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Mongoose Character generation expansion

I have a long-term project to make the Skill acquisition tables run on 2D6 with 9 outcomes; rolls 2 and 3 combined as are 11 and 12 - the original 6 results tend to the middle and I get to add three unlikely but possible result. You'll note that (at least) one of the six originals gets forced to half its former frequency of occurence.

e.g. Army Advanced Education

2,3 Engineer
4 Remote Ops
5 Explosives
6 Comms
7 Navigation
8 Language
9 Survival
10 Sensors
11,12 Vacc Suit

And for Officers

2,3 Computers
4 Diplomat
5 Advocate
6 Admin
7 Tactics
8 Leadership
9 +1 EDU
10 Flyer
11,12 Tactics

(this makes 9/36 Tactics , 5/36 each for Admin and Leadership, 4/36 each for Advocate and +1 EDU, 3/36 each for Computers, Flyer and Diplomat (different Armies may vary)

While in a more "political" army, juntas and other military dictatorships the Officers might roll

2,3 Broker
4 Diplomat
5 Admin
6 +1 SOC
7 Advocate
8 Streetwise
9 Leadership
10 Security
11,12 Tactics
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I've always felt a few skills (Engineer and Medic come to mind) are devilishly hard to come by (in MgT anyway, haven't played anything else in many years). This could be a good way to add some character concepts that seem weirdly rare (Combat Medic, for instance).