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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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OOC: Is Ben wearing gloves? Sound of dice rolling...

Ref says:
The Starchair literally dissolves before his very eyes and merges with the floor. A momement there is a puddle of black goo which then hardens and forms part of the regular flooring. As other other Mercs approach the "players" on top, they do so with bafflement, as they seemingly pass through them, as if they were holographic contrivances. In anger, one takes out a pistol and shoots at "Ben". The bullet slows right down to a point in which one can see the distortion fields made in the air. However, as the bullet passes through "Ben" it seemingly does no damage. However, for Ben in the control room, he notices a wound spout and he begins to lose blood, as if from a gunshot wound from fairly close range.

Owen calls out to the reminder of the players, come on, let us explore this thing while we have a chance and whilst we are alive. Pulling out the holocamera he begins to shoot different images trying best to capture the overall wierdness of the place.
"This is it!"

Ben runs after being shot, at least Ghost Ben does... he runs out of the building. through whatever walls or obstacles, running South.

In the control room, The Real Ben sprays Vaccseal over the hole where he was shot... he pensively retunrs the spraycan to his belt with his gloved hand.
OOC: Ghost Ben is not controllable by the player character except through actions by the real Ben. More will be revealed as the adventure progresses.

Ref says:
The tendril responds by creating an indentation that exactly matches Zeke's hand. The "insects" do not seem to possess any measure of intelligence that responds to verbalization, they do possess a rudiment of intelligence that allows them to avoid obstacles and anticipate Zeke's ability to catch them. In the meantime, the gelatinous cube seems to pulsing a gentle purple glow.

OOC: let me know what Zeke is thinking, if you want you can use PM.

As the real Ben was wearing a glove, he merely just feels the shifting of the chair as it mass suddenly becomes lighter and then eventually dissolves into the flooring. Examining his glove there are traces at the diatomic level that whatever the chair was made of "ripped" part of the suit as oozed down into the floor.
Ref says:
Zeke's hand feels a slight tingling as it touches the tendril. A translucent curtain of smoke and running water appears, yet nothing beyond the immediate area gets wet making Zeke understand this is an illusion or some sort of holographic trickery.

An image of the Hiver and other assorted cast of characters appear on the view screen. He also witnesses how Julianne was "absorbed" by the floor.

As he concentrates he can determine that their location is somehow located at a 45* angle away from his current location. As he moves toward a wall, a space opens up revealing a long black corridor with no appreciable or noticeable forms of lighting. Touching the area around the inky blackness, Zeke feels a numbing chill streak up and down his back. The box in the room emits a slow whine. He desperately tries his radio again; still there is nothing but dead static.

The humming drone of the "insects" is suddenly replaced by dead silence. He turns around to see there are no more "insects".

Owen who is proceeding down the corridor comes across a metallic hatch with a standard hydrolytic valve. Calling back to the remainder of the party to come have a look. Almost, unconsciously, he pulls out his pen and nervous taps on the plunger. "This is looks like something from a museum, I have seen this before but cannot place it...it is old form of starship airlock bulkhead. It is not Imperial or like anything that is currently being used."

Ditzie who bends down further showing them to Panthera, "Look! Claw marks."

Zeke's com suddenly comes to life; it is emitting a low resounding bleep in an old naval code. He cannot quite get a fix on its location, as nothing in structure seems to make sense. Maybe, it is from the outside or maybe it is part of the naval reconnaissance team that was sent in earlier. However, according to the Count's report, they had simply disintegrated...
Going on the basic idea that the chair somehow grew to conform to his needs, Ben thinks it to be again. He also brings Ghost Ben home, putting him right on top of REal Ben if possible.

Ben speaks his mind, uuncaring if he is heard or not.

"If this device is a weapon, and I gain control of it, you soldiers had all better run for your lives. For I am going to exact vengence for my murdered friends, It is a human reaction, but I am a fast learner. I use the term soldiers loosely. You are more a well armed mob."
Tell me what you want,Zeke thinks toward the tendril.How can we help each other?Can we find a mutually benificial situation?

OOC:Zeke is thinking of getting a way out of his current contract and survival for him and his team,as well as offering his services to find a way to help the aliens,and if possible even the other characters.
Ref says:
Zeke reaches into his mind and the tendril responds by filling his mind with an image of bars and walls of netherworld that seems to be neither here nor there. Opening his eyes, he sees on the view screen the Hiver that he had been pursuing grasping at an empty space. The room that the Hiver is a deadly shade of purple with the light shifting in and out of phase, dropping down from the celeling are some spiky balls with razor sharp edges. The object seems to be contorts and shakes, the image begins to swirl when it shows the image of the Hiver’s companions who are down a corridor of some sort with some sort of intricate latticework. One of his companion’s have reached out, which has caused the whole lattice to come “alive” with a multitude of pulsing lights. Along the side of the image strange looking red coloured glyphs appear.

The tendril has now retreated back into the ground from which it sprang without a trace.

The box seems to have stopped with its sound. And a small dot of extremely intense light (that even his polarizers cannot seem to neutralize) has appeared on its surface and seems to be beaconing Zeke to come forward, yet some invisible force prevents him from doing so.

The space in the corner from which the cast of characters were cited seems to getting wider.

Owen shouts out, “Come on, we cannot be separated.” Just as he says that an iris valve appears to be closing between the “control room” and the corridor. The corridor is bespectacled with thousands of Christmas light-effects as hundreds of little lights are sprinkling the webbing intersections and lattices.

Panthera shouts out and lends a hand, “Come on, Benny move that Hiver arse of yours before it is too late.”

Nothing seems to have changed however on the outside view port, as the object remains quite stationary.

Along the floor of the control room, it suddenly has developed a spongy like texture, absorbing the weight of Ben and somewhat sucking in on his foot. There is a slurping sound and a rumbling that is low in intensity along with a low level vibration...which suddenly changes dramatically...

The view screen noticeable goes into static then replaced by red glyphs, there is strong release of air pressure that brings the temperature down, as the object seems to be undergoing some sort of massive earthquake convulsions affecting the field of vision of all the characters. Yet, nothing seems to be going on the outside of the object to alarm the Count and his coterie.
Zeke projects his thought outward,hoping some how he will be able to do so.he tries to contact anyone with in the group."If anybody can hear me, we need to work together to get out of this situation.Past differences aside,we need each others assistance to survive and I am willing to help all of you get out off the counts grasp if I can!" he tries also to look away from the light and concentrate on sending the message.
With as much will as he can Zeke targets the Hiver more than the others.

OOC:Ihope this works.Let me know if you need a die roll!Also sorry for the delay RL took over again!
Ref says:
Benny begins to feel a buzzing in his head, there are words now forming in galangic in place of the glyphs: ."If anybody can hear me, we need to work together to get out of this situation.Past differences aside,we need each others assistance to survive and I am willing to help all of you get out off the counts grasp if I can!". The room is turning a nasty purple like before an electrical storm, the iris valve is continuing to close. Panthera is continuing to egg on Ben who seems to be transfixed by the monitor.

Owen cries out, "Your obsession with revenge is going to get us all killed. Come on, dammit!"

The light is strangely enticing as it is mesmerizing. Zeke has no idea, whether his message got through to the Hiver or not. For now, the naval frequency signal has halted.

He suddenly gets a chill. Realizing that he is ultimately alone, in uncaring universe. Sadness overwhelms him. He then shakes himself. What was that? he silently thinks. It is as if something actually entered his mind and had control, for a moment he experienced something that was not altogether right.

He continues to try to raise his team on top of the object but no success.
ps. OOC: don't worry about the rolls, I usually handle them on this end. Only when there is something critical or we to a predictiment do I call for player rolls. Otherwise, it slows down the game and give RL a chance to interfere with fun.
OOC: Sorry, I had an all day search for the thread before I realized it was in me favorites bin! Sheesh...

Ben focuses inwards in his mind at first, then reaches out with his thoughts, thinking of both the device, and the world outside... He concentrates on motion, on escape...

"Hivers do not take Revenge, sir... but some times abhorrent violence MUST be confronted with overpowering force. It must be so. This was a had lesson my kind was slow to learn."
Ref says:
"Focus, smokus, you are likely to have something particularly nasty happen to you if stay there any longer. If this had an offensive capacity don't you think it would have exhibited it by now." calls out Owen, as the diameter of the iris valve continues to creep close.

Ditzie cocks her head to one side, "So, if it is alive then maybe it considers us like vermin or bacteria...and it has yet to show us the full lethaliness, like it is capable of. But, it would be too easy if, you Benny are in the control room, maybe we are in the anus or something like that. We gotta find the brain."

The concentration of movement does not seem to alter the vehicle save the vibration seems to have stopped. On the viewscreen showing the outside, it actually has shown the object to have shrunk my about 10m causing some of the Mercs to fall off and then clammer back on. A large mining cutting laser has been brought in and being put into place along the top of the object near where Zeke "fell" in.
Ben tries to recall the mock posessiveness that may or may not have had a hand in making the chair appear/disappear.. perhaps the machine (?) works on emotional response...

" I hate to admit it. But it is very hard figuring out this thing while under attack. my own nervousness is getting the best of me. It is hard to concentrate..."
Zeke focuses on the light briefly, and utters a question;"Who are you and what do you want form us?Please help me understand what you want us to do!"
Ref says:
The light is searing a spot into Zeke's pupils, if he continues to look at it; it is certainity that he will go blind. Then suddenly images of a wide open space with trees swaying gently in the breeze. Dozens of objects seem to zipping by at incredible speeds. Then suddenly the sky turns black & purple. Thunder & Lightning fill the sky; a gaping hole appears in the ground which seems to absorb all light. The landscape turns grey and ashen which is then replaced with a blinding light.

Ben sees exactly the same thing save the blinding light at the end. Probing the object by projecting his emotions seems to yield little response from the machine. There is just enough room in the iris valve for a tight squeeze.

"Come on, get a move on Ben, there are no visible controls to re-open this iris valve. We must not get separated. Owen's voice cries out, although, his voice seems many leagues distant as it is an echoing sound by the time it reaches Ben. Ben looks at Panthera's outstretched hand and it seems to be receding ever farther away although all other relative motion seems to be still.
Increasing his helmet bubble opacity to level 7, Ben continues to focus on outside... on escape... simple figures from the pictorial language he speaks in project obliquely before him...

"I will need the Chair again."
Ref says:
Panthera pulls her hand out of harms way as the iris finally closes. This leaves the room utter inky blackness, not even Ben's infravision seems to work, as it seems like it did on the Count's station. Suddenly, a feeling of fear ripples across his body. The ground seems to be absorbing each of his footfalls with a gooey substance reaching up to his torso.

Zeke sees the image of the Hiver working against inky blackness. He continues to be entranced by the light emanating from the box. The intensity of the light continues unabated. Within the light two black spots appear. Either these are naturally occurring or they could be the first signs of the fraying of his optical nerve.
Ref says:
There seems to nothing in IR just the same inky blackness. The floor seems to becoming increasingly spongy whereby movement is becoming impaired. Suddenly, Ben feels something murky slither around his torso constraining him for a moment then releasing. An image forms in his mind's eye of what it felt to a youngling in the wilderness of unbridled freedom but terror.

The lights come on, from a recess in the wall two human size black coffins appear to be secreted from the wall itself. The material they are made from has an appearance like glass but a scan reveals that it is made from the same strange matter that makes up the floor, walls and ceiling of the object.

They are translucent but light does not seem to shine through it nor is there any light source coming from within.

They are also hermitically sealed but along the ridges it does look as they could be preyed open if something were act as leverage.
Ref says: Voices. Possibly, Galangic. An arguement? No, a chorus. Rising and falling in pitch and intensity. (OOC: play the Carmina Burana to get a sense) then silence as Zeke tries to listen harder. In the meantime, the light continues to brighten in intensity searing the back of eyes.
OOC: Roll a 2D6 against End. Failure will result in one permanent loss of Dex due to blindness. Do this for every real life day that Zeke is looking into the light.
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