T4 has spider people? Did I miss something?
I believe he is referring to the Graytch. (See p.37 of T4 Aliens Archive, and p.182 of T4 Aliens Vol. 1 on the CDROM).
They actually look more like a "Drider" from D&D.
T4 has spider people? Did I miss something?
I believe he is referring to the Graytch.
The Clotho are about the only one of the GT add-ins I like, just not as the Addaxur. The Addaxur have been re-done under Mongoose, and now look like gigantic tardigrades.
GURPS Traveller had the Drakarans ("resemble man-sized one-eyed tyrannosaurs covered in beautiful jeweled armor that flashes in all colors of the spectrum")
And the Clotho, which are not mammals, but not lizard like either.
Alien Races 1
I would be very reluctant to include a lot of the GT alien races into the OTU - since they were actually designed for a different game and then ported across. Most of them are laughable, while one changes the setting completely (how do you spell goa'uld knock off).
The GURPS take on the Hkhar is less than thrilling, I agree.
T4 has spider people? Did I miss something?
Oh gosh, I think it was in the T4 Alien Races book. It was like a centaur-spider person thingy. It's in the middle glossy section somewhere...I don't have the book in front of me just at this moment. Anyway, it really looked like someone was reaching there.
There's a couple others that made me wince, but I can't recall all of them just now.
The one race I do like is he Virushi. Rhino-like aliens with the disposition of a psychiatric nurse.
werewolves in combat armour
I usually describe them to my players as crinos form werewolves in combat armour - they tend to drop the doggie jokes rather quickly after that.
Vargr are uplifted wolves, not uplifted yorkshire terriers.
I usually describe them to my players as crinos form werewolves in combat armour - they tend to drop the doggie jokes rather quickly after that.
Vargr are uplifted wolves, not uplifted yorkshire terriers.
Except the Aslan has too many fingers.I rather like the artwork on the MgT cover of the Spinward Marches book, with what i think is in my opinion one the better pictures of both a vargr and a Aslan female (who always seem to get rather glossed over in the art department)
Except the Aslan has too many fingers.