I'm curious as to why you suggested 3d6? I think that would result in too much being left to chance when you used a skill as the random roll has a much greater range than character skill or attribute modifier.
Because it is my experience that T4/T5 will have about twice as many skill ranks on the average as a CT/MT character, and 2d6 isn't enough to cover the range, in my opinion. Besides, by tying it to D20's suggested bell curve resolution (and playing on the dice used for both GURPS and HERO), Mongoose can possible attract new gamers.
Remember, in the end, RTT isn't about making you or I happy. We already have our Traveller games, and Mongoose knows that we won't be their target audience. We'll buy supplements and we might buy the core book if we want to support Traveller, but us old Traveller-philes are already hooked.
No, this version of the game is intended to bring in new gamers. Pleasing us is secondary to making a good product that will bring in new gamers. Of course, if we don't work towards supporting that, because it isn't going to be exactly the way we think it should be, all we're doing is shooting the future of Traveller in the foot. New gamers will see us bicker, and get turned off by it, because let's face it, would you game with people that spoke like some of the fans have spoken on the boards? I wouldn't, and I even like some of those guys.

Just kiddin', I'd still game with them, but I could understand if new gamers wouldn't want to.
As soon as we realize as the "old guard" of Traveller that we can still enjoy the game we love even with this new edition coming out, and then wait to see what Mongoose produces before we decide how to comment on it, the better this process will go for Traveller as a whole.
Me, I think this whole thing will help Traveller. When the Traveller OGL comes out, we will all have an unprecedented opportunity to help shape Traveller in ways that were never available to us before. That's you and me and the guy that types the next post. We all win.
Sorry, this really wasn't directed at you (well, after the first paragraph, anyway), but rather a disturbing trend I've noticed. So many people appear to be letting their personal feelings about T5, the old playtest material or its creator get in the way of something I think they might really want deep down inside, and that is to bring new gamers into Traveller so that more product will be created to support our favorite game. Maybe I'm wrong, but sometimes, you just got to say something about it, you know.
Hope That Helps,