Lots of good stuff, Xerxes. This is me nodding vehemently at most of it. A couple things I want to talk about, though.
I didn't remove anything. I just never added them.
No, there are no Traveller jump drives IMTU. Just sungates/wormholes.
Forgive me, as I'm pretty new to Traveller (but I've read a lot in a short time). What is "P plant fuel" and what is the consequence of what you're implying?
Remember, speed is not limited by mass or size (and acceleration is essentially a non-concept). Shields are. Once you have a shield around something, no matter how large, a hackdrive with clock X can move it around at speed X, regardless of mass.
I picture my ships as really huge. As technology improves, they might get smaller, but right now, New Rome needs to move people around quickly. These are huge ships. I haven't played with the ship rules enough to know what "huge" means in Traveller terms yet.
I had this long diatribe about how no one actually makes straight-line journeys from one destination to another in space, let alone one near the Sun (see my link to the Mercury Messenger mission, above) but then I remember that IMTU, you're actually aiming at the Sun and you want to hit it as fast as possible. The worm hole will point you back out of the star on the other side and (with an M-drive or whatever), your velocity would be preserved on the other side.
The optimal M-drive trajectory would actually be to thread the needle at 6G, punch straight into the wormhole at top speed, and use the momentum on the other side to escape the star's gravity well. By my calculations, it's a 20 hour journey at 6G, and a 48 hour journey at 1G, and you use half the fuel.
Good luck hitting your target on the other side, though. That's where the fuel and time will go.
You won't have those problems at all with a hackdrive. Gravity doesn't affect you. You have a clock speed (and effective ship speed) and that's it. No acceleration, no momentum, just translative movement through space.
Basically like a black globe generator, yeah. The problem with traditional closed-space miniverses is that there's no way to propel the craft. My hackdrive uses the conceit of "hacking the universe" to allow "rounding error" (and other handwaves) to move the craft in any direction a small distance during one computer clock cycle. The more cycles you generate, the more movements you get. Run multiple clocks, get more hacks. Run a trillion clocks at 100GHz, get 10E22 hacks per second.
Now, I wrote some dumb shit on my wiki before I checked my math. I didn't realize the Planck length ℓP was so damned small (1.6E-35 m). Dividing c by ℓP gives 3E6 m/s / 1.6E-35 m = 1.9E41/s which is a lot of Hz. Even assuming superfast computer clock cycles of 1GHz (realize that modern CPUs, even 4GHz computers, are run on 80-100MHz oscillators) gets us to 1E9 Hz. That's deficient by 1E32, which is way too large to work with. Starting with a couple million transistors per computer today and doubling every two years, I can get to 1E13 transistors per computer in 100 years. That knocks 1E32 down four notches to 1E28. Hrm. So a proton's charge diameter is 1.755E-15, some 1E20 larger than the Planck length. Fine. Let's say the hack drive moves a proton's charge diameter each cycle. That gets us to 1E12 to deal with. Still pretty huge, just to get to 1c, so that doesn't work.
Fine, let's say that the thickness of the shield barrier is the translated distance. The thicker the shield, the farther you can hack. One light second is 299,792,458m, let's call it 3E8 m. A clock running at 3E8 Hz (0.3GHz) with a shield 1m thick would translate at 1 light second / second (= 1c). Let's assume clocks run at 3GHz and the hackdrive can work only with one clock, then our shield need be only 10cm thick.
Thinner shields use less power, but thicker shields produce faster speed. Faster clocks produce more speed but have a hard upper limit with diminishing returns in cost-to-performance.
Are you sure about the heat the ship would take on? I understand what you're saying and have a rudimentary physics background, but I'm no physicist. (Are you?) I'd love to just go back to what I had.
have you removed traveller jump drives entirely, then? Again, that would change the standard assumptions quite a lot. if ships effectivly only need to carry P plant fuel, it means they are much more capable than the standard traveller designs.
I didn't remove anything. I just never added them.

No, there are no Traveller jump drives IMTU. Just sungates/wormholes.
Forgive me, as I'm pretty new to Traveller (but I've read a lot in a short time). What is "P plant fuel" and what is the consequence of what you're implying?
then again, by standard MgT rules, Nova Roma can only build ships up to 50,000 Dtons anyway, due to tech-imposed computer limits. Nova Roma's largest battleship would be a simmilar size to low end heavy cruser of the third imperium.
A rival, TL 10 polity could only build 10,000 Dton ships, and a TL9 early jump civ is limited to 5,000 Dtons by comp limits. Low TL traveller is practically a Small Ship Universe!
Remember, speed is not limited by mass or size (and acceleration is essentially a non-concept). Shields are. Once you have a shield around something, no matter how large, a hackdrive with clock X can move it around at speed X, regardless of mass.
I picture my ships as really huge. As technology improves, they might get smaller, but right now, New Rome needs to move people around quickly. These are huge ships. I haven't played with the ship rules enough to know what "huge" means in Traveller terms yet.
Also, bear in mind that Traveller's standard gravtic M-drives give you reasonable speeds and travel times and fuel economy. A zero/zero trip of 1 AU at 1G is less than 3 days, and only 28 hours at 6G.
unless you're taking out gravity manipulation tech, in which case your hackdrive needs to be accurate enough to land or launch a ship with, or else the costs of getting things into orbit will be, to excuse the pun, astromonical.
I had this long diatribe about how no one actually makes straight-line journeys from one destination to another in space, let alone one near the Sun (see my link to the Mercury Messenger mission, above) but then I remember that IMTU, you're actually aiming at the Sun and you want to hit it as fast as possible. The worm hole will point you back out of the star on the other side and (with an M-drive or whatever), your velocity would be preserved on the other side.
The optimal M-drive trajectory would actually be to thread the needle at 6G, punch straight into the wormhole at top speed, and use the momentum on the other side to escape the star's gravity well. By my calculations, it's a 20 hour journey at 6G, and a 48 hour journey at 1G, and you use half the fuel.
Good luck hitting your target on the other side, though. That's where the fuel and time will go.
You won't have those problems at all with a hackdrive. Gravity doesn't affect you. You have a clock speed (and effective ship speed) and that's it. No acceleration, no momentum, just translative movement through space.
rather like a Black Globe Generator, then? intresting......
have you considered how a P-sheild and Spinal mounts interact? while standard laser turrets may not be up to scratch, large spinal mounts may be able to dump enough energy on target to breach a sheild......
Basically like a black globe generator, yeah. The problem with traditional closed-space miniverses is that there's no way to propel the craft. My hackdrive uses the conceit of "hacking the universe" to allow "rounding error" (and other handwaves) to move the craft in any direction a small distance during one computer clock cycle. The more cycles you generate, the more movements you get. Run multiple clocks, get more hacks. Run a trillion clocks at 100GHz, get 10E22 hacks per second.
Now, I wrote some dumb shit on my wiki before I checked my math. I didn't realize the Planck length ℓP was so damned small (1.6E-35 m). Dividing c by ℓP gives 3E6 m/s / 1.6E-35 m = 1.9E41/s which is a lot of Hz. Even assuming superfast computer clock cycles of 1GHz (realize that modern CPUs, even 4GHz computers, are run on 80-100MHz oscillators) gets us to 1E9 Hz. That's deficient by 1E32, which is way too large to work with. Starting with a couple million transistors per computer today and doubling every two years, I can get to 1E13 transistors per computer in 100 years. That knocks 1E32 down four notches to 1E28. Hrm. So a proton's charge diameter is 1.755E-15, some 1E20 larger than the Planck length. Fine. Let's say the hack drive moves a proton's charge diameter each cycle. That gets us to 1E12 to deal with. Still pretty huge, just to get to 1c, so that doesn't work.
Fine, let's say that the thickness of the shield barrier is the translated distance. The thicker the shield, the farther you can hack. One light second is 299,792,458m, let's call it 3E8 m. A clock running at 3E8 Hz (0.3GHz) with a shield 1m thick would translate at 1 light second / second (= 1c). Let's assume clocks run at 3GHz and the hackdrive can work only with one clock, then our shield need be only 10cm thick.
Thinner shields use less power, but thicker shields produce faster speed. Faster clocks produce more speed but have a hard upper limit with diminishing returns in cost-to-performance.
worry not, the temp values are misleading.
the corona is "hotter", yes, in that each particle has more energy, but the particle desity is very low, which means it won't have much heating effect on a starship placed inside the corona, as their would be only a few collisions with the starship.
certainly, the effects would be very minor, compared to the direct, radiation heating form the sun only a few thouand KM away.......
Are you sure about the heat the ship would take on? I understand what you're saying and have a rudimentary physics background, but I'm no physicist. (Are you?) I'd love to just go back to what I had.