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Not that the CT version of fixed mounts made any sense. No tonnage? Just where are the missile being kept?
But I do agree some torpedo tubes would be niceiirc the Berdolikin (and I'm probably spelling that wrong again
) had tubes, or that was my solution for a conversion, don't recall for sure.
...And I still have my erratta'd book. What I asked was, does anyone need the updated info anymore or is it so much useless junk?
I do agree some torpedo tubes would be niceiirc the Berdolikin (and I'm probably spelling that wrong again
) had tubes, or that was my solution for a conversion, don't recall for sure.
I've always had 'torpedo tubes' available IMTU, if for lack of better description such being rail guns that launch various ordnance or non-weapon 'projectiles'.
Canon: 10cmx100cm... see SS3 missiles.
I may be wrong in this assumption but would imagine missiles come in different sizes as well as intended applications.
Meaning that the ordnance found in a missile bay aboard a capital ship to be more like an ICBM than say a Sidewinder or Phoenix.
Also has there been any mention of a jump-capable weapon either in ship-to-ship engagements or as the venerable 'planet killer' role ?
IMTU taking the VLS option for missiles allows a higher storage of missiles right in the mount with a higher rate of fire, no reloads in combat. 5 missiles maximum per launch cycle, 15 stored in the launcher, 2 tons+FC. Counts as pop-up turret, inherrantly hard to detect at range on a suface scan of the target
IMTU missles launched from a turret are laser-guided by the gunner and computer while rack-mounted missles rely on internal guidance systems. The latter are easier to spoof.except that this merchant vessel wouldnt have the fire control (ie gunner stations) to control the weapons so it sould be a nasty shotgun scare with hefty penalties for lack of firecontrol. pretty sure computer power is also important but that might only be # targets to engage