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Mind Flayer

Some general thoughts and questions.

Since the Squid Men do not speak, can they hear? maiking the Squid Men deaf might add a disadvantage a non-psionic character can exploit.

About the read surface thoughts ability, doe sthis mean that someone who has very good control over there thoughts, and maybe can act in a zen-like manner, could sneak up on them?

Does read surface thoughts work on non-sentients? I'd suggest it does not, 'cause it might be nice to sick dogs on 'em.

I'm thinking that the Squid Men use their eyesight and Read Surface Thoughts to "see" their environment. They might use a servant to "hear" by hearing through their servants surface thoughts. If deaf, they might be fascinated or repelled (or both) by music.

Another advantage for non-psionic PCs is Squid Men might also have a general distrust of computers and sophiticated electronic gear in general, potnetially making their security systems weaker. Instead, they may rely on their servants as guards.
"Another advantage for non-psionic PCs is Squid Men might also have a general distrust of computers . . ."
You bet!
Squid men use biotech for almost everything. They distrust “tool-monkeys” and their stuff. Squid men use psi-enabled everything meaning that many physical controls are awkward at best and totally unusable at worst. The cockpit of an old S class is totally unusable to them. They are terrified of Hivers as they cannot read their minds or operate any of their equipment.

They can hear but not as well. It is rumored if you speak in a high pitched voice they can’t hear it.
During the last years of the rule of man scientists experimenting with genetic technology developed an insidious form of life that was a psionicly enabled parasite that could only reproduce by the death of another species. The original reasons for its creation are now lost, all that remains is the creation.

Known to their creators as Mirep Dakir. Today they are known as the Makhu or as Lukuraku. What they call themselves is unknown.
^ What about flayers being some strange (and disturbing) cross of Hivers and Zhodani (or other psychic human stock)? Some perverse Ancient experiment gone horribly awry; barely humanoid pyschers with tentacled faces, an affinity for dark tunnels and holes, and an unfortunate habit of consuming dinner guests!

What's under that robe of theirs anyway? Maybe they're less humanoid than they come off at first blush? What if they have stubby wings?

Hmmm, that seems to have potential ... scribble, scribble, scribble