overviewieng possibilities
It's true:
it costs around 100 million dollars to make a good MMORPG
But any game engine could be programmed by 8-12 progremmers... If we think about a solution that implements Traveller as MMORPG, hardcoding Traveller's game mechanics... it could be selled or purposed as game project using our own engine.
It's also true:
It takes years to create all the art assets.
Yes... with a perfectly working game engine, and edit/test tools using that engine... The game designers will be able to develop the game for years... If Traveller Online project was purposed to some publisher with a working engine, and is interested... we will use their artists, game designers and game-testers...
Why not?
But I doubt we'd get 800 subs
take a trip around
www.voyagecenturyonline.com, a FREE game, low cost and original MMORPG... About pirates trade and so on... Your Character can set a booth for trading with others while you are at work, and there's a lack of vendors... originality in gameplay... 3d graphics... lots of maps, but lack on textures... and tens of thousands of suscribers!!! XD
And the point that really matters!!
The real sticking point will be licensing I think. It's not too early to look at that. It's either that or make it a generic/other space MMORPG.
I was working on a generic mmoRPG, making enphasis on RPG. My modest opinion (as some other computer/console RPG players) is that a computer RPG is not a RPG. For some time I was developing a "simulation" engine, like The Sims, but finally drop it because it was a SIMULATION not a RPG...
At last I had an IDEA some kind of RPG engine or sub-engine in adittion to other engines in any game (graphics, AI, sound, networking, etc...). But it implies some game-mechanics about role-play, and there was only two pen and paper games that I know with these rules: Rolemaster & Traveller...
Rolemaster was inmediatly deprecated... "Another Sword & Sorcery RPG" agh!
And Traveller was some kind of computer gameplay design miracle!
My idea was to play character generation, adquiring skills, etc... for the first part of the game, because it is a good way to get some generic missions and to develop a long campaing if character becomes General for example!.
When a charcter musters out, he/she will be able to more player to player interaction (as if he/she becomes O1 or higher in any career), considering this interaction in some way to complete missions, BUT not for killing a big boss, it's a wrong wiew of Traveller universe... Players at intermediate level must role-play to complete missions or quests...
And higher-level players must to interact more and more with each others, and with "low/mid-level" character also...
On the other side, we can use any adventure published to add content... ANNIC NOVA?
And the short version:
"Traveller Online could be the first real RPG implemented on a computer, because game mechanics, background, and adventures are suitable to develop it".
See you soon!!