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Mind Flayer

I defer to Hunter’s signature . . .

"The ONLY rules to T20. Everything else is a suggestion...
…1) The Referee is right.
…2) If the book says one thing and the referee says another, see rule #1
…3) Argue about it AFTER the game
It's your game folks, play it however YOU want to play it."

I see those ideas as transferable beyond T20.

"Role Playing Lawyers? [shivers]"

I play with a certified public accountant who is also a C.F.O. We don’t have any problems at all. I fly loose and fast with the rules. His life is all about rules, arguments, figures and lawyers. Many nights he just wants to blow something up, I think it makes him feel better.
Is anyone here a lawyer?
Well, I'm taking a paralegal certificate course. But I only just started, and apparently I can't actually practice law without a license, so no, I guess not.
I apologize if I've insulted any lawyer. I was referring to two kinds of lawyers - those who over-enforce "intellectual property" and these players who think that the rules of an RPG are more important than having fun.

Sorry again.
“ I apologize if I've insulted any lawyer. I was referring to two kinds of lawyers - those who over-enforce "intellectual property" and these players who think that the rules of an RPG are more important than having fun.”

Hmmm I was actually thinking of something else. :(

Let me rephrase . . .
Do lawyers play in a more technical way?

You can have fun tweaking the rules and such. Our thriving group of happy gearheads are ample proof of that.

I was just wondering if they actually did play that way. BTW I think that lawyers must have thick skin considering their jobs. :D
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
I apologize if I've insulted any lawyer. I was referring to two kinds of lawyers - those who over-enforce "intellectual property" and these players who think that the rules of an RPG are more important than having fun.

Sorry again.
"Unfortunately, the Publishers regret that they can enter into no correspondence on this matter. If you send the Publishers any correspondence, it shall be traced, and your mail priveleges shall be revoked."
Originally posted by Jame:
"Unfortunately, the Publishers regret that they can enter into no correspondence on this matter. If you send the Publishers any correspondence, it shall be traced, and your mail priveleges shall be revoked."
Who do you quote and by what arcane law are they capable of shutting down e-mail accounts?

But lets go back to the subject of thisd thread: the nameless brain-eating, psi-capable monstrosities from beyond time and space. And they are tentacled to boot. Would they be, as pointed out by this thread, yet another minor race, or will they use their intellects and psionics to adapt and infiltrate, maybe with a psionic parasite of sorts (ever watched Dark Skies)?
They ARE parasites. Or at least reproduce by parasitism.

The Illithiad, for AD&D 2nd Edition, was such a cool read.

I'm so glad i'm the DM.
Imagine if a Mind Flayer tried to transform a Hiver. What a mess!
Even better a Mind Flayer K’Kree!
This just gets better and better.
If Hivers are not susceptible to having their minds read then they are a major threat. Assault is one of the M.F.s favorite weapons. Because of their physical makeup Hivers would not really be suitable for reproduction either. To the Mind Flayers a Hiver might be an enigmatic and terrifying creature.
Campaign Idea:

PCs are Zhodani Thought Cops on a high Population World that has been infiltrated by Mind Flayers, as Zhodani brains are delicious, and when controlled en masse quite formidable...

Tone would be... um... 1984 meets Logan's Run meets Dracula meets Blade Runner meets Village of the Damned meets Xfiles? side order of "They Live and "Scanners"? hmm?

PCs would have to be Psionics, of course!
Mind Flayer Mafia?

Involved in (naturally) Illithid Drugth, Illithid Gambling, Illithid Thekth! Why! The theer number of thingth Illithid they could be involved with ith *INCONTHEIVABLE*!

*Duckth and runth from the thread*
Lovely ideaS!

IMTU, out in the gateway region (beyond Imperial Ley & Glimmerdrift areas), I've set these fell folk down as a minor race, then tossed in the poor look-alike creatures the Keth'ss [a Pak Marra /B5 smelly carrion race of tinkers and interstellar junkmen]for confusion!
Parmasson, have you created a T20 template for this race yet? Perhaps a Mind flayer character (NPC) attains racial (natureal) psi powers as feats, along with additional racial skills. Has anyone taken a stab at this yet?