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Mottoes of the Various Services

Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Serpentis Quadrant Alliance
Army and Marines: "Forward!" (or Avante or Avanti or Vpriod or Kadima, depending on the language the local world prefers)
Scouts: "Explore, Learn, Liberate"
Colonial Corps: "Creating the Future" (I'm still looking for a good name for them; "Pioneer Corps" fits it well but has a certain unwanted Stalinist smell on it; "Colonial" doesn't seem to fit a polity created by rebelling colonies).
Perhaps the "Patriotic Home Gaurd"?

Marine Drop Toops=Death From Above.
Grav Tank Battalion=Fast overwhelming Firepower.
Airborne Troops=Feet and Fists First.
IISS: "To infinity - and beyond!"

Imperial Catering Corps: "Death From Within"

...or maybe not.

Some service should recycle the RAF's "Per Ardua Ad Astra".
Originally posted by Baron W.
Perhaps the "Patriotic Home Gaurd"?
I do not think it still fits well; I think I'll just stick with Colonial Corps. The concept, by the way, is partially based on Israel's "NAHAL" (No'ar Haluzi Lohem, "Fighting Pioneering Youth", soldiers trained in agriculture and used in building border settlements).
For the Scouts (especially the exploration branch) an unofficial motto from my own service days.

Get in. Get out. No ****ing about.
For all those in Imperial service:
"We stand between hope and Night's desolation."

For Engineer's:
"In thrust we trust."
"(insert ship's name) Power and Light."
The only "authentic" Traveller motto I remember is: "Quis custodiat ipsos custodes" or some such (Who watches over the watchers themselves?) for IRIS (Imperial Regency for Intelligence and Security, I think..., you know, the ones that f!"§$ up during Strephon´s assassination ;) ).
Other nice quotes:

"Death from above" for any air force/space units with ground attack specs.

"Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice." = "Either do not attempt, or complete" or in the immortal words of a certain small green alien a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away: "Do or do not, there is no try".

"No guts, no galaxy." (hijacked from Battletech :D ).
Imperial Marine Drop Infantry: Per Ignem ad terram. (Through fire, the earth.)

Imperial Marine Armor (orbital qual): Fire from the Skies

IRIS Elminations Branch: Non imperator popularum(?), non bellus popularum(?) No popular leader, no popular unrest. (don't remember the conjugations.)

Scout Service Contact Branch: With patience comes understanding.
Silly retort: And Boredom
Scout Service Census Branch: Dignity, Diligence and Accuracy!
- silly unofficial: Been there, Counted it!
Scout Special Services Section: No job too hard, no target too remote.
Imperial Navy: "Peace through Orbital Gunfire."

Imperial Scouts: "Expanding the Frontier, One World at a Time."

Imperial Marines: "Second to Die."

Imperial Army: "The Last Easy Day was Yesterday."
If interested in some latin mottos and phrases,

Scouts: Aude sapere, "Dare to know"; Ad astra "to the stars"; Ab hinc "from here on"; Quinon proficit deficit "He who does not advance, go backwards"; Semper ubi sub ubi ubique "Always wear underwear everywhere"

Engineers, Technical Services: Age qud agis "Do what you do well"

Medical Corp: Primum non nocere "The first thing is to do no harm"

Imperial Navy: Dum spiramus tuebimur "While we breathe, we shall defend"; Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum "Let him who wishes for peace prepare for war"

Imperial Marines: Acta non verba, "Action not words"; Facta, non verba "Deeds, not words"; Numquam non paratus "Never unprepared"

Imperial Army: Fortitudine vincimus "By endurance we conquer"

Imperial Revenue Service (IRS): Ne humanus crede "Trust no human"; Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis "You do not know the power of the dark side"
Hey, Ptah, how do you add the word "clean" into that last Scout motto?!
And, what about "Dying won't get us out of your hair THAT easily!" for the IRS? (Inspired by some of the latin in that last one....)
Originally posted by Elliott James:
As a reenacter in an ACW union artilley unit I've got some suggestions for the Imperial Artillery

The first choice has to be "Ultima Ratio Regnum" - 'The final argument of Kings'

Here's some other fun alternatives, even if some are a bit long;

"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl"

"Where a goat can go, a man can go, where a man can go, he can drag a gun"

"Leave the artilley alone, they are an obstinate lot"

"With artilley, war is made"

"Artillery conquers and infantry occupies"

"If you don't have enough artillery, quit"

"The best generals are those who served in the artillery"

"God fights with the best artillery"

"I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know the artillery did"

"Artillery is the god of war"

"The work for giants, to serve well the guns"
The Artillery is the king of battle. The Infantry is the queen of battle. And everyone knows the queen tells the king where to put his balls.
Solar Triumvirate
Marines: Carrying the Torch
Army: Semper Vigilantis (should mean "Always on Guard"; damn! my Latin is bad!)
Navy: Holding the High Ground
Hey, Ptah, how do you add the word "clean" into that last Scout motto?!
You don't. If you want clean underwear son join the navy. ;)

Actually, I don't know Latin, or should I say I remember enough of it from highschool that I refuse to declinate a noun ever again. Oh the agony.
Zhodani Thought Police:
"I Knew You Were Going To Say That!"

"...On Terra, The Party Finds You."

The Marines' Unofficial Motto For The Navy:

The Navy's Unofficial Motto For The Marines:
"M-A-R-I-N-E (My Arse Rides In Navy Equipment)"

The Merchant Service:
"Buy Low, Sell High"
"Every Day Is Oneday"
"There's a Sucker Born Every Minute"

Motto of the 46th Imperial Forward Hospital: "To Resuscitate and Conserve"

[Hijacked from the US Army, 46th Combat Support Hospital]

"We Serve The Imperium!"

My general purpose motto for the Imperial armed services in the Dennyverse. Especially the navy beginning with the reign of Arbellatra.

Sometimes used as a verbal shrug or in another sarcastic manner.


Dennis and Lisa are walking in the park and moved away from
the INI-HQ Building.

Dennis removes his new insignia of rank from a pocket.


Lisa, would you please help me with
these? Mom isn't well enough for this
sort of thing these days.



Lisa begins to remove the old shoulder-boards from Dennis'
uniform shirt.


You never mentioned your mother before.


You weren't cleared for that. Now that
you're with the Section Six...


There is no Section Six!


Just checking...

Lisa finishes the placement of the new rank insignia on
Dennis' shirt.


Thank you.


We serve the Imperium!
And so on...
Here's a canonical one from Sup 12 Forms and Charts:

"Strike From Space" - Duke of Regina's Huscarles, on the crest.

From SMC:
"On Target" - from the naval strike unit's badge.