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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Message sent earlier today...

/begin X-boat message
/from Owen Heron, Jytf6r87/Farp8y9o
/to The Weasels, Tumbling Asteroid Magazine, Regina

Assume failure of credits to arrive means you don't want me to do the article. I maintain the only way to get the true feel of a race is to enter it. And the best ship to win is a Leviathan. It's not as if I wanted you to buy me a new one. Well consider this my resignation. I won't work for a cheap outfit. I will load up a grav truck with cheap whiskey and go off to some shack on the far end of a remote ice floe and get hopelessly drunk rather than stoop to your level.

There was a spectacular pirate attack on a ship in these parts, and rumours of Monsters From The Id, but if you won't honour my expenses, you won't get the story.


/end message

Owen shakes hands all round, repeating everyone's names to himself.

(to Julianne)
"Navy, eh? don't suppose you ever ran into the Abraxas? Operated out of Efate, at least when I was aboard her. Small ship, but quite good at running away..."

(to Franklin)
"Morning. Got that camera sorted then, have you?"
Ref says:
Stan keeps the coffee coming until about 9am, the players exchange stories about their recent past and what brought them to Farpoint. The main holovision is tuned into the TAS news feed.

* A great deal of the broadcast is devoted to Varian tuxedo and its ability to change colours due to nanotech fibres capable of responding to the slightest touch.

* They show the Count dressed in his trademark cloak with his face covered with a reflective golden mask overseeing the reconstruction of the main dome after the frightful terrorist suspects. Authorities do have some leads, however no convictions have been issued, in the meantime off planet travel has been subject to an exit visa requirement that the Ministry of Happiness will issue to all upon who present proper identification and submit to a small genetic analysis.

* The other segment is about the ongoing reconstruction of the Pride estimated now to at least two months as the materials have to brought in from the Marches, Tukera has made its J-6 Freighters available for Naasirka's needs.

* The Scout service continues to insist that atmospheric conditions of Mother presents severe dangers to anyone who wishes to go beyond the curtain and travel to Plains of Leng is especially dangerous. A spokesperson for the Skiddlebuggers Guild indicated that storms like this have known to flare up every decade and represent no serious threat, it is just another instance of the Imperium [bleep] the indigenous population at the behest of [bleep] [bleep] offworld interests.

The stories tend loop around with extensive coverage of those events by various talking heads. Just like CNN.
For an image of the Count (sans words):
Franklin links to the News Feed and records as he watches the rest eat. He has learned through experience to take his meals in his cabin and never eats in public.

Franklin enjoys the new camera, and is amazed to see Owen awake and alert after so much drink previous, and shuffles next to him.

"Owen. Thank You for the new Camera. I will have little difficulty adapting it using the components from my old one. Most Thoughtful."
Julianne vigorously returns the handshake, and smiles. "Excuse me. I keep forgetting. I was in the Galian Federation Navy. All the way from your Gateway Domain. Thankfully we're not part of it - allies is the most beneficial setup I can think of at the moment. I don't recall ever coming across the Abraxas, though that might be a little out of the way."
After she finishes eating, Julianne says, "Were any of you thinking of going to the Emperor's Square this evening? See what that guy was raving about? And does anyone know what a patch with a holocorder and the number '34' mean?"

If no-one else knows, Julianne will ask around to see if any locals know.
OOC- I have injured my left hand and have been told to rest it for the next 2 weeks. My right hand isn't too dextrous, so my posts will be short for a while.

Owen agrees to go to Emp square.

Is there a Channel 34? He boots up his PDA and tries to get a directory of news agencies. He offers to write up the chars experience on the Pride and share any fee if he can sell the article.
Owen also plans to buy half a dozen cans of gold spraypaint, and a whole bunch of black cloaks and cheap plastic facemasks. He giggles to himself and tries to remember where the street bums hang out on Farpoint. Imagine a crowd of out of control drunks, all looking like the Count, milling around Imperial Square. Certainly stop people noticing us, with all that to deal with.

He tries not to be overheard by locals as he puts this plan to the party.
After a short trip to the little girl's room (coffee breath, eugh!), Panthera goes to charge up her cred-card. Ulp! Forgot about the repayments for the hard envirosuit... She checks her card balance... cr917.

Panthera checks the local comweb for an auction site, and offers up her collection of shoes for sale. She's getting the feeling something's brewing, so she's hanging on to anything remotely useful, like skis or survival kit, but letting go of the most extravagant part of her armoire will help lighten the load.

She get's back to the saloon to see the local weather report.
No chance about getting back on the snow anyway. My nose is itching... Always best to stick with those you know (albeit hardly).

Back at the table. Bright grin. "So, what's up today?"
"The Gold Mask plan shows brilliance. Owen. I'd like to inspect the local Marketplace. Perhaps get a light lunch in a few hours. Perhaps we could all go as a group and protect each other."
"I dont know about Fancy, but we should make our presence somewhat known locally. Then prospects can come to us. I would like to see how the people live here. And see what sort of Materials they have available for projects."

Franklin shuffles his cards and holds up the 7 of Diamonds.

"Is this your card?"
Owen says

"Well from Julianne's account of things, that guy who was thrown out last night might have a few things to tell us. And the local cops seem to have it in for him. He works for the station that filmed the attack on the Dome, that got cut off mid-broadcast. That's the worst thing you can do to a newsie, cut him off He's a brother journo in trouble and he might have a expense account. something screwy's going on on this iceball, and he's our best chance of finding out. I say I get all that stuff, unleash the drunks about 6pm while the rest of you rent a grav vehicle and pick the guy up, drive him around somewhere and interview him away from prying ears, then we all meet back here or at a pre-arranged RV? We should look at the Square while I go shopping so we're familiar with the layout.

Come on, it's a giggle, its not even illegal, and we'll all be home in time for supper. What do you all say?
"I am in. As long as we thouroughly check the area and know it well. My Experience on the Pride has made me thouroughly "fed up" with passivity. It is time to make some things happen in our favor."
Owen says

"Right, if we're all agreed, I'll get the props" (jiggles bag of drinks) "and I've got all the fuel I need right here." Okay, I'll rent a vehicle, get the stuff, meet here for late lunch and co-ordination, then I'll go try to hire a bunch of drunks. I'll tell them it's Hiroshi 1st's birthday and everyone in costume at Imp Sq. at 6 gets a free meal. Then I'll prime them with these drinks and get the hell away from them, be at the side Imp Sq in vehicle ready for the rest of you?

Anyone with good persuasion/carousing skills want to come with me?"
"I'll come with you."

Panthera quickly pops upstairs to touch up her (minimal) make-up, and make sure her underwear matches. Checks her rather desperate shoe auction to see if there's any takers.

"OK, let's go."
Ref says:
The characters arrive at Emperor's Square. It the centre of the square stands a large statue of Stephon looking majestic with a beloved smile. However, the eyes somewhat sinisterly look at the heavens. Clearly, the artist had the idea that the Emperor of a 1100 worlds was not all that he imagined. Milling around the pedestrian square are assorted law enforcement officers. Startled by the Counts' appearance, they approach the drunks. After a brief interrogation call in a gravcar and forcibly push them into the back seat.

A whisper from a shadowed doorway calls, "Psst, psst, it not safe here. Follow me." It is no other than the "reporter" that they ran into at Stan's place. Leading them into a cellar of an abandoned store off the main causeway.

"I am sorry for my behavior last night, it is just that we don't see many offworlders in Stan's Place."

"About my offer, are you still interested?"

"Careful, with the local police they are all clones because they are easier to control, don't you know?"

"And, be sure only to drink the water from the red taps..." his voice rambles like an autistic adult and even in the dim light of the abandoned store, the players can numerous pock marks on his arm.
OOC: Note the Library Data entry for Live 34 in Technical Details.
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