OK, Its all my fault ... :CoW: ... I brought up a plan for piracy.
You've been visiting the starport and not conducted any business while you were there?
Actually, we refueled with unrefined fuel and waited for the purifier to process it.
Then we bid 40% of base value on a speculative cargo of electronics (surprise, we weren't the high bid, so we didn't get the cargo).
Then we went on a 3 day wilderness trek to see the deepest caldera in the subsector (which was a good bonding experience for the crew).
Later we rented a suite at a good hotel and partied for three days.
Then we bought 1 dTon of hand rolled cigars and 1 dTon of flavored rum.
We filled out a survey with the Visitor's Bureau and got a free camera as a thank-you gift.
We departed with our 2 dTon speculative cargo to the waves of the customs inspector (whom we met while partying in the hotel) and told him we'd be back as soon as we could (which is true until we score big in this system).
Most merchant ships will be travelling at 1G. Faster ships will mostly be armed ships of one kind or another -- Scouts, SDBs, patrol ships. If we're talking a significantly deep jump shadow (days or weeks), odds are that the starport is located at the jump limit and cargo is transferred to and from system shuttles there.
Some Frontier Traders, all former Scout ships, and most small craft are fair game. In-system boat traffic might also be available. The details of the system and vicinity will really determine this ... but along a J1 main, I agree 100% that the crew of this ship will starve.
If System Control is doing its job, it will assign you and the other ships flight paths that do not come within shenanigan range of each other.
per CT: Merchant Detection = 150,000 km; Military Detection (scout ship) = 600,000 km; Tracking Range = 900,000 km.
I agree that a large, high traffic, heavily patrolled system with a Class A starport and a LL A may be a death trap for this ploy ... but a TL 8 system with a Class C/D starport will care enough to maintain a 900,000+ km separation between ships? How does that work as you get closer to the starport?
If you have been accelerating at 1G and the prey has been accelerating at 2G, it would have built up a velocity advantage over you that you'd have to spend time overtaking.
I actually see this as a benefit rather than a hindrance. By the time I shoot the target ship we both have range and velocity on any interceptor that needs to launch from the planet's surface. The time that I spend chasing down the merchant to match velocity and board is taking me ever closer to the jump limit and MY escape.
I would have to play it out several times in different ways to see if it really works, but the core of the concept is the realization that people will generally view overtaking and passing some slower ship as a point of pride and a little contempt for the slower ship ... you are not expecting that the slow ship slogging along ahead of you is really hunting you.
The pirate could even contact the approaching merchant ship to challenge his intent, exchange pleasantries and negotiate a safe "passing" distance.