Warning - long post
Re-read ATPollard's example at the beginning of this thread. One hour normally isn't enough time to match vectors let alone board & loot.
You have already suggested that to me in a previous post & I did, just in case I missed something, but no, as suspected I didn't. ATPollards first example was flawed in that it did not take into account the M4 Pirate ship catching up & matcing vectors.
ATPollard, all good credit to him, fixed this discrepancy in a second post. I can't vouch for his calculations, but he seems a competent chap and we seem in agreement about that.
You should re-read ATPollards second post on the same subject.
But the point you are refering to from me was in response to your description of the chaos incured if a starship failed to make contact. My response to
your scenario was that that chaos would likely delay the alarm by an hour or more, giving at least that much longer to loot. Even then, fighters wouldn't neccesarily be the first response unit sent.
I can see that too. I can also see shipping avoiding such a system, freight prices rising as an result, which in turn attracts both vessels that can take care of themselves and the Imperium. It pays to actually follow through on your own assumptions.
My assumptions follow through pretty well, here we have a classic environment for Fat or Far Traders, supporting my position in the other post. If the big freighters thought it worth while coming, the economic boost would ensure the local government spent some cash on securing thier safety.
To the contrary, you're speaking about nothing but loopholes.
...and there is nothing new to be found under the Imperium's Sun.
So we should all assume you to be the repository of all information on the OTU. Laughable. Support your position with decent debate, not referances to past & lost discussions.
Your experience is sadly lacking. The examples posted in this thread alone have shown how difficult and time consuming simply matching vectors is, let alone boarding & looting. And ATPollard's example didn't involve of a hi-pop world with an A or B class starport either.

my experience in debating against your standard arguement (its been thrashed out before...) is quite good thank you. I have not yet seen a referance forthcoming.
I won't belabour the point regards ATPollards post & the posts of others. You have singularly failed to address them.
Pinning all your hopes on starport codes won't work either. First; because trade moves multiple parsecs, starport codes are a not a perfect predicter of the merchant traffic passing through a system. Second; starport codes only refer to the facilities open to the general public and not to any corporate, military, or government facilities that may be present. That world with a D & E starport may not have the lack of equipment and will you so blithely assume.
So you concede the point I was making which was that that prompt distress calls & responses from local authorities should not be assumed to be a given.
I wouldn't get too hung up on the starport description & you can shorten your posts to the point you are trying to make by assuming the reader knows what a starport is. Your point was?
You also have, like most who argue for the same "exceptional exceptions" you do, completely failed to allow for the response any pirate attack, attempted or successful, will have on the Imperium's various levels of government or any other polity or corporation for that matter.

not in the least, you are just adding this into the discussion. I would have thought an Imperial response in several weeks/months time was obvious & not an exceptional exception.
To introduce this arguement, implies you are accepting that not all systems have effective anti-piracy defence. Else you wouldn't need the "Imperial Response" arguement.
Once a system is even suspected of being "pirate prone", unarmed vessels will avoid it, armed vessels charging premium rates will pick up the slack, corporations who may only use the system as a fuel stop will send in route protectors, governments will send in patrollers, and anyone even thinking of going a-pirating better skedaddle.
Agreed and pointed out in my post regarding the German merchant raiders in WW2. In fact the German raiders did skeddadle into new happy hunting grounds. They skeddadled from those to & kept on skeddadling.
Corporates & neighbouring governments are just an extension of the "Imperial Response" arguement. Again I wouldn't call these responses exceptional exceptions.
Pirates can't hang out year after year at the same "watering hole" grabbing the same "prey". They'll get - at most - ONE chance and then they'll have to move on before the hammer arrives. Because that one chance better have a high prospect of success and a low chance of risk, pirate attacks will more often than not involve various "inside" actors like spies, saboteurs, "mutinous" crewmen, and others.
Another redundent point. I don't recall (anyone?) suggesting a pirate should stay put year after year. I would take issue at the ONE chance though given your new reliance on the "Imperial Response" to deter Pirates. The "Imperial Response" is at least several weeks away, perhap a month or more.
All of this means that even a single pirate attack will be the result of long term careful planning and not some "Yo-ho-ho", "Shivver me vacc suit" idiocy that many people still believe it can be despite all evidence to the contrary.
'All of this' ?? I fail to see that you have provided any evidence here that spur of the moment Piracy (with or without the Yo-Ho-Ho) would not be effective for at least two weeks before skeddadling.
So to summarise;
- In the "100D loiter" in a backwards system, you might reasonably expect circa 90 minutes of pillaging, give or take the presence of undetected & nearby patrol craft. The thread seems to concur that the "100D loiter" is a high risk tactic compared to other options.
- Attempting to prevent or delay your victims distress calls is worth trying & look for backwater systems where prompt local authority response times are not a given.
- Backwater systems rely heavily on Imperial support if piracy develops. Thier Space defence budget probably gets spent on the Nobles Huscarles based at the Subsector Capital...
- Large freighters would avoid such a system (with or without the piracy), leaving it to be serviced by Far & Fat traders, supporting my position in my last post.
- The Imperium will respond to Piracy, late, but it will respond.
- Pirates should skedaddle quite often if they wish to remain a-Pirating.
If it wasn't already obvious, don't sit on the "100d loiter" in the same system year after year doing your Pirating.
- Given a backwater systems reliance on neighbours, corporates, the Imperium, etc for anti Piracy defence, you may get at least 2 weeks, perhaps a months worth of pirating before skedaddling.
- Spur of the moment Piracy is more acceptable without the "Yo-Ho-Ho, Shiver me Vacc-suit!" of amatur Pirating. Might be more fun tho.