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Mind Flayer


SOC-14 1K
Classic Traveller Mind Flayer adapted to the TU (proposed)
After coming into the TU they have adapted to their new environment acquiring new skills and talents.
Str: 10
End: 9
Dex: 8
Int: 7
Edu: 7
Soc: 8

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(original skills) Blade Cbt-1, Hunting-1, Leader-1, Surivial-1
(new) two ranks in any two related skills
Pilot/Navigation or Rifle/0-G-Cbt

This is the classic D&D Mind Flayer, right?

I'm just picturing a scene with DeNiro and the Mind Flayer in a plush office with a window and lots of dark wood and books, and the 'Flayer (who sounds like a deeper-voiced Billy Crystal) asking Mobster DeNiro to lay down on the couch and tell him about his mother...
Just thought of it as I was sitting here.
Yes they are right from the D&D universe. Some magic zapped a group of them into the TU by accident when a group of colonists uncover Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. Unable to return to the underdark the Mind Flayers transform half, eat some and keep a few engineers alive to learn their secrets. After acquiring technology they moved out into space and learned that they could buy human slaves and swell their ranks. TL-12 earth moving equipment makes the building of their underground homes easy to do and the fund of genetic engineering promises to create a race of half intelligent slave creature to do their heavy lifting. They have also discovered the joy of vat growing brains. Easy, quick and so fresh.
In short IMTU Mind Flayers:
Live underground
Love being able to clone humans for reproduction and food purposes
Dislike bright light
Are Agoraphobic
Think K’Kree brains are a spicy treat
Vargr are fun to chase for a light snack
Are deathly afraid of Hivers (not sure why just yet)
Like high humidity

Mind Flayers are Bad Guys™ I had not really thought of them as PCs with motivation beyond eating brains and conquest. In this new universe magic does not work and they find their psionic talents have changed and become somewhat more limited.
I love it. Personally, I'd prefer Aboleths (and make them a "natural"/semi-natural psionic siren), but Flayers are excellent as well. Administered well, this can lead to interesting Lovecraft-ish plots in which the unsuspecting heroes find themselves face-to-face with horrors from beyond space and time. Just don't overdo it and don't dungeon-crawl it.
Here is the thing. In the DnD universe they were alignment “evil” in this universe the gods seem quiet. Food can be farmed and the old enemies just don’t seem to exist anymore. Perhaps they could come to have “normal” relations with other races. Also people seem to just die easier in this universe, them included. The old-timers are no longer invincible. And the possibilities to tunnel under an entire planet are is just incredible. Are the Illithid now just one more minor race making a living on the imperial fringe?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Mind Flayers belong in a space setting...

anyone remember the picture from Expedition to the Barrier Peaks? ;)
SpellJammer!! Hellooooo?!?!?

Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Just remember, Mind Flayers aren't OGL. They are not in the SRD (and neither are Beholders, Drow, etc.).
I do so hate TLAs, having to deal with them at work. :rolleyes:
"Just remember, Mind Flayers aren't OGL. They are not in the SRD (and neither are Beholders, Drow, etc.)"

That is ok with me. My ambitions consist of entertaining myself and four other guys. If the copyright police want me they will be sorely disappointed. Can’t get blood out of a turnip ya know. :D
[edit] Does that mean that we are not allowed to talk about it?
Perhaps IYTU Mind Flayers were an ancient unknown (until now) Traveller race that mis-jumped, and crash landed in the world of Grey Hawk. "Adventure to the Barrier Peaks" as mentioned above, and not trasported from "D&D universe" to here. IMTU They are an ancient, long forgotten race. I place them along the same line as the Dryone, just no flayer grandfather. This is where MTU differs slightly. I have a little Babylon 5 influence with several ancient races. Dryones are the ones that survived. Mind flayers were mostly wiped out but pockets still silently exist... waiting... (he, he, he) >:)
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Mind Flayers belong in a space setting...

anyone remember the picture from Expedition to the Barrier Peaks? ;)
Yes. Mind Flayers are classic D&D material. And they were one of the first "D&D Space Jammer" races also, along with their slave-race, the Githyanki/Githzerai, etc.
Originally posted by Parmasson:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Just remember, Mind Flayers aren't OGL. They are not in the SRD (and neither are Beholders, Drow, etc.).
That is ok with me. My ambitions consist of entertaining myself and four other guys. If the copyright police want me they will be sorely disappointed. Can’t get blood out of a turnip ya know. :D
[edit] Does that mean that we are not allowed to talk about it?
</font>[/QUOTE]Sometimes I have a terrible habit of going around stating basic facts or the obvious.

You'll get used to it.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Just remember, Mind Flayers aren't OGL. They are not in the SRD (and neither are Beholders, Drow, etc.).
As long as we don't post the entire stat block and description, I think this discussion falls under a long-forgotten democratic right called "freedom of speech". We are free to discuss whatever we want to, just not quote their text.
OGL = Open game license. the official okay from wotc (owner the d20 license) to allow you to make d&D knock off rules and stuff.
SRD = system reference documents. the online verision of the d&d books which contain most of rules (except how to roll up a character and xp level chart), magic items, items and monsters.
Some monster like drow and mind flayers are not in srd so while you can use them in you personal campaign you can use in module/adventure you publish.
...I think this discussion falls under a long-forgotten democratic right called "freedom of speech".
I tried to google this concept of yours but according to the Department of Homeland Security it was just a rumor started by some kind of radical Islamic communist Zionist conspiracy bent on taking away our doughnuts. ;)
Originally posted by Parmasson:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> ...I think this discussion falls under a long-forgotten democratic right called "freedom of speech".
I tried to google this concept of yours but according to the Department of Homeland Security it was just a rumor started by some kind of radical Islamic communist Zionist conspiracy bent on taking away our doughnuts. ;) </font>[/QUOTE]LOL - the "real" conspiracy is fluoride (sp?) in the drinking water. Them damn "commies" are trying to take over our bodily fuilds that way :D ;)

In truth the blatant overuse of "intellectual property" laws (lightyears abouve and beyond their original purpose) is far more a threat to the freedom of speech than the Department of Homeland Security.

In a (slightly
) more serious note, an in an attempt to return to the subject of this thread, just take the concept and change it a bit here and there under a different name. This should keep the lawyers at bay and allow you to post your monster online without the monsters called "lawyers" coming at night to eat your brain and your wallet (someone should make a Monster Manual entry for lawyers, and especially their quasi-domesticated roll-playing variety: RULE LAWYERS
:D ).

Anyhow, OGL is "open gaming lisence (sp?)", or, in translation from legalise, a mechanism that allows you to use certain portions of RPG books beyond personal use without paying royalities to the publisher. SRD is the "Standard Reference Document", an online "bare-bones" version of the D&D 3.5E books which is free for use or modifications to a certain extent (yes, you can download and print it withot doing anything illegal).

Oh, and by the way, Aboleths (unlike Mind Flayers) ARE SRD!

Oh, the funniest thing about the OGL "agreement" is in it:
The text of the Open Gaming License itself is not Open Game Content. Instructions on using the License are provided within the License itself.
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
(someone should make a Monster Manual entry for lawyers, and especially their quasi-domesticated roll-playing variety: RULE LAWYERS
Actually I defined them as "Canonmongers" in the far future slang thread.

Role Playing Lawyers? [shivers]

They make excllent bad guys, mob bosses, villians or just plain people who need to be taken down a notch.