. Trained individuals can hustle but not run or sprint wearing this armour and may wear the armour for 8 hours continuous before becoming fatigued.
Gloves and boots are composed of composite laminate and ballistic cloth. Gloves are high dexterity and boots are sure grip.

Untrained individuals suffer an additional -1 to Dex and Initiative and become fatigued after wearing the armour for 4 hours continuously.

Options include:

Coolant cans are available Cr 30 that provide a cooling gas that prevent an IR signature for 2 hours.
TL 10 PLSS Wt 7+2.5 kg HP air tanks provide 4 hours each, Cr=3000

This armour was extrapolated from TNE for use in my CT/TNE game. Enjoy!
TL 9 Imperial Army/Light Infantry

Hi All,
I just wanted to post these. I hope you can install them into your game and Enjoy!
You can modify their morale to make them dress troops or draftees or elite commandos. Note that commandos will cost twice as much.

More to come!

Light Infantry
Economics: The total cost is 2.14 MCr. Cost per trooper is 50,400 Cr. They are paid at Imperial wages.
Equipment: At TL9, a 42 troop Imperial platoon carries Assault Rifles and Auto Pistols and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. Vehicle Crews have AV 1 CES.
Vehicles: open Air/rafts x5, max speed =150kph, cruising =90kph, NOE=60kph.
Note: Some air/rafts have light calibre auto guns. Air/Rafts can carry driver, gunner plus four troops each.
Note: An additional four troops can ride "outboard" limiting speed to 90kph.
Discussion: They have no tactical weapons so are Light Infantry. They are regulars with veteran leaders and trained troops with a few green recruits. The breakdown is O2 = 1, O1 = 2, E6 = 1, E5 = 2, E4 = 10, E3 = 10, E2 = 8, E1 = 8 Total = 42
Officers = Trained Check 6+, Rally 8+,
NCOs= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
Troops = Trained 6+ 8+
Organisation: The Light Infantry platoon is organised as two sections of 20, and a Command Fire Team O2 x1, E6 x1. Each Section is led by an O1 Second Lieutenant, and an E5 Sergeant, an E4 Corporal leads each squad of two fire teams. These squads are composed of E1-4 x8. Each E5 Sergeant usually assigns an E4 runner to the Command Fireteam.
Tactical Deployment of Light Infantry as follows: War, Training, Raids, Forward Observing, Counter Insurgency, Reconnaissance, Patrol, Internal Security, or Garrison, Hearts and Minds, Shock and Awe.
Extended Economics: The unit requires 11 Air/Rafts total to become Light Mobile Infantry at an additional cost of 130,000 per unit. This is an increase in cost of 0.7 MCr. This increases the cost per trooper to 70,190 Cr.
TL 9 Imperial Army/ Light Infantry Reserves

Light Mobile Infantry Reserves
Equipment: At TL9, a 42 troop Imperial Reserve platoon carries Assault rifles and Auto Pistols and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. Vehicle Crews have AV 1 CES.
Vehicles: Open Air/rafts x3, and G/Carriers x3.
Note: Some of the Air/Rafts (Crew=2, Passengers=4), probably have light calibre auto guns. Other Air/raft configurations are designated Medic, Supply, Maintenance, and Support, depending on the mission parameters. G/Carriers (Top Speed 120kph, Cruising 90kph, NOE 60kph) (Crew = 2, Troops = 8, Cargo=3 tons) are equipped with RAM GL and squad support lasers 0.3 MJ (target painting laser, 10d personnel damage, Nil Pen, Short Range =300 m).
Economics: The total cost is 5.13 MCr. Cost per soldier 73,370 Cr.
They are paid at Imperial wages. They have no tactical weapons so are Light Mobile Infantry Reserves. They are regulars with veteran leaders and half green recruits. The breakdown is O2 = 1, O1 = 2, E7=1, E6 = 1, E5 = 4, E4 = 4, E3 = 9, E2 = 10, E1 = 10 Total = 42
Officers = Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
NCOs= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
Troops = Green Check 8+, Rally 9+

Tactical Deployment of the Imperial Reserve platoon as follows: War, Internal Security, Training, Police Action, Counter Insurgency, Garrison, Hearts & Minds, Shock & Awe, or Fire/Rescue.
TL9 Regular Merc Infantry

Regular “Company Name” Infantry
Economics: The total cost is 2.04MCr. Cost per soldier 48,890 Cr.
Equipment: At TL 9 a 42 troop mercenary platoon carries Assault rifles and Auto Pistols and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour. Vehicle Crews have AV 1 CES.
Vehicles: open Air/rafts x6.
Note: Some of the air/rafts probably have light calibre auto guns. Air/Rafts can carry driver, gunner plus six troops each.
Ranks: They are regulars with crack leaders and a few green recruits. The breakdown is O1 = 1, E6 = 1, E5 = 4, E4 = 4, E3 = 10, E2 = 11, E1 = 11 Total = 42.
Officers = Crack Check 4+, Rally 4+,
NCOs= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
Commandos= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+
Troops = Experienced Check 6+, Rally 7+

Organisation: Three ten troop squads plus a Commando Squad plus a command team. The command team is an O1 Second Lieutenant, and a E6 Platoon NCO. The three ten troop squads lead by a E5 Sergeant, an E4 Corporal NCO. The Operations Sergeant E5 and Lance Sergeant E4 leads the two commando teams. Each of the 3 senior officers or their designate usually pilots an Air/raft. The other three Air/rafts are piloted by the three squad leaders or their designate.
Discussion: They are Light Mobile Reinforced Infantry because they can afford some tactical weapons up to the value of 0.55 MCr such as Light Mortars, Tactical Missiles, MRLs, GLs, or Energy weapons assigned at the Squad level.
Extended Economics: For an additional 0.7 MCr they can afford a G/Carrier or an additional 6 Air/rafts. This makes the cost per soldier 65,650 Cr.
Tactical Deployment of the Merc Regulars are low tech TL5-8 environments with light company strength opposition. Commando Missions, Forward Observer, Garrison or Security with Single objective missions are their specialty.
TL 10 Merc Elite Infantry

Mercenary Elite Infantry
Economics: They are paid Merc wages plus double standard mission shares. Total Cost is 4.4 MCr.
Equipment: At TL 10 a 42 troops mercenary platoon carries RAM GLs, ACRs and Auto Pistols or SMGs and is wearing AV 2 Combat Armour.
For the first time, Light Battle Dress AV 4 and man portable gauss SAWs appear on the battle field though in limited numbers (4). The vehicle crews have CES.
Vehicles: Grav sleds x8 (Top Speed = 200kph, Cruising = 150kph, NOE = 70kph).
Note: Half the Air/Rafts are assigned pintle mount Gauss guns and the other half MRLs, Tactical Missiles or RAM GLs.

Discussion: Mobile Regular Infantry. The breakdown is O2=1, O1=1, E6=1, E5=3, E4=7, E3=7, E2=11, E1=11, Elite Leaders, regular NCOs with half green recruits.
Officers = Elite Check 3+, Rally 3+,
NCOs= Elite Check 3+, Rally 3+,
Troops = Experienced Check 6+, Rally 7+

Organisation: The Mercenary Infantry are organised as two sections of eighteen plus an O2 Platoon Commander and an E6 Platoon Gunnery Sergeant and E5 Operations Sergeant and E4 Guard.
Each section is led by an O1 Second Lieutenant, and an E5 Sergeant NCO, and E4 Commo Tech
Each section is split into five fire teams (3-4 troopers) and Team Blue E5 Section Leader, E4-5 Section NCO.
Each section has 16 troops as follows:
Team Blue: (E5, E4, E3, E2,)
Team Red (E3, E2, E1,)
Team Black (E3, E2, E1,)
Team White: (E3, E2, E1,)
Team Green (E4, E1, E2)

Tactical deployment of the Mercenary Elite Infantry is as follows: war, reconnaissance, raid, commando raid, police action, counter insurgents, forward observing, training, base, hearts and minds, shock and awe.

To alter this unit into merc regulars change the morale of the officers and the NCOs from elite to veteran (check 5+, rally 6+) and green (check 8+, rally 9+)troops. Cost is 2.24 MCr.
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TL 10 Imperial Light Infantry

Light Infantry Pathfinders
Economics: A 38 troop Imperial platoon is paid Imperial Wages. Total cost is 2.50 MCr.
Equipment: At TL 10 a 38 troop Imperial platoon carries ACRs, RAM GLs and Auto Pistols or SMGs. All platoon members are wearing AV 2 Combat Armour.
Grav sled x8 (Crew =2, Passengers =6), (Top Speed = 200 kph, Cruising Speed =150kph, NOE =70kph).
Grav Bikes x2-4 (Crew =2), (Top Speed = 240 kph, Cruising Speed =160kph, NOE =70kph).
Note: Some Grav sleds are assigned pintle mounted Gauss Guns (at least one in three). The others have 12-20mm machine guns pintle mounted. The unit also has 2-4 laser rifle equipped grav bikes assigned as reconnaissance and forward observers.
Discussion: The TL 10 Light Infantry have VRF Gauss Guns pintle mounts and man portable tactical missile weapons and are dependent on Cavalry units for heavy support. They are Light Infantry regulars with veteran officer, crack NCOs, trained troops and a quarter the unit are green recruits. The breakdown is O1 = 1, E6 = 1, E5 = 7, E4 = 6, E3 = 7, E2 = 8, E1 = 8 Total = 38
Officers = Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
NCOs= Crack Check 4+, Rally 4+,
Troops = Trained Check 6+, Rally 8+

The Pathfinders are organised as three squads and a fire team command element.

The command element is organised as two fire teams:
Team 1: O1 Platoon Commander, E6 Platoon NCO, E5 Operations Sergeant, E5 Intel Sergeant,
Team 2: Security fire team, E4, E2, E1, E1,

Squad Organisation:
Squad One: E5 First Squad Leader, E5 Squad NCO, and eight troopers: E4, E3, E2, E1, E4 E3, E2, E1,
Squad Two: E5 Second Squad Leader, E5 Squad NCO, and eight troopers: E4, E3, E2, E3, E3, E1, E2,
Squad Three: E5 Third Squad Leader, E4 Squad NCO, and eight troopers: E4, E3, E1, E2, E3, E2, E2, E1
Tactical deployment of the Pathfinders Light Infantry is are follows: war, reconnaissance, raid, commando raid, forward observing, training, base, hearts and minds, shock and awe.

Thanks for reading, Enjoy!
TL 11 Mobile Regular Infantry

Imperial Regular Infantry
Economics: Total Cost is 2.14 MCr. Cost per trooper is 88,750 Cr. They are Mobile Regular Infantry.
Equipment: At TL 11, an Imperial Platoon has 24 troops. The 14 combat troops are armed with RAM GLs, ACRs and Auto Pistols and equipped with AV 2 Combat Armor (9) or AV 4 Battle Dress (5). There are now 20% equipped with Battle Dress and heavy support (e.g. man portable gauss guns) or tactical weapons (such as MRLs, RAM GLs, Tactical missiles, Mortars, Energy Weapons). Vehicle Crews are now wearing Combat Armor to increase survival.
Vehicles: Grav Sled x5 (Crew=2, Passengers =4) (Top Speed =200kph, Cruising =150kph, NOE =70kph) Four troops can ride outboard (Top Speed =150kph, Cruising =120kph, NOE =60kph).
Note: The grav sleds are armed with VRF gauss guns for point defence or Tactical missiles. They are paid Imperial wages.
Discussion: The breakdown is O1=1, E6=1, E5=3, E4=6, E3=5, E2=4, E1=4, Experienced Leaders, veteran NCOs with 30% green recruits. They are organised as two squads of seven lead by E5 sergeants. Medics are E3 x2, Cooks are E1-2 x4.
Unit may be assigned a civilian observer/reporter, and/or O1-3 Marine Observer, and/or a O1-O2 Naval Observer/Liaison, and/or E4 Naval Medic.
Officers = Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
NCOs= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
Troops = Trained Check 6+, Rally 8+

Regular Infantry are organised as two squads of ten and a fire team command element O1 Second Lieutenant, E6 Platoon NCO, E5 Operations Sergeant, E4 Commo Tech.

Squad Organisation:
Each squad is organised as follows: E5 Squad Leader, E4-E5 Squad NCO, E4 First Team Leader, E1-E3 x3, E3 Second Team Leader, E1-E3 x 3.

Tactical Deployment is are follows: war, reconnaissance, raid, commando raid, police action, counter insurgents, forward observing, training, base, hearts and minds, shock and awe.
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TL 11 Merc Infantry

Mercenary Mobile Infantry
Economics: They are paid Mercenary wages. Total Cost is 2.69 MCr. The cost per trooper is 96,060 Cr. They are Mobile Regular Infantry.
Equipment: At TL 11, a Merc Platoon has 28 troops. The 16 combat troops are armed with RAM GLs, ACRs and Auto Pistols and equipped with AV 2 Combat Armor (8) or AV 4 Battle Dress (8). There are now 30% equipped with Battle Dress and at least one member per squad is armed with heavy support (e.g. man portable energy, gauss guns) or tactical weapons (such as MRLs, Tactical missiles, Mortars).
Vehicles: Grav Sleds x6; crews are equipped with AV2 Combat Armor.
Discussion: The breakdown is O2=1, E6=1, E5=3, E4=5, E3=6, E2=6, E1=6, Veteran Officer, veteran NCOs with 25% green recruits.
Officers = Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
NCOs= Veteran Check 5+, Rally 6+,
Troops = Green Check 8+, Rally 9+

Organisation: three flights of Grav sleds x2.
Flight One as follows: O2 x1, E6 x1, E5 x1, E4 x2, E3 x1, E1-E2 x4; Total = 10
Vehicle Oner (VRF Gauss): O2 Platoon Commander, E6 Platoon Sergeant, E5 Operations Sergeant (Driver), E4 Gunner;
Vehicle Two (MRL): E4 Vehicle NCO (Driver), E2 Gunner, E3 Medic, E1-E4 trooper x 3

Flight Two as follows: E5 x1, E4 x2, E3 x1, E2 x1 E1 x3; Total = 12
Vehicle Three (Medical): E5 NCO (Driver), E4 Medic, E3 Gunner, E1-3 trooper x3;
Vehicle Four (Supply): E4 Squad NCO, E2 Driver, E2 Gunner, E1-E3 trooper x3;

Flight Three as follows: E5 x1, E4 x1, E3 x1, E2 x3, E1 x3 Total = 12
Vehicle Fiver (RAMGL): E5 Squad NCO, E2 Driver, E2 Gunner, E1-E2 trooper x3;
Vehicle Sixer (Tactical missile): E4 NCO (Driver), E3 Gunner, E2 Medic, E1-E2 trooper x3;

Note: Often the professional mercs obtain AV4 Combat Armor or AV8 Battle Dress, particularly the platoon leaders, although this reduces the endurance of the unit. Thus a base is required for the personnel to “get out of their combat gear” for at least eight hours every 24 hours to avoid the effects of fatigue.