Speaking of Snub pistols and such I have always wonder what a HESH round would do to someone in a hard suit....
And if you miss, you blow a hole though the hull? ...
The interior partitions, though - not gonna stop a snub HEAP. On the other hand, if you're aboard ship and facing someone you need a HEAP to stop, bystanders are a bit down on the priority list.
Hit + Penetration = KILL. (For humans, not vehicle.)
HESH = High Explosive Squash Head
Used primarily by the British Armor Corp main tank weapon. Also in the US Army 165mm Demolition Gun (M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle only, though some Abrams are being modified).
Shame no one has done anything with the old Gyrojet pistols. A puff of gass pushes it out of the barrel then it ignights the moter and zooms to target. Sort of a hand held rocket launcher. (Note: historical ones ignighted in the barrel and shot out) You could pack all sorts of nastyness into the warhead of one. Say a TDX charge to concentrate penatration? Or even gas or flash rounds. It would be a great zero G weapon with slight mods.
Hum, I see you just described both the Accelerator rifle and the Assault Rocket Launcher...
Gyrojet sounds sexier. They might both work the same, but sometimes marketing is required to get that government contract which will see one's product picked up by space forces...
Acc rifle and ARL are Traveller items created for the game. The Gyrojet pistol is a rel item from the 60's IIRC.
The main character in a novel that I am working on carries and 11.5mm semi-automatic that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Colt M1911A1 .45 ACP.
Hum, shades of John Varley's Gaea Trilogy...
I don't really worry too much about the recoil, as the slide coming forward helps cancel it a bit, but even at that, I remember reading the ever knowledgeable internet on the subject of weapons in space, and I don't think I'd be worrying about 5 degrees a minute of rotation.