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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Julianne decides to seek out a clothing store which will sell good, warm, fashionable clothes, like what a good middle-class girl should wear. Plus at least two changes and a good socializing dress.

OOC: Hey Kafka, I have a question that seems better for PM.
Ref says:
Julianne is quite simply amazed at the quality and range of merchandise that is available out here on the frontier and then notices that there is quite a substantial mark up. Clearly, everything is imported from worlds Rimward & Trailing. Most outfits are geared toward the student crowd but eventually she picks out exactly what she wants. She suddenly notices that all the law enforcement officers look exactly the same. Damn, they were clones. There seems to be a large number of students who are scurrying about hither and dither.

Finally, she comes to sorority, it is a large impressive structure. A bubbly blonde opens the door, "Yes, can I help you?"


"Friend Hiver, I can see that you wish to ponder this further. You have a half hour from now to give a definite answer." All lights, view screens go black. Even the Count seems to have disappeared (even to infrared). Looking around his equipment, any items that could be used to escape have been purposely disabled or are absent all together.
Franklin studies the Noble closely, discerning what he can from the elusiveness of human nature...

"A particularly open-ended question. Can you be more specific? Your proposition is most intriguing. But I unfortunately have a murder charge working against my future. I have experienced much bias against my kind of late. Please Lord. Call me Franklin if it suits you to do so. I am also curious as to what your proper title of address is."

(looks around a bit at the room) Where are we?
Ref says:
Frank's voder voice echoes through what seeming is large cavernous room. Even in infrared there seems to be utter blackness, the only things that seem to be giving off illumination is Frank's belongs, the pillows and naturally himself.

At exactly one half hour, after the Count's final words. A spot of light appears and the Count stands in the centre and Franklin remains in the Dark, "Well, Franklin, do you have an Answer for me? As to my proper title it is Graf but you may refer to me as Count Piriko. To hopefully sweeten the offer, perhaps, I would want to let you know that Captain of the Pride of Naasirka has accepted retirement in the Core worlds where he will be departing slowly. Notwithstanding, there is still the local law enforcement and you have made very strong allegations, some which I am sure are true but that would be for a court to decide and while the Imperium does operate here local law is very harsh."
In her room, Ditzie patches through the infonet searching for data feeds about the Pride, which has recently been plastering the holonetwork news channels. She scans twenty-five pages of data, silently cursing the poor signal-to-noise ratio of mass media.

She leans her chair back, balancing it on two legs, and stares blankly at the wall, which has a single poster of a grinning eight-year-old girl, standing in front of two very large elephants. One elephant is carrying a bulky, cabled box, and the other is carrying a particle accelerator cannon slightly longer than its own body.

I wish Uncle had been able to let me keep my battledress with me, she idly thought. But these places apparently required some kind of respectability, or something. Or perhaps they were too insecure to arm their own citizens. Ditzie tended to think from the point of view of large mulitstellar conglomerates. It's hard enough just living among some of these empty-headed bimbos, she thought.
Franklin sniffs the air with his rare gift of Smell as he adjusts his voder to compensate and negate the echo with light

"Retirement to the Core Count Piriko? If you will pardon the observation. That bigot could do with retirement to a Penal Cube. I realize that bigot is a harsh term. But I am having a difficult time understanding the behavior of these particular humans.

I told him truthfully the events as they happened. I have no reason to lie. Bedlam did ensue almost to the instant I left my stateroom. One of the security men did threaten me. Then did the same man or an alleged clone of the man locked us outside to the exposure of the Gas Giant.

This act led to the death of three people. One of which was a member of the Imperial Nobility. If that is important I implore you to investigate the matter. For a crime has been committed. But not by me.

Whatever controls those spiders poses a serious threat. I can construct robots given proper materials. I know generally what is possible with them. Those were some advanced devices that displayed advanced reasoning.

Instead of being on trial. It would be more efficient if I helped to discover the secret behind them. I do not want chaos of the Disaster to obscure my being greatly wronged."
Ref says:
The girl stands at the door extending a hand to Julianne..."Like, Hello. Kinda like come in, are you like a member? Judging from your fashion sense are you like from Gateway? Like that girl that like always mopping about in her room. Like what's her problem, like she is super downer but like her has all these pictures of guns and whatnot. Like are you going to come in or what."

There is the smell of incenses and of something reminiscent of another part of space but not this one...Franklin cannot quite place it. It reminds me vaguely of some sort of spice he once encountered far Rimward of here. But, the memory is too faint.

The Count interrupts Franklin's train of thought, "Hiver, I tire of you make your way planetside and ensure our paths do not cross again." with a chime Frank is escorted into a vehicle with a drab utilitarian interior.

Franklin's escorts do not say a word throughout what appears to be a short flight. This vehicle takes him planetside, Franklin's irons are removed and the ship lands in a very cold and inhospitable place. But, actually as his eyes gets use to the gloom. He realizes that it is a Human Class A Starport. The security guards lift Frank out and without a word close the hatch. Frank can see the primary thrusters of the shuttle commencing ignition sequencing...
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says: The girl stands at the door extending a hand to Julianne..."Like, Hello. Kinda like come in, are you like a member? Judging from your fashion sense are you like from Gateway? Like that girl that like always mopping about in her room. Like what's her problem, like she is super downer but like her has all these pictures of guns and whatnot. Like are you going to come in or what."
</font>[/QUOTE]"Uh, yes, I'm coming in." She presents her membership card and enters. "And yes, I'm from Gateway. What girl moping in her room?"
Ref says:
The blonde looks at the membership and looks carefully at Julianne, "Wow, like totally awesome you are a triple grade Sister. And I think a package arrived for you, like a couple months ago its like up in the matron's safe. That really depressing girl is up in room 905 probably doing some gun sims, so, like can you tell her to keep it down, as some are here to get an education. Oh yeah, be careful that you don't run into Varian, he's not supposed to be here but I don't think his minder knows that he is..."
"Uh, yeah, thanks. First, I'd like your name. Second, I'd like to get that package, if you please."

Once she's on the way to the package, Julianne keeps an eye out for Prince Varian. Not only because he's famous and supposedly somewhat good-looking...
"Julianne. I prefer that, but I have been referred to as 'Oakie.' Your presence isn't compromised. Now, about that package..."
Ref says:
"Well, Julianne...I don't know where you did your training but you gotta be more careful. Don't forget to smile for the full body exam? It's easier to get accurate dental that way. With that the girl disappears behind a steel reinforced door."

Upon entering the doorway, there is a flash retinal scan and presumably a full body scan as she feels a pins & needles surge throughout her body. Or she could just be feeling jumpy. What was that old Terran expression... Feeling like someone just walked over one's grave... Her smile becomes a grimace as she silently thinks back to basic training.
Ooo, I gotta get me a better health plan... She grimly waits for the exam to finish. When Athena comes back, Julianne asks "Okay, so now that you have finished with this, do you have any suggestions?"
Ref says: An elderly woman emerges from steel doors, ""Julianne", I should warn you to be extremely cautious in the future. This place is only a haven, so long as the powers that be don't know of its existence or are indifferent to its existence. We are trying to preserve a fragile peace which can be shattered at any time."

"Your new orders are such: befriend that girl in 905, as she may be useful; ascertain why Crown Prince Varian is out this way; and continue with the primary mission. Understood? Long live the Cause!" with that the elderly women gently smiles and pats Julianne on the head, passes over a new ID card with several different bank cards and disappears behind the steel doors.


Dritze tired of gun sims wonders why Uncle ever sent her to this oppressive world. One even needs a permit to display a peashooter and they are just as likely to throw you in jail for possession of a slingshot. Gotta be a lesson here, somewhere, except for all these boring books on etiquette. Bouncing a ball off her room door she with deadly precision hits the 905 sign 97 times out of a 100.


Primary sequencing of engines commence and the shuttle lifts off the landing pad. Frank looks around, it would seem that he was deposited in a private landing pad. First stop, customs, then a brand new world...only if it weren't so cold.
The shuttle's jets flicker in his six eyes and almost immediately Frank begins to search with his computer. He tries to reference local visitor information, looking for suitable lodging.
Julianne nods. "Alright." She turns, and goes to room 905, keeping an eye out for Varian along the way.
While bouncing a ball against her door ("this ball is Uncle's head, that door is a Kokirrak...") , Ditzie casually watches the security camera's feed.

..."Your new orders are such: befriend that girl in 905, as she may be useful..."
On bounce number 100, she un-slouches and waits at the peephole. As soon as she senses someone there, she opens the door a bit.

"Hi there. Hang on."

She unhooks the door catch and swings the door inward, politely standing aside to let J in.

"Come on in, Oakie. Can I call you that?
Julianne sighs. "Sure. If you get tired of that, you can call me Julianne. Now, what would your name be, miss?"

She steps into the room and takes a look around. "Nice decor. So, how'd you know I was coming?"
"OK, whatever. Oakie. Julianne.

"I'm Dizamer, or Ditzie if you prefer. I used to live with my Uncle Hengabar. But as soon as I got close to college age, he sent me here for various reasons, I think all of them involve boring me to death."

Ditzie seems a bit scattered at times, a trait typical of many young adults.

She laughs at the remark about the decor.

"Thanks. I call it Terminal Rule of Man/Early Long Night.

"I saw some of your conversation with Old Ironsides on the security feed, so I knew you were on your way up."

Ditzie studies J briefly.

"So, I'm trying to figure out if you're a Stooge, Zombie, Sashma, KHarna, Suit, or something else. I think you're probably something else."

* Sashma: a pigeon (in the pejorative sense)
* KHarna: a 'plant' or 'mole' (lit. suitcase)
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