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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Franklin's eyes go wide on seeing the man with the cards. He immediately scoots over to the table, head rotating rapidly.

"Is that what humans call Gambling? I've never seen it before. Can you teach it to me? What's this game called?"

Franklin learned long ago how to effectively hustle a ready pigeon and do it fair and square. He has memorized many popular games, but better if his opponent remains unaware of this for the moment.
Taken aback and somewhat flattered by the Hiver's offer Panthera says, "I am honoured by your offer. I welcome the opportunity to travel with you."


Lots of information. Frank recognises that woman. She knows how to handle herself. Who's that chick with her. Young 'nuff to be a student, but not like all those other toffs... Something going on here....?

On entering the establishment, Panthera notices Franklin's connection to Julianne and makes deliberate eye contact nods, smiles, glance of acknowledgement to Ditzi(sic).

Scanning the clientele, seeing Franklin scuttle to the card-shark, ( glance at Julia, slightly raise left eyebrow) turn to the 'maitre'd' and verify our bookings are registered. Arrange for my/our luggage to be stowed, ( generous tip, Cr100).
Order a jug of "Tech-1la"(TM), gesture to Julianne & Ditzi(sic) this way , and head toward the alcove in back that has a good view of Franklin 's table, intimidating any obstructors or squatters with a sunny smile backed up with that best 'I've just skied 500km over Van Donvliet glacier and I've an ice axe to prove how really much I would like to sit down right now' look.

"Well hello, gentleladies. Panthera, how do you do". Shouting over the bustle and music, holding out hand.
To Stan, Julianne says, "I'd like a Rum and Havacola."

She turns to Panthera and says, "I'm Julianne. You can call me that, or Oakie. This young lady with me is Ditzie."

Her drink arrives, and she takes a drink while Panthera introduces herself.

"And I see you've met Franklin. Where and when, and when'd he learn to gamble with other than his life?"
"Hi Julianne, Hi Ditzie, pleased to meet you both"

Cross leg, keep eye on Frank, check out the talent in the room (well it was 2 months on a glacier!)

"Cheers", tinkle of glasses.

"Oh I found him in the street, somewhat lost. Since I'd just been booted out of my lodgings cuz of all this refugee nobility I thought I'd make common cause. And I'd never spoken to a Hiver before."

"Hmmm, there's more to this than meets the eye. Franklin has certainly been badly injured recently. I can spot the difference between scar tissue and alien acne. And you speak of gambling with his life? Most intriguing. So, anything to do with all the fuss in space?"

Panthera takes the opportunity to check out Ditzie more closely. Hmmm, a little younger than me, I guess. Doesn't dress like a typical student tralk round here; actually quite good taste, in a utilitarian kind of way. Lots of compact muscle hiding in that diminutive frame... A fighter then. Or something more.... And the older woman, what do they have together? Not romantic, they don't look like that. Julianne's only just got here, like Franklin, yet her and Ditzie obviously share some agenda. This trip's becoming very interesting: I've exercised my body, time to exercise my mind....
Ref says:
The game's called Snake Eyes, Jacks trump Kings and Aces are Wild and the seedy individual issues 10 cards to Frank and Company.

Round 1: Panthera wins 50cr**
Round 2: Seedy Individual wins 75cr
Round 3: Franklin wins 120cr
Round 4: Panthera wins 25cr
Round 5: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 30cr
Round 6: Panthera wins 200cr
Round 7: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 50cr
Round 8: Franklin wins 30cr
Round 9: Julianne wins 40cr
Round 10: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 40cr

The game seems not to have caught the attention of the rest of the bar. Most individuals are mulling about watching the 3D Vee in which a slick TAS news report is carrying on about the negociations between the Zhodani Ambassador and visiting Crown Prince Varian.

The man with a growth of beard probably over a week who had been downing large quantities of liquor, muttering to himself for much of the evening approaches the characters. With a breath reeking of raw alcohol, "Your Offfworrrlders, aren't youuu? Do you believe in TRUUTH, JUSSTISE and Liberty? I neeed your help, can't pay you much but I am willing to give you all I have, if youuuuuuu hell-p."

At that point the Seedy Toothless three-fingered Individual calls out, "Stan, Walter interfering with the game. Do something, will you?"

Stan makes a quick Vid call and in a few minutes, a bunch of black uniformed law enforcement officers come into the premises, they spy the bearded man, "Come on, Walter, you shoulda been offworld by now, you gonna have spend another night in the tank."

"Walter" calls out the character as he being hustled out by the Law Enforcement Officers, "Tyrant's...I mean Emperor's Squarre at 6pm, tomorrow. Meet me there, if they don't kill me tonight." as he is being escorted out one of the more perceptive characters spots a patch with a holocamera and big numbers "34" in the forefront.

The seedy three fingered individual looks at the characters, "Don't worry, he's just the local conspiracy nut sees a plot or threat under every snowflake. Now let's get back to the game..."

Round 1: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 120cr
Round 2: Panthera wins 20cr
Round 3: Julianne wins 50cr
Round 4: Franklin wins 200cr
Round 5: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 90cr
Round 6: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 100cr
Round 7: Julianne wins 20cr
Round 8: Franklin wins 20cr
Round 9: Seedy Toothless Individual wins 110cr
Round 10: Julianne wins 30cr

With that the bell for last call rings out. The Seedy Individual thanks the players and hopes that they will be there tomorrow night as he hadn't had so much fun in a while.

Stan gathers all the glasses and escorts the remaining stragglers out the door. He presents Franklin and Panthera with their keys. True to his word, there is simple accommodations and by human standards comfortable (Hiver standards, well...at least the bed is soft). The companions part for the night and wonder what will morrow bring.
OOC: Sadly my friends, I am going to be away for the next 10 days or so, as I am going on vacation to Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic.

We will take up this game from this point. In the meantime, use the time to read up on the storyline for newbies and veterans can rehearse their lines. Thank you for this great adventure. Pass the word onto other participants on the LARP.

More adventures, trials and tribulations await...and I am sure that I will be inspired by my sojourn for more adventures. Adieu!

**I wrote a simple program to handle the game and the results are a purely weighed random generator.
"I am not tired. This Gambling is interesting. I would like to go a few more rounds."

Franklin removes three large, clear plastic dodecahedron shaped dice from a pouch and sets them on the table in a . They are marked Galanglic numerals 1 thru 12...

"The Game is Three to Thirty-Six. Initial Ante is one credit. Rolls of 3, 12, 24, and 36 Pay. Winner takes the Pot. Rolling Order goes clockwise."

(Frank clatters the dice in hand two.)

"I shall buy the next round."

He beams an order to the bar for a Ptren Water and whatever else his companions are having...
"I'm out." Julianne takes her 100 cr and sits on a nearby chair, watching the rest of it.

She stays like this for about an hour, when she says, "Sorry, fellows, but I'm done for now. Time to head to my room." She does so, and prepares for sleep.
A tall, bony man in his late thirties enters. He is dressed in clean but old military fatigues without insignia. He is towing a small handcart piled with a variety of bags and containers. There is a bewildering variety of pouches and straps.

One object is clearly a rifle case, for a very long weapon. He finds a quiet spot and removes his very new All-Weather Jacket and sits on the cart, facing the game.

He pats his pockets, and pulls out a carton of cigarettes, loks at them, and puts them away again.
He smiles as he says

"Kind of you to offer, Comrade. But I only bet on certainties. "

He scoots himself over while still sitting on his cart until he is next to Franklin, shakes hands.
"Owen. Owen Heron. Sports Reporter. I was on my way to cover the Mint Gun Club tournament when those weasels at Head Office cut off my credit. Anyway. Care for a drink?"

He rummages in a bag and comes out with a fist full of miniatures.

"Got all the single malts here .. that is, all the real ones."

He dumps the bottles in his lap and holds open the bag for Fanklin to select from dozens of in-flight and hotel bar bottles.
He blinks in surprise, and looks at his hand, and what he's just shaken with it...

He peers at Franklin and says

"You're a hiver? Of course. You're a hiver. sorry. Just for a moment I thought one of those Black Deth kiddies had spiked me. You're a hiver. You're a hiver. Ooookay."

He drains a miniature in one. Takes out the cigarettes and puts them back.

"you won't believe the depravity of those hideous freaks. I was in the same hotel as a pack of them. It was getting ugly over there, so I left. I could tell they didn't like me because I refused to listen to their spectacularly awful music. There was a League game on, so I had my 'phones on all the time. Made conversation difficult. Wouldn't put it past them to slip me something."
"I am indeed a Hiver. I quite agree. Such angry music. (rolls dice) Thrower throws 20, (5,7,8) Pot is now Cr4, with Cr 1 Ante... Ante Up, please..."

He passes the dice to the Mr Seedy.

"Yet among them there is no solid or viable reason for them to be angry in a TL9+ Society. Why all the anger? Pot is now Cr8 with next thrower throwing..."

He surruptiously studies the new man. His manner. He examines the tiny liquor bottles and neatly lines them up as the man drinks them...
Owen gets very drunk, and tells a long and complicated story about a dispute with his editor over expenses. It transpires that he has no immediate plans or ready income, and is now looking for short-term work.

He discovers that Franklin is missing a camera, and spends some time trying to adapt a cheap digita camera for Franklin's use. He is not entirely sucessful but doesn't break anything. Giving the partly asembled rig to Franklin he trundles off to his room some time in the early hours.
Ref says: At exactly five in the morning the characters wake up to a wailing sound, as their ears become more adjusted. They realize that it is the sound Stan singing a Vegan morning chant. Looking at the characters surprised and sleepy eyes, "What!? just a ditty that I learnt when I was out on the Rim. Not as effective as the Aslan bagpipes at clearing the windpipes but that's life. What would you like for breakfast? There is Fish & Eggs or Eggs & Fish (Frank is cursing his new sense of smell) and the strongest coffee this side of Regina."

The players sit around the common long table that has been set up for them. Locals drift in and out, usually picking up a cup of coffee from all walks of life.
After a fairly long slumber Panthera crawls out of bed and dresses in a light ship-suit (white), goes downstairs where the smell of coffee is tickling her tastebuds.

Big toothy grin as she sees everyone sat around the table. No one looks like they've actually slept in a bed. She nods to Frank, Julianne and Ditzie, a curious glance at Owen. Grabs a large plate of fish & eggs and a large mug of coffee, and sits down opposite Frank (ooc: who is she sat next to?).

"Well, good morning all. Hope last evening was lucrative".
Julianne dresses in a Galian Navy singlesuit, stripped of identification of course. Afterwards, she gets a light breakfast, of juice and three(syrupless) pancakes.

When she sits down, she says hi to Ditzie, Frank and Panthera, who she's sitting next to. She nods to Owen although this is the first she's seen of him. "Last night was very restful. Glad to get some shut-eye in a real bed, though that caterwauling this morning was rather effective as a wake-up..."
Owen pours a miniature of Laphroiag into his coffee, passing up the offer of piscine products. Tucking into a bag of salted nuts, he returns Julianne's nod. He is wearing the same fatigues as the previous night, though he seems to have washed and ironed them. He passes around the newsfaxes, keeping the sport and political pages.

"Look what I got on my morning walk! I love this planet! They still print their news out. It's even on something like paper!"

He scans the political section, occasionally marking articles with a pen, and then reads every word of the sports news.

Remembering his manners, he introduces himself to all present.

"Owen Heron, journalist."
"Julianne Okeefe, ex-Navy, now TAS member. You can call me Oakie if you like, but I prefer Julianne."
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