Indeed, nothing wrong with asking.
However, I would note that whilst you might have the dough and the printers, many people don't. The minimum pledge for the Beowulf was 75 Euros (for ship and stretch goals only); for the Broadsword you'd probably be looking at a minimum pledge of 300 Euros which I doubt would attract many backers. The funding goal for the project was 25,000 Euros (which was probably well below their sunk costs to get the design to the stage where the campaign could be launched); that would need to go up to about 100,000 Euros for the broadsword, which could further discourage potential backers. Not to mention the time to get the design to campaign launch-ready - based on previous ships, I'd be guessing 2-3 years of design work (longer if they run other campaigns in the meantime to keep the brand going and funds coming in). With the small potential market from the minimum pledge level and the likelihood of failing to achieve the minimum funding goal needed to cover sunk costs.
Whilst you might think that designing it for 15/18mm scale would take much less time and allow for a cheaper pledge level, it wouldn't take much less time and the sunk costs they'd need to recover wouldn't be much less.
If you want to get an idea of why the design process would take so long, I'd recommend watching some of the weekly live-streams on their YouTube channel.
A more reasonable request (although not to 2nd Dynasty) would be for high quality deckplans.