I am looking at an overall look -- with an idea of trying to make a Navy for the personnel I got
so with the B877ADE-A -- it has 67 Billion people
9.6% Agricuylture -- 6.432 B
13.1% resources -- 8.777 B
73.3% Industry -- 49.111 B
- 49.4% Hvy
- 49.4% Construction
- 1.2% Light
4% Military -- 2.68 B (includes families, children, etc)
-- 1.6 % Wet Navy
-- 6% Near Space
-- .08% Navy (Space)
-- 92.3% Land forces
and for Wet + Space -- 75%+ are Minor & Support; 25%- are Major
so (including familes, dependanats, etc)
43 M (Wet Navy)
161 M (Near Space)
2 Mil (Space Navy)
2.474 B (Land forces)
so if we use a standard 1/3 for actual soldiers -- that leaves ~ 665,000 in the Navy, and not all are going to be ship-bound, as we have plenty of on-base personnel/admin types who never get into a ship
*note: I consider 'Near-Space' to be the large Stations, Highports, Fighter wings, Shuttles, Ship Yards, ect.
So question: Being TL A -- and unable to build anything "too" big -- I figure 50,000 dTons is as big as a society could get at that TL. and 67 Billion folks can roughly (economically) have 1M dTons protecting it -- due to the amount of trade that goes thru the ports per week.
So then -- with 1/4 being combat, thus 1000 dTons +, and 3/4 being minor/support ships (any size -- say a 25,000 dTon oiler, or a 5000 dTon hospital ship, or a 5000 dTon tender, or a 400 dTon SDB)
-- SO, What would you think would be a good fleet for a Fleet?
I could almost imagine for capital ships:
2 50,000 dTon BB's, 4 25,000 dTon Crusiers, 10 10,000 dTon Destroyers, 20 5000 dTon Frigates, 2 50,000 dTon Fleet carriers, 2 25,000 Escort Carriers
which would make (imho) a pretty solid 40 ship combat fleet -- taking up ~ 550,000 dTons w/ the minors/support taking up the other 450,000 dTons ...
any ideas? .. or should the ratios be tweaked.
so with the B877ADE-A -- it has 67 Billion people
9.6% Agricuylture -- 6.432 B
13.1% resources -- 8.777 B
73.3% Industry -- 49.111 B
- 49.4% Hvy
- 49.4% Construction
- 1.2% Light
4% Military -- 2.68 B (includes families, children, etc)
-- 1.6 % Wet Navy
-- 6% Near Space
-- .08% Navy (Space)
-- 92.3% Land forces
and for Wet + Space -- 75%+ are Minor & Support; 25%- are Major
so (including familes, dependanats, etc)
43 M (Wet Navy)
161 M (Near Space)
2 Mil (Space Navy)
2.474 B (Land forces)
so if we use a standard 1/3 for actual soldiers -- that leaves ~ 665,000 in the Navy, and not all are going to be ship-bound, as we have plenty of on-base personnel/admin types who never get into a ship
*note: I consider 'Near-Space' to be the large Stations, Highports, Fighter wings, Shuttles, Ship Yards, ect.
So question: Being TL A -- and unable to build anything "too" big -- I figure 50,000 dTons is as big as a society could get at that TL. and 67 Billion folks can roughly (economically) have 1M dTons protecting it -- due to the amount of trade that goes thru the ports per week.
So then -- with 1/4 being combat, thus 1000 dTons +, and 3/4 being minor/support ships (any size -- say a 25,000 dTon oiler, or a 5000 dTon hospital ship, or a 5000 dTon tender, or a 400 dTon SDB)
-- SO, What would you think would be a good fleet for a Fleet?
I could almost imagine for capital ships:
2 50,000 dTon BB's, 4 25,000 dTon Crusiers, 10 10,000 dTon Destroyers, 20 5000 dTon Frigates, 2 50,000 dTon Fleet carriers, 2 25,000 Escort Carriers
which would make (imho) a pretty solid 40 ship combat fleet -- taking up ~ 550,000 dTons w/ the minors/support taking up the other 450,000 dTons ...
any ideas? .. or should the ratios be tweaked.