On a completely different train of thought (so shifting

here) ...
It occurs to me that @ TL=9, there are some very interesting applications for a 16 ton Box modular form factor like I'm working up here.
The "wackiest" notion was a
mild redesign of the 100 ton Type-S Scout/Courier so as to enable a "drop in crew quarters" module into the hull, which would provide ... 4 staterooms of accommodation. The REAL trick would be to finesse a way to make a Type-J Seeker conversion almost trivial, via having 2x 16 ton Boxes inside the 100 ton starship hull. I say that would be a "neat trick" because:
- 15 tons for A/A/A drives (code: 2/2/2)
- 40 tons for fuel (20 tons for J2, 20 tons for PP2)
- 20 tons for bridge
- 1 ton for computer
- 1 ton for turret fire control
15+40+20+1+1 = 77 tons
- 32 tons for 2x 16 ton Boxes (stateroom + cargo)
77+32 = 109 tons ... not gonna fit.
Ah ... but ...

If you "pull a Seeker" and reduce the (main) fuel tankage from 40 down to 30 tons, and then put a 10-12 ton collapsible fuel tank into the Cargo Box, you get this ...
- 15 tons for A/A/A drives (code: 2/2/2)
- 30 tons for fuel (10 tons for J1, 20 tons for PP2)
- 20 tons for bridge
- 1 ton for model/1bis
- 1 ton for turret fire control
- 32 tons for internal hangar bay
- 16 tons for Stateroom Box (4 staterooms)
- 16 tons for Cargo Box (4 ton air/raft, 12 tons cargo hold)
- 12 ton capacity collapsible fuel tank
- 1 ton for cargo hold
15+30+20+1+1+32+1 = 100 tons
The Type-J Seeker conversion would then only need to swap out the 4 ton air/raft (MCr0.6) for a 4 ton prospecting buggy (MCr0.75, CT Beltstrike, p9) and arm the dual turret with a (single, mining) pulse laser (MCr0.5).
This is where things get a bit "house rules" for the Referee, but I would personally rule that it's possible for a 100 ton starship with 30 tons of fuel to execute a 2 parsec jump, leaving 10 tons of fuel remaining. During the jump, the 10-12 tons of fuel in collapsible fuel tank could be pumped into the starship's "main" fuel tanks, so the ship would exit jump with 20+ tons of fuel in its fuel tanks.
However, a 2 ton additional margin in fuel capacity would mean that a 100 ton starship has 30+12=42 tons of fuel available onboard, without needing to refuel. That means that such a starship COULD execute J2+2 within a reasonable time frame ... giving the starship a "2 parsec round trip" fuel endurance capacity before needing to refuel (20 days of EP: 2 output, costing 0.1 tons of fuel per day @ EP=2).
I'm thinking that such a marginal/minor tweak to the endurance profile could have some rather remarkable mission capability implications in terms of flexible tasking for exploration and survey missions, because the starship wouldn't be "required" to refuel at the destination or be lost due to fuel exhaustion.
Seekers would simply "decline to fill the collapsible fuel tank" so as to have 10 tons of cargo hold space available (the minimum) in order to do ore processing and sample storage while prospecting (CT Beltstrike, p3).
One "fun" side effect of this kind of thinking is the notion that there might be 100 ton Scout/Courier Q-ships (maybe call them a Scouts Courier, just to be intentionally confusing?

- 15 tons for A/A/A drives (code: 2/2/2)
- 30 tons for fuel (10 tons for J1, 20 tons for PP2)
- 20 tons for bridge
- 2 tons for model/2
- 1 ton for turret fire control
- 32 tons for internal hangar bay
- 16 tons for Stateroom Box (4 staterooms)
- 16 tons for Cargo Box (4 ton air/raft, 12 tons cargo hold)
- 12 ton capacity collapsible fuel tank
15+30+20+2+1+32 = 100 tons
Only real difference is deleting the 1 ton cargo hold and increasing the computer from a model/1bis to a model/2. I'm imagining that such a variant would be more suited to Communications Office courier duties, but the bump in computer capability also helps prevent the starship from being "hopeless" in combat while also increasing the data storage capacity for communications.
Needless to say, NONE of these options are "possible" without LBB5.80 and the ability to construct small craft ... but I'm thinking that this sort of "variation on the theme" of the classical Type-S seems like a really fun "sideline business" opportunity that can open up more possibilities for Travellers to adventure with.
And that's before I think about reworking the J1 Free Trader and J2 Far Trader in ways that can make use of 16 ton Boxes in a modular transporter kind of way.