Originally posted by Imperium Festerium:
Good points, Dan - I'd actually started to get my wheels turning about those other areas - how far do them "common areas" extend? I've no problem handwaving gravity into the engineering and bridge along with the living areas: there might be a good argument for saying that the hold would be a zero-g environment.
For my money the common areas are generally taken from the stateroom allowance. I find with 4tons per stateroom that you can get a workable deckplan with a 2ton (actual) stateroom and pull the other half together to make up the corridors, galley and common room. It's really tight on small ships and not much better on larger ones, but it works for me.
I can see good reasons for keeping artificial gravity and life support out of engineering so I'd probably not include it there.
My bridge volume usually breaks down as half for (black box) controls (stuff like the contra-grav and station keeping thrusters, landing gear and lift-off thrusters, marker lights, communications, sensors, avionics and such). Then the other half is typically half for actual control seats and workstations (the "bridge') and half for access to it (often lumped into general common spaces).
Yep, several possible good reasons for no artificial gravity and life support in the hold too, chief among them being expense
Secondary being clearance height. This actually fits my old take on the spaces quite nicely. I have the holds open floor to ceiling at about 3m ht while in the habitated spaces I have the life support and artificial gravity reducing the ceiling to about 2.5m with 0.5m lost to the comforts. I also always imagined the engineering spaces as being full 3m height too. Yep I like this "new" interpretation
And I like the idea of doing away with inertial compensation too.