Hey Everybody,
I was reading an article (I think it was in Time magazine) about the Taipei 101 building being heavy enough to cause tremors. It got me thinking about earthquakes and tsunamis and man-made disasters. We've covered in the past evac ships and how huge they would have to be, but what about people who don't want to leave - or don't have time to. What kind of efforts would TAS provide to them or the Traveller equivalent of the Red Cross? Food? Water? Shelter? Let's say, for example, a meteor strikes a water world (90% water), not hitting any land masses, but creating a tsunami. What would the recovery efforts be? Could anyone get there in time to make a difference, with 1 week travel time? People can dehydrate and die in less than a week.
What are your thoughts on this?
I was reading an article (I think it was in Time magazine) about the Taipei 101 building being heavy enough to cause tremors. It got me thinking about earthquakes and tsunamis and man-made disasters. We've covered in the past evac ships and how huge they would have to be, but what about people who don't want to leave - or don't have time to. What kind of efforts would TAS provide to them or the Traveller equivalent of the Red Cross? Food? Water? Shelter? Let's say, for example, a meteor strikes a water world (90% water), not hitting any land masses, but creating a tsunami. What would the recovery efforts be? Could anyone get there in time to make a difference, with 1 week travel time? People can dehydrate and die in less than a week.
What are your thoughts on this?