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Query: A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector


SOC-14 5K
Anything really new here? Or does it simply repeat what was in the Library Data from the modules that dealt with Reaver's Deep and/or the Reaver's Deep sourcebook?
The difference is that it's from the drafts Marc acquired with the GL materials, as opposed to the TTC or the RD Sourcebook.

And I'll confess, I didn't really look at those sources (and now that you brought it up, I should have)...

Hmm... seems to be marginally identical to the Chronicle materials... although we mapped it to match the older Pilot's Guide.

(and yes, I did play around with the layout, as per the credits :) )
No, I don't think you screwed up...I was just wondering the content, as the cover is merely a change from the Drexlaxair (sp) with different wording. And, with the contents spread across a quite a few GDW & non GDW sources...I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to buy when it eventually will appear on Drivethrough, as I have the rest of the stuff in deadtree**.

**Does Marc plan a deadtree version, as I would be interested in that.