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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"What about a diversion? We could use the makeshift grav-sled to distract the guards while we get down another route. Maybe I should scout out the ridge for a discrete route down?"
Ref says:
Owen peers down the side of the crater. "Panthera, I don't think you should risk it going alone. It is far too sheer and smooth, unless you are an expert (skill 4+) ice climber, plus we only have 200m of rope. I like the idea of diversion, but our sled our safe way down. Perhaps, we have something else that we could sacrifice..." his suit flashes the temperature which indicates that it is dropping a rapid rate.

Down below the helicopters are powering down and returning to helipad, maybe, for the night or maybe just for refilling. There is a new march of troops making their way to parimeter, indicating a change of shifts is occurring. These individuals are similarly armed but less armoured as they seem to focusing more on cold weather gear rather than armour.
Zeke positions security personnel through-out the compound in such a way as to provide a sinlge small corridor through to the coming parties target destination and into His hands.
as darkness approaches,He initiates a full diagnostic on the lights and security system;This will ofcourse will blanket the crater in darkness.AN acceptable risk considering the hostile environment of the planet at night; after all who's going to be out in the middle of a glacier in temperatures as low as -75 degrees celsius,with winds upto 125 kph.
To ensure the guards don't freeze,he engages the secondary lighting and environmental system.This provides about 25% of the illumination as the primary lights but does help provide some heat at the standing posts.
He seeks out the post C.O. and details the plan with him,leaving out the part where these people,once captured, will not be turned over to the empire.
"I really normally try to avoid these situations. How can we get to cover quickly? Perhaps we could hole up until light."

Ben views the vista all around him with his infrared vision, hoping to see some sort of light, or perhaps at least heat at the end of the tunnel for his wearied friends.
"We've got the survival tent, though as it's only built for 4 we'd have to be real friendly. We could rig an ice cave to hide us, though I'm not sure we wouldn't show up on infra-red"
"To survive. I can be friendly. (checks computer)
"If we dig a 1.75 meter diameter wide by 2.5m deep pit in the snow. we could put the tent at the bottom and cap the top with my Reflec shield.
We should decide quick, as I am about to dig a hole for myself and save my assassins the trouble."
Ref says:
Suddenly the crater goes all black as the search lights have turned off for some apparent reason. The guards seem to be marching toward the landing pad. At this remote range and low intensity light it is hard to see who is emerging from from the shuttle, clearly bipedal humanoid figure flanked by others in less defined signatures.

Owen cries out, "We gotta stop thinking of hiding and moving, albeit, stealthily. Benny, affix your reflec to front of the sled. I say we go down now!"

Julianne looks uneasy but shrugs her shoulders, "It is either we go down now or freeze up. No ice cave will protect from the cold and then the lethal radiation that come when the brown dwarf rises again."

She moves toward the sled lending a hand to Ditzie, "This is going to one hell of a ride only if I had my pogo sticks..." Ditzie laments.
OOC: Back in full form, let's adventure!
Panthera plays tail-end charlie, as with her skiis she has a chance of staying on the course if she falls off the back of the sled. She sets the helmet cam to record - she doesn't wanna forget this if they pull it off. If they don't, well....
Ref says: Gliding down the mountain seems relatively easy compared to the climbing part. The sled however is generating a lot of snow being thrown up on either side creating an impression of something creating like an Avalanche. This catches the attention of the guards who are falling back into defensive positions and jumping on their grav platforms and evacuating the general area.

The players in the meantime are safe and snug. "We ought to figure out a good time to jump out. For if that fence is electrified or there are mines, this is going to one hell of short ride." Owen says rather sardonically.
Panthera nervously glances behind her to see if they actually are causing an avalanche.

Then the thought strikes her that that might be the ideal diversion...

She trips the close range comm with her tongue: "Owen....?"
Ref says:
Julianne cries out, "Whee, now this is what I call a ride!"

Noticing the brim of snow caused by the erratic gravatics, Julianne whispers over the general player's com: "It looks like we got the Impies on the run. They must think the whole side of the mountain must be coming down on top of them. Benny, any idea when we should be jumping off this thing? You seem to be accountant numbers type. Just don't leave it too close or leave it too early, as we never know how much of the area below might be booby trapped. And, I got roughed around way too much in my life; hate this adventure to end with me just getting a fractured skull."
A terrified M. Benjamin clings for dear life to the scarily skimpy contraption and hanging on to the edge of the Reflec shield...
one eye peers over the edge of the reflec.

"We are either comrades for life. Or you are my undoing. I am not proficient with these ski things. Snow is best looked at behind glass. We are going to be killed. You know. Stop where it is safe."
Ref says: Owen stands up in the Titanic pose, "Gawd, what a rush...I don't think you Benny, it is not that we can stop this thing...it is the time when we have to jump off. Those distant lights are the base coming ever closer. Plus, as I said, stealthily. This wall of snow is providing a diversion but we are still going to have find a way to get through the fence from a separate access point. Panthera, maybe, you would like to jump in as you have had more experience skiing down mountains and whatnot in low gravity."

Julianne opts into the com channel, "Uh guys, what's that ahead of us..."
As the module comes careering down the slope, Felix hangs on for his very life. Snow and ice flies up alarmingly on either side and at times it feels that the party is little more than the first snowball in a gigantic avalanche.

The security fence approaches rapidly. Through the haze of flying snow, Felix can make out a few regular, blackened circles on the ground in front of the fence: the tell-tale signs of pressure mines set off in the recent past by the sheer weight of snow.

Felix shouts to the others, "We've got to jump! NOW!" And, with a final shudder of disbelief at the situation he is in, he jumps from the side of the module and curls into a foetal position as the ground hurtles by.
Ref says:
The players bail out just in time. The sled and resulting flurry of snow crash into the fence the crackle of electrical discharge as lights all over the base go out. The only light is the dim readouts on their environmental suits, already they can see the Marines and Mercs scrambling over to the position where the sled crashed into the fence and desperately and fruitfully (but hopelessly) trying to rig up some emergency lighting.

The players can see a figure in a very ornate Environmental Suit step out of the command hub making some wild gestures and then disappears again inside only to see moments later and is heading toward one of the warehouses.

There is the sound of a massive snowplough being started up. As soon as the Imperials/Mercs find the sled, they players time will be limited, as it will be known that this is not some sort of freak natural occurrence. Already, some nastily armed snowcats are scouting the far parameter of the base.

The good thing is that the temperature is rapidly dropping impairing the Imps/Mercs in the recovery (OOC: say by Tuesday in real time) and that it has started to snow heavily. (OOC: Good news, is that the snow quickly fills in any tracks. Bad news, dilly dallying weakens the integrity of their suits causing 1pt of dmg should they remain outside past Tuesday).

Across the broadband, there are numerous shouts for medics and the need to illuminate the area where the sled went down.

With the sound of a Harrier taking off, the pair of ramparts are taking off and the whooshing of helicopter blades can be heard. The ramparts can easily survive this environment but whoever ordered the helicopters to take off is clearly sending the pilots to their doom in these weather conditions.
Panthera's helmet cam is still on (there's still at least 4 hours recording time on her mPod). She managed a close up of the ornate EV suit: she brings up a still in a window and tries a digital zoom to see if she can get an ID.

She tracks where the snowcats and snowplough are running, correlates with the dark patches where mines have been set off in the snow and tries to work out where the minefields might be.

Panthera is really enjoying this. Despite the little voice of sensibility in the back of her mind crying in horror, there are so many adrenal pulses and endorphins running around her system that she's almost giddy with the thrill of it.

"Listen guys. I got one set of spare skis, so that means one of you can keep up with me. The rest have only those snowshoes, so you're gonna have to take your time. Meanwhile, two of us can get wherever we want to go quicker, either to create a diversion or find a place to hide. What do you say, who wants to have a little fun?"
Ben cringes under his rad cloak...

"I am up for any plan that will extract us from this ecological nightmare. My new goal is Dry. Warm. Inside. This is not good. We could remit ourselves to this installation's custody. If said installation was hostile. We could have a better chance of thwarting it on the nice dry inside. I would prefer that to death from exposure."
Felix opens his eyes to find himself lying in a pile of snow a few metres away from the tracks of the module. He pulls himself up and tests his leg gently which thankfully seems to have survive his jump into the snow.

Ben's comment hangs in the frozen air as each of the characters quietly imagines the prospect of getting out of the penetrating cold into somewhere warm and light.

Then Felix shakes himself from his reverie as a plan starts to form in his mind.

"I think it's unlikely that we will all escape detection from the forces here for very long. There are just too many of them. But we still have one advantage: they don't know how many of us there are."

"Why don't we split up? One group of us," Felix says while looking at Ben, "can be captured which will lead the Imperials to think they have captured all of us. We can make up some story about being lost in the frozen wastes and they will just take us back to civilisation."

"Meanwhile, Panthera and whoever else can go snooping around looking for this alien device. If no one else volunteers then I'll go with Panthera."
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