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Obscure CT Adventures & Supplements

Well, now we want to see those tables!

And a propos Fantasy/Scifi crossovers, one shouldn't forget that none other than Marc wrote Traveller stats for ye olde Thieves World boxed set by Chaosium, one of my most treasured, well, treasures.
Again, massively based on Roger Moore's article:

Dwarven Characteristics Table
Strength 6 - 15 (2d+1 [re-roll <5])
Endurance 9 - 15 (1d+8 [re-roll 6])
Dexterity 2 - 15
Intelligence 2 - 15
Education 2 - 15
Social Standing 2 - 12 (15 max as Dwarf)

Dwarven Traveller Career Table
Enlistment (automatic)
Survival 6+ (DM +2 if Endur 8+)
Position 7+ (DM +1 if Stren 8+)
Promotion 9+ (DM +1 if Stren 10+)
Re-enlistment 5+

Automatic Skills Table
Dwarf (all) Blade Cbt-1,Prospecting-1
Dw Guardian Leader-1

Acquired Skills Tables

Personal Development Table
1 +1 Strength
2 +1 Endurance
3 +1 Strength
4 +1 Dexterity
5 +1 Endurance
6 Blade Combat

Service Skills Table
1 Blade Combat
2 Blade Combat
3 Bow Combat
4 Prospecting
5 Prospecting
6 Brawling

Advanced Education Table
1 Prospecting
2 Medical*
3 Leader
4 +1 Social
5 Survival
6 Tactics
* Dwarven medicine, not human

Advanced Education Table(for characters with Education 8+)
1 Gun Combat
2 Mechanical
3 Instruction
4 Prospecting
5 Leader
6 Jack-of-Trades

Table of Ranks
1-2 terms Keeper
3+ terms Veteran
Rank 1 Warrior
Rank 2 Hero
Rank 3 Guardian
Rank 4 Defender
Rank 5 Champion
Rank 6 Lord

Benefits Tables
Material Cash
1 Blade 1 250
2 Blade 2 500
3 Blade 3 1000
4 +1 Endurance 4 2500
5 +1 Strength 5 5000
6 Low Passage 6 10000
7 High Passage 7 20000
(+1 DM for Rank 5-6) (+1 DM if retired)

Dwarven Aging Table
Age (tech level 13+): {64 70 76 82 88} {94 100 106 112}
Age (tech level 9-12): {60 65 70 75 80} {85 90 95 100}
Strength { 1 (7+) }{ 1 (8+) }
Dexterity { -1 (8+) }{ -1 (9+) }
Endurance { -1 (7+) }{ -1 (8+) }
Intelligence {} {-1 (8+)}
Education unaffected by aging
Social Standing unaffected by aging
"Age" refers to the first day of the personal (physiological, not chronological) year.The negative shown is the potential reduction in characteristic if the saving throw (given in parentheses) is not made, using two dice.

Dwarf Weapons Table
Blades and Polearms
Hand Axe
Battle Axe
Great Axe
War Pick
Great Pick
Great Mace
Bow Weapons
Short bow
Military crossbow (heavy)
Sporting crossbow (light)
Repeating crossbow
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Archaic Hand-held Bladed Weapons
Weapon Base weight, Length overall, Base price, Wound inflicted, Range matrix Close Short
Hand Axe 1000 450 40 2d+1 +1 +1
Battle Axe 1500 1000 75 3d -1 +1
Great Axe* 2250 1800 100 4d-3 -4 +2
War Pick 1250 900 50 2d+2 -1 +1
Great Pick* 1750 1300 100 3d+1 -3 +1
Hammer 1000 500 20 1 d+3 0 0
Sledgehammer* 1750 1500 75 3d-3 -1 +1
Mace 2000 1000 70 2d+2 0 +1
Great Mace* 2500 1500 100 3d+2 -2 +3
* - Two-handed weapon.All weights are in grams, lengths in millimeters, prices in credits.

Attacker's/___Defender's Armor
Weapon/_____None Jack Mesh Cloth Reflec Ablat Battle
Hand Axe +2 +1 -3 -3 +2 -2 -6
Battle Axe +3 +2 -3 -3 +3 -2 -6
Great Axe +4 +3 -2 -3 +4 -2 -5
War Pick +2 +1 -2 -2 +1 -3 -6
Great Pick +4 +3 -2 -2 +3 -3 -6
Hammer 0 0 -2 -3 0 -2 -7
Sledgehammer +1 0 -2 -3 +1 -2 -7
Mace 0 0 -2 -3 0 -2 -7
Great Mace +2 +1 -1 -2 +2 -1 -6

Sorry about the compression of data, the original is in a Word document, with proper ruled tables.

I can E-mail them to anyone interested.
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Disappearance on Aramat - Grenadier Models
Letter of Marque - Proposal from Marischal Adventures by Paul Sanders; well that's what the cover says.
Any Group One adventure (yeah, they are cheesy, but I like them none the less.)

High Passage #1 - With the Imperial Ministry of Justice (Special Branch). Which I had stolen from me.
I've got 'The FCI Consumer Guide' (Freedonian Consumer Institute, Product Research Division, Consumer Guide Volume 1) from FASA. Essentially an equipment list with consumer-oriented stuff. Sections are camping gear, personal gear, life support devises, vision aids, communication gear, weaponry and accessories, clothing. With a referee section.

(I love digging back through all my old Traveller stuff: I've forgotten the goldmine of things I played with!)
Just FYI, if many/any of you are interested in learning more about the old, out of print, Traveller publications mentioned in this thread, you might want to look up some threads here I used to maintain.

Do a search for "INDEX Threads", in the CT forum, written by me (Supplement Four). What you'll find is short descriptions of these things noting where you can find the item.

I was maintaining the thread, and we were moving to get it stickied in the CT forum. But, then the forum moved to the new server, and it seemed that I was the only person (actually, a few people would post, from time to time) doing the work to maintain and add to the threads...so they died.

But, they're still good threads, packed with info older, out of print Traveller stuff. I'd say they're well worth the look-up if you're interested in any of these things.
Do a search for "INDEX Threads", in the CT forum, written by me (Supplement Four). What you'll find is short descriptions of these things noting where you can find the item.

I was maintaining the thread, and we were moving to get it stickied in the CT forum. But, then the forum moved to the new server, and it seemed that I was the only person (actually, a few people would post, from time to time) doing the work to maintain and add to the threads...so they died.

But, they're still good threads, packed with info older, out of print Traveller stuff. I'd say they're well worth the look-up if you're interested in any of these things.

I second that they STILL need to be stickied!
This forum doesn't have any stickies at the top, and this is a great candidate for that treatment.

Happy Travelling,
OMG, I have that magazine! I was never really very interested in shoving dwarves (and by proxy elves, gnomes, halflings, and half-orcs) into my CT games. Kind of silly.

... And I think every nerd's fantasy is something more along the lines of "Carmen Electra in Space"... ;)


Fox, is that not what Tripping the Rift's Six of One/Six of Nine (or just Six) just that...
A couple of obscurer items I really like:

Dark River: A Sector Divided published by MGE
IISS Ship Files published by Games Workshop
Looking for Astra, A Fistful of Credits, Yagahina: World of Eternal Day, Privateer, and Luna: A Traveller's Guide all published by Star Quest Games

and one of my all time favorites

Deneb Sector by Graham Staplehurst & David Hulks, and sold to benefit Save the Children

The Imperial Armed Forces Vehicle Guide, Altair Sub-Sector books published by the Adjutant are all really great too....speaking of which, I would love to buy #1, 2, 5, 6, and/or 7 if anyone has those for sale!

I agree. White Dwarf had some nice Traveller articles. Unfortunately I made the mistake of not copying them to put in my Traveller article notebook. I lost all my White Dwarf's except the issue with SF Weapons for Traveller. It was in my D&D campaign logbook.

Dragon had a nice article on IBIS (Imperial Bureau of Investigative Services). I lost that issue & the photocopy I made was rather poor. I would say that's my favorite obscure article I'd like to reprint.

There were some great Traveller bits in White Dwarf before it became a GW houserag. Andy Slack, Marcus Rowland, Phil Masters...

I can't recall an adventure right now, but one of the above did a career system for a Scout Secret Service, which was several shades of awesome.
Dragon Magazine has a CD Archive set with the first 250 issues on them. It tends to be expensive, but has all the articles and is searchable. I bought it a year ago for the Traveller articles as there were a number before I started buying the magazine around issue 40 as a kid.

Now I just have to find where I placed it.....!
Dragon Magazine has a CD Archive set with the first 250 issues on them. It tends to be expensive, but has all the articles and is searchable. I bought it a year ago for the Traveller articles as there were a number before I started buying the magazine around issue 40 as a kid.

It's out of print because of litigation between Kenzer and WOTC and it won't be in print again.

One that I found useful was 'On Target' by Steve Cook. A system for rolling hit locations, critical damage, hospital stays, etc. Much more detail than LBB1.

My ref uses this system with us to this day.

I even laminated a copy for him to use!

Nothing like putting a bullet in some idjit's eye for 6X damage... wait, that didn't sound right.
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It's out of print because of litigation between Kenzer and WOTC and it won't be in print again.


Oh goody - copyright law raising its ugly head once again to the detriment of the gaming community.

Why do they have to deprive us of the stuff?

Why can't they keep the stuff on the market, in the hands of an arbitrator, and just argue amongst themselves for decades about who eventually gets the money??

Who stands up for the punters?

I'll go pour myself a coffee while I calm down. I just hate it when supposedly 'protective' laws are (ab)used by the big boys to deprive the little guys of their needs.