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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says: What the security chief actually says awakens Dorotea from her daydream:

"Ma'am, if I could ask you present your Imperial Identity Card to my clerk there.

A clerk takes the card and promptly processes it by swiping into a computer and hands it back to Dorotea.

The Security Chief glances at the screen and continues:

"We have had reports that you were found on the Upper Observation Deck even though this area has been declared off limits save to Gold Level passengers.

As to the matter of assaulting a peace officer aboard my ship. This a matter that I take very seriously. We have captured the incident on Camera and I assure you that that if we were to turn the matter over to the authorities at Far Point, they would be much less lenient than I am under these circumstances. Therefore, you are hereby sentenced under the Imperial Commercial Code violation of Section 14 subsection for 72hrs a security detention room. Should you offer any resistance, you will be placed under provisions of the Imperial Mental Health Act and and undergo an examination by proper authorities at Far Point. I do not tolerate violence on my ship. Do I make myself clear?"

He nods and two heavily armed guards escort Dortea into a security holding pen and flicks a switch to transmit a sound buffer and active security cameras.

"Now then, Officer Barton, I believe, it is a commendation will be noted in your record for excellent service. Now, I would ask that you link up with the rest of the party and do a detailed interview as it is the opinion of the XO that we may have a saboteur or saboteurs on board. There are many who want see our company name sullied in an attempt to cause our company to relocate. And, I shouldn't really telling you this but the Captain's illness is not related to Jump Sickness but a discrete toxin that was mysteriously entered into system when he retired last evening. Fortunately, the XO and Mr. Renyolds have the situation well under hand. Dismissed"

When Officer Barton leaves the room. The Security Chief buzzes his intercom.

A raspy voice answers, "Yes."

"Your Highness, I am sorry to disturb you, but I do believe we have a situation as the contagion seems to be spreading amongst some of the passengers. I have quarantined one and undertaking bio-scans now. But, I fear if the pathogen is loose we may begin to see more incidents. Should we not alert more of the crew? I have only a few officers."

"NO! The experiment must be allowed to run its course, the effects are only temporary and there was shown to be no long term effects on the Beakers that were the test in our Lab on Primus Taragon. Continue about your work. Should you need more bodies we may resort to the peace officers in Cold Sleep. That would provide you with an additional 50 men."
Ref says: The ships datanet suddenly springs to life and starts playing Classical music for about 20 minutes before the Chief Technical Officer comes online and apologies for the inconveniences as there seems to be a bug that has migrated its way into the data stream. In the meantime, only limited use of datanet will be permitted as a repair team examines the problem. It is hoped that their investigations will continue until tomorrow evening.

The positive news is the XO reports that ship is outperforming all expectations and it actually estimated that arrival at Far Point may be earlier than predicted perhaps even in 5 days. Once again proving Naasirka is the name to trust amongst the Stars.

In the meantime a full range of activities are available for passengers to enjoy. For those Bronze level clearance, there are still tickets available for the Heavy Punk Metal group "Black Deth" in the upper echaleons of the concert hall to all those that have not already purchased. As a security precaution, please, do not interfere with work of our security. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Bromgrev, after quadruple-checking his kit and fruitlessly trying to get some rest, decided that 2.75 hours was as good as 3.00. The rapier would have to stay, but a discreet multi-purpose knife might come in handy. Not to mention the usual load of 5 tranq and 1 gas in the snub pistol, tucked away in its concealed holster.

Expect the unexpected, he thought to himself, and slipped out of the door. A quick glance left and right, and he made his way aft in the direction of liftshaft #6.
Usssep rises, refreshes himself and begins packing various items into a large shopping bag marked with the Naasirka logo. The laptop goes in first followed by several curious items from his sample case. A rescue ball tube joins the mix and another is clipped to his belt. Some trendy garments he had purchased yesterday at one of the ship's stores top off the bag.

Donning an incredibly gaudy Hawaiian shirt, tailored with wing openings, he sends an inter-ship e-note to Jeffers and leaves his page code so that he can be beeped.

He steps into the corridor and heads towards Bromgrev's cabin, meeting the scout coming the other way.

After the usual exchange of pleasantries, he invites Bromgrev to a small, uncrowded bistro on this deck.

"You hungry? Ship has genuine Terran coffee, 100% Arabica bean. My treat, yes?"

Between nibbles of his croissant, he tells Bromgrev of the incident on the observation deck and the data gathered by the worm, then passes over a copy of his holo-recording.

"Something wrong here; crew acting strange, too many jump-sick. Sure, is new ship, not all bugs fixed yet, but this is something else, yes?. Need engineer review data."

"Need plan."
Ref says: You overhear two busboys discussing the ship's situation:

"D'yer think Mister Reynolds nows the full extent of the problem?"

"Don't you worry about Mr. Reynolds, he's guy and spies everywhere."

"Surely that just 'im being a paranoidic Far Pointer."

"Nah, something more is afoot, I seem to remember just before casting off there was talk about war in this sector. Even though not a big one, a kinda proxy war between Naasirka and Gasbag."

"I wouldn't be surprised. That Imperium is always looking for a fight and the process of sending "peacekeepers" makes a territory grab. It's always us, the little worlds that get shafted in the process."

"Maybe the Zhodani are also up to something, as well..."

"I grew up coreward of here, as much these Imps demonize the Zhodani they are alright people. Once you get over how they look at you with such intensity."

The busboys then move back to the galley where their conversation cannot be heard.
Originally posted by Piper:
"Something wrong here; crew acting strange, too many jump-sick. Sure, is new ship, not all bugs fixed yet, but this is something else, yes?. Need engineer review data."

"Need plan."
"Hmm..." mused Bromgrev, tactfully hiding his distaste for these new-fangled holo-displays, "I don't think the problem is in engineering. From what I can tell, something in the observation lounge is drawing all this power. We need to get a look in there. I wonder where we could get hold of a security pass which I could, ahem, modify?"

Whatever's going on up there is not the end of it, either, he thought, glancing about.

"Usssep, have you noticed the staff acting a little ... distracted?"
"Well, I'm still hungry and plan on having some break fast in the #2 Dining room."

"Lord Jame? It appears we will not be enjoying Dorotea's company for a while. I wonder when visiting hours are?"
Upon reaching engineering, I'll attempt to gain entry (feigning drunkenness still) and figure out if the ship is operating normally.

OOC-Matt Jeffers is a ground-pounder with dreams of flying away in starships, he currently goes to a community college and has only a textbook/fanboy/armchair historian level of knowledge regarding starships. So if a mook with CT level-0 skills can figure anything out, then so be it.
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
I wonder where we could get hold of a security pass which I could, ahem, modify?"
The Droyne hisses in frustration: "Ship datanet all fubar. Try to access 'net for info on 'gold card', all I get is inventory of squid and herring for dolphins."

"hmmm ... maybe have idea. Go up to observation deck with a concealed card reader. Talk to Marine guard if still there, get close, read his card, yes?"

He pauses, considering. "Maybe other way. Guard asked for 'gold card'. Maybe call steward over, ask how we get gold card. Worth a try, you think? Or maybe make suspicious?"

"Usssep, have you noticed the staff acting a little ... distracted?"
"Very, yes. Coffee not refilled for five minutes. All whisper-whisper all the time, too. I think they guessing that something wrong, but know less than we do."

"Let's get card info and find bottom of this."
Ref. says: Upon reaching the other edges of the engineering department, he finds a conduct that has clearly been tampered with. Removing the cover, there are several live wires and a strange alien device attached to one of the main relay circuits. The device seems harmless enough, just very Alien. Touching it gives off a strange tingling sensation throughout his whole body like as if there was a surge of power then stops. Any attempt to dislodge it causes the device to lose its plastic quality and become rock hard.

At that instant, an Engineering Deck spots Matt:
"Oi, what do you think you are doing there?"

As Matt points to the conduit he notices that the damage is completely repaired and the Alien device is nowhere to be seen. He is just left there in front of an open Engineering conduit and in need of a better explanation for his actions.
In best drunken slur - "Didja see tha melty lookin' thingie? The one that was right thar!"

Slouching up to the deckhand before me, and grabbing a fistfull of uniform to keep from falling on top of him, "It was somethin' on the wirin'! Somethin' tha' don't belong her'!"

Pushing off of the crewman, "I jus' need to go back to my bunk now. Hav' a 'notherbottle." Then Matt goes staggering away down the corridor.

When out of sight of the crewman, Matt will try to find Ussep. Matt will also be keeping an eye out for more odd things.
Originally posted by Piper:
"Let's get card info and find bottom of this."
"Agreed." Bromgrev gets up, having failed to find anything to tempt him on the menu. "All this pastry doesn't agree with me, I'm afraid."

Bromgrev's mind wandered momentarily. A year on a covert survey mission with a malfunctioning food processor producing nothing but semolina. He never had been able to get used to solid food since then.

"Perhaps we can find some less well-armed security personnel near engineering."
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
[QB"Perhaps we can find some less well-armed security personnel near engineering." [/QB]
"Is good plan."
"I met another new-seeker in lounge last night. I will call him, bring up to date, arrange meeting."

Usssep rings Matt's page code, tells him about Bromgrev and arranges to meet in a public area near the main engineering entryway.

[OOC to ref] You've mentioned gold cards and bronze cards. What level of card is standard with mid and high passage?
Ref notes: The unmistakable blip of a bio-scanner passes over Doreata every few minutes or so. The Security Chief shakes his head. "Unbelievable, she was exposed but does not show the symptoms..." he pushes a button and the information is relyed to the Chief Medical Officer.

"Interesting." is the only reply.

The Chief leans back in his seat and turns on the the security cameras in the Upper Observation Deck and notices the vortex is getting larger. The machine seems to crackling with a renewed intensity.

"Tell me, Sargent. Are you loyal the Imperium?" turning to his prisoner, flicking off the sound damping field.
Ref notes: The Casino where a section of the players agreed to meet is filled with a large assortment of games and revelers all trying their luck in a wide assortment of entertainments. From simulated gladiatorial matches to a wide variety of card games almost all forms of human amusement and merriment can be found here.

Off in a remote corner there is a man in a fine black business suit with a white tie flanked by two equally muscular men similarly dressed sitting at a roulette table. It is no other than the nortorious boss Yanev Cardellini and a couple his thugs.

"Listen, you rusted bag of bolts, when I say its black, its black. My companies came with half the funds for tis stinkin' boat. Now, then do have ask my boys to dissemble you into your constituent parts or was it black." Says the seated man in a low and menacing voice.

Some lights go flashing in the bot's casing. Clearly the combination of its customer service programs and Asimov's Third Law prompts the following response:

"Please accept the profound apologies of the House. Here is a ticket to cover your winnings and a coupon for a complementary drink. Table shutting down."

This is a perfect place for meeting as the security cams will be actively looking for cheats the players can mull about without attracting too much attention.
Deck 44, crew sickbay, patient isolation alcove 207...

Jeffiery Sawter is sitting up in the bed looking very nonplussed, healthy and annoyed, "I'm telling you doc I'm fine. I don't know why you need to run more tests, I got work to do!"

The doctor continues scanning, "Well Mr. Sawter you were exposed to several known carriers of this mysterious malady, we have to be certain. If this batch of scans comes back negative I'll release you but not to duty status."


"Ah, I love this machine. Let's see what we have..."

"Uh-huh, yeah, ok, oh-oh, ah no that's ok, umm..."


"Calm down Mr. Sawter, you know very well that in cases of unknown contagion the quarantine protocol specifically precludes exposure of other sophonts. In any case the test is negative. No no, that's a good thing, you're fine. A slight elevation in your medication retention for your Harper's so you should probably reduce your dosage marginally for the next bit. But you're free to go, no duty for 24 hours and subject to a scan, report here at that time. Have a nice day."

"Great Doc, thanks. Maybe I'll catch that Black Deth concert, it's been a while since they played Far Point."

"Here, you had better take these then." Handing Jeff two small white round objects.

"Do I take them with water or are they for the other end?"

The medical bot chuckles, "No no Mr. Sawter, they're electronic noise reduction earplugs. I don't want to have to treat you for deafness before certifying you fit for duty tommorrow night. Enjoy the show."

Jeff pockets the ear plugs grinning, "Sure Doc, I think I'll grab some supper and maybe hit the tables before the show, have a good down cycle."

Jeff finishes dressing and then exits the cubicle. He notes a number of other isolation cubicles also seem to be occupied by crew. Just what is going on?
Ref note: As Sawter passes by the other med isolation low berths. He notices several of his colleagues from engineering with a fungal type growth covering part of their faces with their skin erupting in nasty pink pustules with purple tendrils reaching down to the chest.

All the more strange was the observation that the tendrils seem to be pulsating despite the fact all matter in the booths should have slowed to an immediate stop or functioning at a very low level.

Other than that the crew members seem perfectly normal, at least according to the medical scanner.

Upon nearing the exit, there is one case that strikes him with a particular horror. The face has almost an appearance of melted cheese. Then notices the Captain's pips on the uniform.
Ref notes: Meanwhile, back at the casino Boss Cardelli approaches the characters.
"What are u looking at? Nuthing, I hope. You didn't nuthing, understand?"

"Yeah, what do you think you're some sort of wiseguy?" chimes in a companion thug. "Make way, make way."
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