SOC-14 5K
Looked at the mortgage value of supporting a stateroom vs. a small craft cabin-
Cr2000+ stateroom
Cr200+ SCC
I'd cost life support the same, so that's a wash, then a steward is presumably just profit gravy for High Passage....
Until you cost the Cr2000 for the steward's stateroom AND the opportunity cost of the stateroom space being Cr4000 for cargo or earning Cr8000 for paying Mid Passage passengers.
Arguably you don't make Steward money back and gain High Passage profit until you have more then 5 High Passages.
Mid Passage only, an economy class only ship, might be the most profitable way to go if one were designing a small liner.
There is an opportunity to further clarify and define the Steerage experience as a play/character choice.
Given the economics where you want it to still cost more so low berth looks good for the desperate but make it bargain travel, perhaps you charge less then I suggested, 3000Cr.
Your baggage can only be carryon, what you can carry with one level of encumberance. That works out to 14kg for most people, maybe 24kg + for the physically gifted. STR 4 people might only be able to carry 8kg, a change of clothes and maybe a couple items of equipment. Otherwise, you pay 1000Cr cargo ton.
High Passage provides fine cuisine cooked by a steward or other crew member. Mid Passage provides lower quality food and given no steward service, strongly suggests access to the galley at 'off times' to the High Passage mealtimes.
Steerage Passage must provide their own food, as part of the baggage allowance, or buy fast/frozen/vending machine food from the ship's stores. The LBB3 package/dehydrated per day cost of Cr20-25 should apply- some profiteering ships may charge more.
There would be access to the functional equivalent of a microwave and hot plate, and little else.
No access to ship's entertainment or the galley's facilities. A locked gate/iris valve to the Mid/High facilities, Steerage is not allowed in the better areas.
One fresher per something like 20 steerage passengers.
The combination of little exercise, near claustrophobic accommodations, no distractions, no fresh food, close quarters for a greater chance of picking up a flu/cold, little chance to stretch legs or leave the ship for a week or more can cause wear and tear on the Traveller.
For each week in Steerage, a sickness/boredom check must be made. Roll a check against either END or INT, player's choice. If roll at the stat or lower, the check is passed. A failure indicates either sickness (END) or boredom (INT) has occurred.
Sickness causes a 1d6 hit on one random physical stat. Boredom causes a 1d6 hit on INT. The normal 3 days rest with minor medicines will take care of the sickness, in case of boredom fresh air, a change of scenery, a night on the town or with family/friends and a decent meal/libation will restore the Traveller.
Sickness checks can be avoided by the Traveller carrying on fresh food as part of the luggage as per CT LBB3 (Cr5/1kg per day).
Boredom checks can be avoided by the Traveller by carrying on entertainment material- ebooks, movies, games. Another method is throwing a party, usually by offering alcohol or other party logistics, Carousing helps.
Avoiding the negative consequences of steerage can therefore count heavily against the luggage limit, a choice the Traveller must make between cherished equipment/weapons/items and functional health on arrival.
Finally, checks can be deferred if the character's career was from a military service, Barbarians, Pirates or the Scouts. Defer for one week per term served.
Weeks on end of steerage can take a toll if breaks are not taken in-between to restore health and well-being.
Ironically, these checks should probably also apply to the OP's vacc habitat, especially if there is not opportunity to move around and stay 'outside'.
Cr2000+ stateroom
Cr200+ SCC
I'd cost life support the same, so that's a wash, then a steward is presumably just profit gravy for High Passage....
Until you cost the Cr2000 for the steward's stateroom AND the opportunity cost of the stateroom space being Cr4000 for cargo or earning Cr8000 for paying Mid Passage passengers.
Arguably you don't make Steward money back and gain High Passage profit until you have more then 5 High Passages.
Mid Passage only, an economy class only ship, might be the most profitable way to go if one were designing a small liner.
There is an opportunity to further clarify and define the Steerage experience as a play/character choice.
Given the economics where you want it to still cost more so low berth looks good for the desperate but make it bargain travel, perhaps you charge less then I suggested, 3000Cr.
Your baggage can only be carryon, what you can carry with one level of encumberance. That works out to 14kg for most people, maybe 24kg + for the physically gifted. STR 4 people might only be able to carry 8kg, a change of clothes and maybe a couple items of equipment. Otherwise, you pay 1000Cr cargo ton.
High Passage provides fine cuisine cooked by a steward or other crew member. Mid Passage provides lower quality food and given no steward service, strongly suggests access to the galley at 'off times' to the High Passage mealtimes.
Steerage Passage must provide their own food, as part of the baggage allowance, or buy fast/frozen/vending machine food from the ship's stores. The LBB3 package/dehydrated per day cost of Cr20-25 should apply- some profiteering ships may charge more.
There would be access to the functional equivalent of a microwave and hot plate, and little else.
No access to ship's entertainment or the galley's facilities. A locked gate/iris valve to the Mid/High facilities, Steerage is not allowed in the better areas.
One fresher per something like 20 steerage passengers.
The combination of little exercise, near claustrophobic accommodations, no distractions, no fresh food, close quarters for a greater chance of picking up a flu/cold, little chance to stretch legs or leave the ship for a week or more can cause wear and tear on the Traveller.
For each week in Steerage, a sickness/boredom check must be made. Roll a check against either END or INT, player's choice. If roll at the stat or lower, the check is passed. A failure indicates either sickness (END) or boredom (INT) has occurred.
Sickness causes a 1d6 hit on one random physical stat. Boredom causes a 1d6 hit on INT. The normal 3 days rest with minor medicines will take care of the sickness, in case of boredom fresh air, a change of scenery, a night on the town or with family/friends and a decent meal/libation will restore the Traveller.
Sickness checks can be avoided by the Traveller carrying on fresh food as part of the luggage as per CT LBB3 (Cr5/1kg per day).
Boredom checks can be avoided by the Traveller by carrying on entertainment material- ebooks, movies, games. Another method is throwing a party, usually by offering alcohol or other party logistics, Carousing helps.
Avoiding the negative consequences of steerage can therefore count heavily against the luggage limit, a choice the Traveller must make between cherished equipment/weapons/items and functional health on arrival.
Finally, checks can be deferred if the character's career was from a military service, Barbarians, Pirates or the Scouts. Defer for one week per term served.
Weeks on end of steerage can take a toll if breaks are not taken in-between to restore health and well-being.
Ironically, these checks should probably also apply to the OP's vacc habitat, especially if there is not opportunity to move around and stay 'outside'.