We are crossing strongly into economic debate on a piracy thread...
Piracy is
all about economics. You yourself have said as much in your own posts when you natter on about people coveting the wealth of others.
A pirate needs to pay his bills, one way or another, as much as a merchantman does.
Not to sound too pedantic, but that J1 main is the exception J1 ships are intended for.
From an
economic standpoint, those jump1 mains have "empty" hexes all along them. Trace your finger along a given section and you'll come across a poor, lo-pop world sooner than later. Those worlds won't provide the pax and cargos your free trader requires.
I never assumed just relying on cargo, speculation is one of the strengths of owning your own boat.
Speculation is a role-playing mechanism and not a setting detail mechanism. The spec cargo system in
LBB:2 has a built-in advantage towards players, however even it will not provide the number and quality of spec cargos you assume it will.
You underestimate the impact of salaries on your bottom line and the extra cost on the mortgage & maintenance to pay for those J2 drives, PP & computer.
You really don't know what you're talking about, do you? Try running the numbers for a change instead of simply making things up. An engineer earns all of 4,000Cr per month and a pilot only earns 6,000Cr. You can carry
one middle passenger for
one jump and pay an engineer for
two months.
The cost that effects a trader's bottom line above all others is the ship's mortgage. The effects of all the other stuff you're roping in is miniscule.
Quite a broad statement. My assumption is that multi-jump ships will take the multi parsec cargo & not be interested in the short route cargo...
You've assumed wrong again. If the "deal" is good enough - either a hold full of freight or that golden spec cargo your scenarios depend on - why wouldn't a
Marava captain accept it? Leaving aside his mortgage, his other costs like fuel, salaries, and the like will be about the same as the
Beowulf's captain.
... leaving it for J1 ships.
Try and wrap your head around this. In any given system, a multi-jump ship has more options for destinations than a jump1 vessel. Because it can go more places fast, it can explore more of the passenger lists, freight offerings, and spec cargos that are offered.
HOWEVER, if the best offers involve only a jump1 trip, there is nothing that will prevent the multi-jump ship from taking those offers.
Here's an analogy that might finally get the point across to you. I've a female cousin who is 188cm tall. She finds it hard meeting enough tall men to date because short women like to date tall men too. Where as she can't date a fellow shorter than 166cm because it would look ridiculous, short women can date men between 166cm and 188cm without any problem. My cousin is constrained in her dating choices just like your jump1 trader's economic choices are constrained. Making maters worse, her shorter rivals have more dating choices just like a multi-jump trader as more economic choices.
I confess I struggle with your english & your logic.
The English I can understand. (It's English by the way with a capital "E".) I used a less vulgar slang term; "bass-ackwards, instead of the more vulgar version; "ass-backwards", to say your thinking was the opposite of what was true.
As for the "logic", I can't help you there as your posts have exhibited none. Then again, your posts can't be logical when you fail to grasp the mechanics of the situation under discussion. Your confusion over what cost truly effects a trader illustrates that.
For multi jump ships however I was referring to a scheduled run between worlds utilising its jump drives to best advantage. By the way, there is nothing stopping a J1 trader doing that as well.
There's plenty that stops the jump1 trader from making that run. Things like taking longer to cover the route and having to pay more mortgages because you took longer. You know, "inconsequential" things like that.
Yep, except these days I use HG & TCS for light amusement.
No wonder you can't grasp the problems and time associated with inteceptions! You play the only
Traveller ship combat system in which ships don't move. Dust off
Mayday or
LBB:2 and try your hand at a vector-based movement system. Believe me, it will be a real big bite of that Reality Sandwich for you.
My solo Merchant Prince days were fun & last engaged maybe 20 plus years ago. So I shall politely decline.
So, you don't have the stones to back up your arguments? I figured as much. I'm debating in a vacuum here because you're making assertions you can't be bothered to
This should be good.
Your arguement that J1 mains are an 'exception' for J1 ships doesn't make sense.
No, read my post again and pay attention this time. I was referring to that fact that
astrographic jump1 mains aren't
economic jump1 mains you blithely assume they are.
Your arguement that J1 ships 'do not' give the captain more flexibility (higher earning capability & lower costs) vs J2 ships equally does not make sense.
No. Both Hans and I have addressed this. Multi-jump provides far more economic options. Your mistaken belief arise from the fact that you've never worked out the actual costs involved, as illustrated by your statement that salaries are an important cost when mortgages trump all.
Your arguement that J1 ships are more optimised for scheduled routes than J2 fails on the same basis, because it ignores the pressing issue of higher overheads & the lower capacity of a J2 vessel.
No. The economics support the idea of jump1 vessels only working in regions that can provide them with the pax, freight, and cargo they require and the game itself supports the idea with the
canonical jump1 subsidized trader.
Finally, you have presented nothing here to persuade me...
That's because you can't rationally explain a man out of a position he arrived at irrationally. When you begin to look at the situation for what it is and not what you beleive it to be, what's been told to you in this thread will make sense.
[quote... that J1 trading vessels are not present in sufficient numbers to service out of the way places and put themselves at risk, albeit low, of piracy.[/quote]
I never said that.
I look forward to replying to your second post this arvo, which I have to say is more on topic.
I'm not looking forward to your's because it will be full of tedious opinions about how you think the
Traveller setting works and not how it actually does.
Not having fun,