Well, when was the last time anyone used a cutlass in action?
Well, when was the last time anyone used a cutlass in action?
21 August 1945
Well, when was the last time anyone used a cutlass in action?
You answered your own question in another thread.
Last I checked, the LPM still had practical instructions on cutlass.
Also, I've used a rapier in home defense within the last 3 years.
Guns are the delivery system, and don't need to be high tech; ammunition can be.
At the basic level, a foldable stock bolt action hunting rifle for survival situations.
One other reason for a tech level five firearm, is that it's probably more robust, and easier to fix.
I considered the Brown Bess or a squirrel gun muzzle loader, but level of unsophistication may be unnecessary.
Californium pistol.
an air gun might be a better survival tool.
Also, I've used a rapier in home defense within the last 3 years.
Californium pistol.
Single shot.
You won't be needing any more.