As a moderator:
If it appears you are posting with the intent to devalue Mongoose's IP...
If you are trying to dissuade others from playing MoTrav by negative comments...
If you are offending others by repeating the same complaints a dozen times...
these all violate Hunter's prohibition on blatant negativism.
Is the prohibition on "blatant negativism" actually documented somewhere?
Because it seems to me that *any* criticism of MGT could have the effect of "devaluing Mongoose's IP", "offending others" and "dissuading others from playing MGT".
And I note that the prohibition is stated in terms of
intent, rather than effect. This could avoid the problem above, but only to the extent that the moderator is effective at discerning subjective intent from written posts.
I can certainly understand disallowing saying the same thing a dozen times -- but there should be some kind of sanction against folks who keep asking the same question over and over as well. I have personally had to repeat myself a half dozen times to people who simply refuse to read what I said. I think that forcing me to repeat myself should be prohibited. (Of course, things get missed in the give and take of discussion...but not six times).
But the other prohibitions appear to me to be subjective and highly susceptible to arbitrary and selective enforcement. And while I have no problem with requiring a certain degree of courtesy, these prohibitions seem to reach the substantive content of someone's post, rather than the degree of courtesy shown in expressing them.
FWIW, I think that such censorship is detrimental to the intellectual health of a forum. (Of course, I acknowledge that the owner of a private forum has an absolute right to arbitrarily censor speech; I just don't think it's a good idea.) As a free speech near-absolutist, I firmly believe that the most effective remedy to "bad speech" is to rebut it with "good speech", rather than banning it.
It's especially dubious IMHO to curtail substantive criticism in a forum where no one is forced to read anyone else's post. My $0.02 FWIW.
as a personal note:
I suspect this is due to liability issues as much as his having become fed up with the inappropriate and excessive negativism that certain individuals exhibited during the playtest.
As a parent, I often remind my children that I am interested in peace and quiet, not justice. I suspect that Hunter feels the same.
Unfortunately, such a policy often rewards those who whine the loudest rather than those who are substantively in the right.
And a comment about libel -- the truth is generally an absolute defense to such charges. So factual statements cannot generally be libelous if they are accurate.
So...your post would seem to prohibit
all statements critical of MGT. Since such statements have been allowed in the past, can you please clarify whether this is a new policy, an underenforced old policy that will now be enforced, or if I am reading too much into it. And if critical comments are allowed I'd also appreciate an example of an allowable comment versus a disallowed one. I just want to know about where the line is.