a) Standoff range
I can lob missile salvos at you from longer ranges than my beam weapons can hit you
Useless because it gives the point defense weapons longer to track the missile. A weapon that can't hit doesn't help that it can be fired from a longer range.
But it is effected by both sand and point defense energy weapons as opposed to just sand.
c) Power-Plant size/output
Missiles don't need power
Depending on the TL of the ship and the rule set involved, you are looking at a 1 ton difference between the two ssytems and the Laser is going to generate more consistent hits and never run out of ammo.
d) Nothing says "Stop at once, don't use wireless" like a nice explosion
Lasers and PA are invisibel
Nothing says stop at once as well as getting locked up by the enemy's active targeting sensors. Lasers are, in Traveller undetectable before they actually hit you. (Which is a bonus as far as I am concerned.)
e) Not every target is military
Civies don't have the gunners/guns/computers for effective AM work. Neither do they have all that great attack options so dropping a few missiles might be the best choice to occupy the attacker.
But a Laser will cut them up as easily, actually eaiser, and not be subject to needing resupply.
f) Ground attack
PA's don't work through athmosphere and lasers don't airburst/produce fragments
Use deadfall ordinance instead, if you want a carpet bombing effect, otherwise simply use the more accurate Laser. BTW Lasers, in Traveller are area effect weapons against ground targets.
h) Mass attacks
Missile defence in most system is close range (that still means thousands of kilometers in Traveller) so the cruise phase is the smallest problem. A target can use a turret only against one target/round in most Traveller systems. So fire 30 missiles at him. And the military can always use Nukes
Actually the rules don't specify at what range point defense takes place. Second the Point defense is used per battery of incoming missiles, not per individual missile. If the missiles can't get through in the first place, it doesn't matter what the warhead is.
And quite a few rules system MAKE it easy to gun down a missile or three if you are in a military ship.
While others make it more difficult, which means that missiles can't be as easy to shoot down as you are trying to imply. Besides if they are that easy to shoot down, why carry them at all?
i) Lasers can be used, effectively, both offensively and defensively. For a combat vessel, or any vessel that actually expects to defend itself on a semi regular basis, missiles are more expensive, harder to supply, and if it is so easy to shoot them down, combat ineffective.