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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Usssep shrugs; a very expressive gesture in a winged being: "Hmmmm ... had not considered religious angle. Human beliefs very confusing to Droyne."

"Think we should get rid of the trojan hiding the power diversion on the ship's datanet? That way we could just let the crew handle this weirdness."
"Yesssss ... hand comp too punky. Go back to stateroom and get LAPTOP!"
Hissing laughter follows.

"You also, yes? We find safe place and form network, crack ship system, root out trojan. Is good plan."

"Curfew now. We meet in morning, yes?"
Originally posted by Baron W. The PreacherMan:
Baron W. knocks on Honor Baron Jame's door in the morning. The sounds of clinking metal parts eminates from the back pack he is carrying.
Jame opens up, with a shiny new handcomp and a TL 15 vacc suit that looks like a set of somewhat bulky overalls. Dorotea and Dr. Harold Calis - Jame makes introductions - can be seen behind him. "So, down to engineering?"
Damn, thought Bromgrev, A curfew? And with all these alien interruptions, I never even got the bartender to understand how to mix an 'Argleblaster.

Adjusting his rapier (carrying swords was never a tradition with the Order of the Lens, but no-one queries the knighthood walking around armed in public), he walked away from the bar while keeping one eye on the situation with the Alsan. One eye which might have been better employed looking where he was going.

"Um, apologies, my good ... man ...", he trailed off, untangling himself from - wings?

Sixteen years of service in the ISS (Exploration), but Droyne still made him nervous. Field scouts heard far too many rumours about their past. Still, this one looked amiable enough.

"Bromgrev, D., Imperial Scout Service. Detached. At your service. I would offer to apologise in a more substantial manner, but it appears the bar is closed."
Originally posted by Jame:
Jame opens up, with a shiny new handcomp and a TL 15 vacc suit that looks like a set of somewhat bulky overalls. Dorotea and Dr. Harold Calis - Jame makes introductions - can be seen behind him. "So, down to engineering?"
"My thoughts exactly"

Jame asks about the backpack the Baron is carrying.

"I have a few essentials here in my pack and some collectables I thought might come in handy later. Nice hand comp. Mine here is a little older" As Baron W. shows off his old TL 14 model.
OCC: Remember the "remains" of Dr. Harold Calis were delivered earlier to the Baron.

Ref note: The ship's crew seem unusually jumpy. As you look around the different restaurant tables you notice that the passengers have a particularly vacant look.
When queried they seem to pass it off as some sort of jump sickness.

The ships datalog reports that the Captain will be unaviable for the day, as his suffering from a minor malady. Queries ought to be directed to the Ship's XO or Chief Security Officer.
Harold Calis, extremely groggy from his party but still alive, displays his medkit - and promptly almost falls over.

The four of them get to Engineering, and Dorotea prepares the card and the package.
OOC: Just a reminder Jame, if you are referring to Sawter's ID and the interface circuits he was going to hand over, that all changed when we went to Plan B and you all went to your staterooms and Sawter decided to go on by himself

We now return to our story, already in progress...
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
"Um, apologies, my good ... man ...", he trailed off, untangling himself from - wings?

"Bromgrev, D., Imperial Scout Service. Detached. At your service. I would offer to apologise in a more substantial manner, but it appears the bar is closed."
Usssep flicks his wings, eyeing them for damage, and turns to the newcomer: "Apology accepted. Is small thing, not like crticize Aslan poetry, yes?"

"I am called Praydehu-Aydirsoth-Usssep"; giving his name in the Droyne form of family-caste-identity.
Birdlike, he tilts his head from side to side, surveying the scout and wishing that he was better at reading the strange facial expressions of humaniti.

In the past there had been incidents between the IISS and some Droyne clans, at times verging on open warfare. Usssep has only rarely had dealings with scouts. In normal circumstances, he would move on and forget this chance meeting.
But the circumstances on this voyage are anything but routine.

"You are Scout Service ... are you pilot, engineer, perhaps? What is your opinion of ship shaking during jump?"

OOC: Droyne lexicon courtesy of Seth Blumberg
Oynprith word generator courtesy of Space Corsair
In the privacy of his cabin, Matt Jeffers takes out a bottle of high proof liqour from the minibar and splashes the contents on himself like cologne and gargles with the leftovers.

"Now on to Engineering to see what's there", he murmurred to himself as he began to pretend to stagger down the corridor.
Ref says: As the Baron and company leave their stateroom they find the eyes of many crewmen stopping their tasks for a moment. Then going on as if nothing was going on. Security seems to be speaking into hushed tones into their comdots.
Originally posted by Piper:
"You are Scout Service ... are you pilot, engineer, perhaps? What is your opinion of ship shaking during jump?"
Bromgrev, trying and failing to remember any details of Droyne protocol, settled for extending his hand.

"Pleased to meet you,er, Praydeehoo-Eydeersouth-Yoosssep?"

Keeping that eye on the Aslani-Vargr incident, he joined the Droyne and another human in vacating the lounge.

"Pilot, engineer, a little of everything. Jack-of-all-Trades, master of none, you might say. Well, my 'Moon shudders like that all the time. But it's not something I would expect on a luxury ship of this calibre."

With the corridor filling with passengers making their way back to their staterooms, Bromgrev fished in his tunic pocket for a moment.

"Allow me to offer you my card. My cabin is 1138b. Perhaps we should meet again in private, once this activity has eased. In three hours, perhaps?"
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
Bromgrev, trying and failing to remember any details of Droyne protocol, settled for extending his hand.

"Pleased to meet you,er, Praydeehoo-Eydeersouth-Yoosssep?"
"Formalities all met. Now you call just 'Usssep', yes?"

He carefully examines the extended hand. At least this scout seemed to be unarmed. There was no sign of an Imperial tax registration document or even a census form. Clasping the appendage in his hand, he shakes it firmly.

He offers a small, bronze-colored coin: "My business card, too. You place on computer, it reads operating system and creates useful animated pop-up of helpful Droyne product keyed to what you are viewing. Also reads address book and copies itself to your friends. Very advanced, yes?"

"My cabin on same deck, but outboard and aft, near lift #6. Three hours is good. We meet then, have much to discuss."

Usssep returns to his cabin. He uses the time to make a brief holovid describing the events that have transpired, the scene in the observation lounge and the data retrieved by his worm.
After making several copies, he enters a sleep period.
On the way back to his cabin, Bromgrev narrowly avoids another close encounter, this time with the man he had earlier seen conversing with 'Usssep'. The man staggered off, trailing a cloud of alcoholic vapurs.

How did he get that drunk at the prices they charge on board? Bromgrev thought wistfully. His knighthood came in handy for inviting himself into places he didn't belong, but it did nothing for his credit balance.

Once behind his locked door, he changed into a somewhat bulky set of overalls (or vacc suit, to anyone who knew what to look for) and began filling the multitude of pockets with a variety of small objects beloved of intrepid explorers and the inappropriately curious.

He carefully avoided placing Usssep's 'coin' anywhere near his hand comp.
Originally posted by kafka47:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Ref says: As the Baron and company leave their stateroom they find the eyes of many crewmen stopping their tasks for a moment. Then going on as if nothing was going on. Security seems to be speaking into hushed tones into their comdots.
</font>[/QUOTE]Dorotea goes over to a guard and asks, "Is there some sort of problem? Should we return to our cabins?"
They look somewhat suspicious?

Baron W. asks Baron Jame and Dorotea
"How about breaking our fast in the dining room? Perhaps a private booth?"
The Security Officer, dressed in black pants, black suitcoat, white shirt and black tie, says, "Nothing important ma'am."
Jame sees the man produce a pen-like object from an inner pocket of the suit hold it vertically in front of Dorotea...and point at the upper tip.
"Please look right here, ma'am."

A momentary bright flash ensues.

(Sorry, all, I just *couldn't* resist that!
I think I'll take over random NPCs from here on out...)
Dorotea, completely unharmed, realizes that he's an impostor, slaps him - hard enough to knock him down - and calls for real security.
Picking himself (and his mini-digicam, with which he was documenting a crime scene - including those passengers coming into the area that could potentially taint the evidence...for a DNA Sampling Interview at a later time) up off the floor...
"Ma'am, at this time, I'm afraid I'm going to have to detain you for assaulting a Peace Officer. Now, I'd like to keep thissss...shall we lie, and say,...amicable and professional. Wouldn't you agree?"
"If you'll please step this way...we should be able to clear the matter up and have you back at the your leisure activities within 3 or 4 hours", and he gestures for her to proceed down the corridor ahead of him...

When they get to the nearest Security Office, they find the Security Chief is there.

"Sir, I've told you twice before not to impersonate security personnel. Please, stop doing it."
He turns to Dorotea.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry. This gentleman is fond of impersonating police and security personnel, and manages to seem so convincing because of his many years as a cop. Unfortunately, he seems to have become unbalanced since retirement, which is why he's on this flight. The Zhodani have agreed to give him psychological treatment and share the data with us."
He has a guard escort the gentleman to his cabin.
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