Thank you for the complement I was just trying to illuminate the wide differances in performance available at fairly low tech levels.
Yes the missile designs are fun and the real test is flying them around. once the designing is done it allows the ref to get a feel for how to use them in his TU. I know now that I'd never risk getting a TL 10 world mad enough at me for them to start shooting their military stuff at my ship even if I DO have a TL 15 800 ton merc crusier.
Non nuclear warheads cause sufficient damage to cripple but not destroy the average 200 tonner J1 merchant. I figure in velocity effects add 1 DV per KPs per .1 Mt and you can quickly get to truly impressive DV's in a hurry for contact hits (blast frag warhead produces 2d6 hits by .001 KG fragments with the DV of the warhead + 1% of the DV due to base closing velocity) 400 armour value would not stop an average direct contact hit (7 tons, 6 G's for an hour=21.6 KPS produces over 1400 DV without any warhead for 14 major hits- 4 for the AV)
IRL we have tatical battlefield missiles today that can melt a hole through a 10 ft thick (approx. 3m) hardened steel armour plate, so I do allow non nuclear missiles to do more than just surface hits if they manage to overcome all defenses and actually reach the enemy's hull.
Yes the missile designs are fun and the real test is flying them around. once the designing is done it allows the ref to get a feel for how to use them in his TU. I know now that I'd never risk getting a TL 10 world mad enough at me for them to start shooting their military stuff at my ship even if I DO have a TL 15 800 ton merc crusier.
Non nuclear warheads cause sufficient damage to cripple but not destroy the average 200 tonner J1 merchant. I figure in velocity effects add 1 DV per KPs per .1 Mt and you can quickly get to truly impressive DV's in a hurry for contact hits (blast frag warhead produces 2d6 hits by .001 KG fragments with the DV of the warhead + 1% of the DV due to base closing velocity) 400 armour value would not stop an average direct contact hit (7 tons, 6 G's for an hour=21.6 KPS produces over 1400 DV without any warhead for 14 major hits- 4 for the AV)
IRL we have tatical battlefield missiles today that can melt a hole through a 10 ft thick (approx. 3m) hardened steel armour plate, so I do allow non nuclear missiles to do more than just surface hits if they manage to overcome all defenses and actually reach the enemy's hull.