Library Data:
Chrysostom (0404) was originally settled by a sect of Christianity, which almost died out during the Long Night. When the planet was resettled about 100 Imperial, the original settlers began a campaign of conversion and integration, and although they welcomed other sects (and there is a strong Zoroastrian segment), they have encouraged many conversions. The Cassian Federation does not encourage conversion of offworlders and visitors, but as long as this and proselytization are not attempted they take little interest.
Navies of the Subsector: Due to their common origin, both polities use an ankh enclosed in a broken oval to represent their militaries and scout services (though in the Concordat, the Scouts are subsumed into the Navy). The Cassian Navy (not System Forces) is produced solely at TL 13, and the Isis Navy is primarily TL 12. However, the Isis Navy has a 1.15:1 numerical superiority, primarily in battle units.