Essentially, to deny border permiability, one has to defend each and every significant cluster of bodies in the deep outsystem (KBO and OCO)
I don't know how practical that is, however. Especially in the deep Oort cloud, which is rumored to be quite rich in materials, and can be easily scouted and mapped via active survey, or even reaping public domain materials.
An asteroid belt is also very rich, and it's quite large.
Then, there are "lousy" systems, with no interesting worlds, but still available as a wilderness refueling stop, yet they would require same defensive commitment as rich transport hub (at least in terms of the frontier defense section).
This soon become I think untenable, and quite exhausting of resources. Resources that don't scale up quickly, even if they can be place quickly.
Meaning, while you may not have to actually have these forces stations 24x7x365, you need forces in reserve that you CAN station 24x7x365 when tensions rise. And these have to be significant elements, not just a 1/2 dozen SDBs. The enemy (outside of scouting) will have force concentration. "Recon in force" that should be able to readily defeat such smaller elements.
The requirements for scouting and intelligence are far lower. KNOWING a "large fleet of 100 main force elements passed through" may well be enough than trying to stop them in their tracks or deny them resources. Meanwhile, heavy defenses are there on the main worlds which have the resources that are actually worth defending.