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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says:
Nothing but a strange undulated throbbing is the response from Ben's communicator. A cross reference reveals the sound to approximate whale song but when run through the translation matrix nothing but zeros and ones appear. Odd as he able to get a perfect visual (or as near perfect as lighting conditions allow) of the other characters through their suit cam just not identifiable sound/speech patterns.


Owen puts his hand on the object without his glove. There is a slight tingling and for a moment the object imitates a throbbing sound. A St. Elmo's halo surrounds his body then disappears with the cession of the throbbing sound. Different coloured lights appear on the top part of the object then wink out.

Julianne says: "It is almost as if it is alive but it is not a life form nor does it appear to be a sophisticated machine. What is it? Where is Ben when you need him?"

Zeke in the meantime waits for the exit of the other figure. "Come on Hiver, come out to play...come out where ever you are the laser targeting of his FGMP is clearly active, as one see the streaming of a red line tracing the outline of different objects.

A another set of footfalls, "Sir, we have a distribuance on the surface. It would appear that we are under attack from Delta Quandrant. The Security computer is going all haywire again."

Zeke sighs, "My dear Hiver, you will have to wait but don't go far. You're MINE!"
Felix snatches the holo-camera from Julianne and begins taking pictures of the object / life form. He takes some video of the halo encapsulating Ditzie as she touches it. The throbbing sound seems to rise a notch as she does so.

"Look guys, we've taken the pictures - we've done what we came here to do. This is all very pretty and all but unless one of you is some kind of expert in," Felix pauses for breath and points at the object, "whatever that is then I suggest we get out of here!"

The other members of the party seem mesmerised by the changing colours of the object while Felix searches for a suitable exit route from the room.
Ref says:
Ben only sees the grill of the air vent as the only possible exit that would be joining the company of suicidal fools - his travelling companions up to this point. Inside the crate there are just different components of sensors, however the wooden crate is unusable, one could fashion a club from it. However, that would make noise and alert the guards who are still quite near.

The whale song has ceased but dead static is the only sound emitting from the communicator. Some sort of streaking is also causing the signal to break up. It would appear that someone is trying to tap into their comm signal to get a fix where the party resides.

The object continues to isolate in different coloured light patterns with the top being the area that is more brightly lit. There are no other exits. The halo seems to have had a longer effect when Ditzie touched the object. She blurts out, "It wants to be free...but does not know the way. We must help it."

Owen looks over his shoulder rather quizzically at Ditzie who eyes have rolled upward revealing only the whites. "Felix, give me a hand, how do you think we can get on top of this thing. I want you see if there is a way that may be that we can get inside, even if it is alive clearly those drills are not only way, I have a feeling that this is some sort of vehicle."
'One day I shall find a nice air vent to nest down in. It is certainly the safest property in human space.' Ben thinks to himself as he unscrews the vent cover, replacing it once he's in the vent. He begins to silently creep towards freedom...

Backtracing the signal reaching him, he makes an attempt to send back a comm feedback scramble pulse to whoever is trying to crack him.
Felix searches the room fruitlessly for another exit and wonders how he ever got persuaded to enter the base. He concludes that the object may be the only viable route of escape.

"Do you think this is some sort of advanced drilling machine? We might be able to drill our way out of here. We'd better not go too deep though - we seem to be above an area which is still volcanically active..."

Felix finds that the chairs surrounding the room are movable and he stacks a few of them on top of each other next to the object. It's a little precarious but he manages to climb up until he's level with the top of the object.

Warily, he touches the object and climbs out on top of it. Immediately, the halo envelops him and the throbbing sound seems to penetrate right through him. "Man, that feels weird".

"Now, if I can just find a way into this thing..."
Fearing this being his last Entry, Manipulator Benjamin of Zeldar emails his comrades:


My kind does not express anger as yours, but I find it necessary to illustrate my confusion as to why exactly I am alone here in an air vent, with a madman trying to kill me with a Fusion Gun.

One bolt went within milimeters of removing my Prime Limb, what you would consider my head. While not angry, please mark me as confused.

Please help me, before I am killed, Or I swear by the Great Nest my relatives will buy your homeworlds and turn them into obnoxiously plastic tourist attractions.

With Warm Regards,

M. Benjamin
In a Vent Somewhere
Ref says:
Owen knocks over the stack of chairs. Our hexapod friend is in trouble.

Julianne lurches to her feet and disappears down the air duct to retrieve the lost Hiver. "Ben, over this way." she hisses.

Behind Ben, the nanites seem to have regrouped and are heading down the shaft. However, they seem not in a solid clump but moving down the tunnel and different corridors at different speeds. Just as she pulls Franklin free, he catches a glance backward and the entire section where Julianne was crawling and Ben a moment before becomes electrified. The high charge stuns Julianne for a second and fries the internal circuitry of the nantites who now seem to be in a retreat from the observation gallery room.

The object lets out a high pitch squeal that then subsides.

"This weird tech seems to be more your forte, Benny. What do you make of this?" asks Owen

On the top the vehicle the lights seem to be, surround a vulva-like opening that seems firmly shut, as Felix scrambles toward it.

"Toss down some rope, Felix...I gotta see what you are talking about. Calls out Julianne, "Any other takers?"
(OOC: Hard to visualize, but Ben sees in 360 degrees. There is no "corner of his eye")

Examining and measuring the tensile strength of the rope, Ben begins to climb with as much vigor and speed as he can muster. (OOC:8)

"We will have to have a discussion with the group about policy. After we secure passage and weaponry to escape this planet of madmen. What a terrible vacation."
As Felix hauls Ben up on to the top of the object he contemplates the prospect of his homeworld turned into a plastic tourist attraction. He can't resist a smirk because the recollections he has of his home indicate that such a transformation would only be an improvement.

The party stands around what appears to be the opening to the object. In his peripheral vision, Felix sees that the nanites appear to be regrouping after their electrification. Felix touches the opening which quivers slightly and springs open to reveal a darkened opening. There is a faint sound of pressure equalization from the interior of the object.

Felix eases himself down through the opening and into the object.
Ref says:
"Whoa, you got to see this to believe It." cries out Owen looking down.

Felix who descended first seems to have landed on some soft cushiony bubble shapes which immediately take his form and begin projecting a holographic display of rock formations and different strata. There are neither obvious controls nor anything that projects itself outward. When attention is is diverted to wondering how Julianne is doing immediately her face appears in the holographic display.

Owen peering over his shoulders says, "I don't know there is some real bad voodoo about this device that I cannot quite pin down."

Upon saying that that there is a forceful cushion of air that force the pair of them back on the top of the vehicle with the sphincter firmly closed.

The rest of the party stands there blinking at them. "What did you see?" cries out Ditzie

Owen stutters for a moment, "I am not entirely sure, whatever it is probably sentient, as like the surface it seemed like everything was made out of bubbles yet it does possess some technology comparable to our own, as I did see a holographic projector. Maybe this whole thing is some sort of Imperial or Zhodani ruse?"

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! WE HAVE THE AREA SURROUNDED!" an anonymous voice over a megaphone blasts at the players, as if to reinforce the point, a plasma bolt shoots out and Julianne takes a direct hit in the arm and staggers backwards.

Just then here the patter of several dozen armoured feet in the surrounding viewing gallery with armoured personnel pointing FGMPs down at the player's location.

The exit in which Felix came in is similarly blocked and the golden nanites are oozing out of ventilation shaft.
Ref says:
Julianne moans as her arm is lacerated by the plasma bolt and drops down clutching her arm in pain.

"Hold yer fire, for now, boys. These terrorist scums will have their chance to die, if they do not cooperate." says a Merc with gruffly voice that had earlier taken a pot-shot at Ben.

"Where are the others?" he asks the Party

As if to reinforce the point, another trooper fires another shot, burning off the locks of Owen's sideburns and hitting Julianne in the arm who collapses unconscious.

"Careful, you fools, don't fire anymore in this room unless I give the order lest you damage the OBJECT." says a third more respected voice indicating high society.
Ben bristles directly in between Julianne and the Marines, white with fear...

"Stop! We are Unarmed!"

OOC: Did we surrender and then get shot again? Are Juli's arms gone? What about Owen's head?
Ben carefully examines Juli's horrific wounds...

"What is the meaning of this? Is it normal procedure to handle base security with such excessive force? It is a wonder that this place is not a radioactive slag heap from thwarting a prowler. This woman needs medical attention immediately."

As he speaks, he quietly films the progress of the nanites, making sure not to appear to be immediately doing so. He cross compares the rate and pattern of the tiny machine's movements...

(looking around)
"What is going on here? What is this substance? Do you know you seem to have uncontained nanites loose here?
Felix freezes for a moment as the shots blast past him. He is not too stunned to notice, though, that the shots are just absorbed by or reflected off the object and cause no visible damage, despite what the noble (as Felix takes him to be) says.

"Others?" he shouts back, "There are no others in our team."

Felix rummages through the small amount of medical equipment they brought and finds some burn spray. He begins to apply it to what remains of Julianne's arms but it's quickly apparent that the spray is only intended to treat mild burns - not major trauma. Julianne seems to be in shock and begins to shiver uncontrollably. Felix administers a tranquilizer which calms her briefly but he quickly realises that her injuries are well beyond his capabilies.

"We need an emergency medical evac!" he shouts behind him hoping that the panic in his voice might persuade even these trigger-happy mercs to assist them.

[OOC: For what it's worth I rolled 9 for Felix's attempt to stabilize Julianne's injuries. Felix has Medical-1]
Ref says:
Felix correctly applies the spray and tranq. To which the shivering stops momentarily before her body goes into violent shock.

Felix's statement and plead is met with chuckles and laughter from the Mercs and the sound of energy weapons being charged once again who also notice how the object just absorbed the bulk of the plasma discharge.

The nanites seem to be constructing a metal barrier around the different exit points; their actions seem not to catch the attention of the Mercs.

“Very good, commander, you will be commended upon your actions. Be sure not to be trigger happy, we have to make this look like an accident.” the voice of the lead Merc intones

"Well, well, we meet again Hiver..." a tall gaunt masked figure croons in an icy and cold manner that matches this world's surface.

"Before, I think, I showed too much leniency, kill them. Breaking into an Imperial installation and damage to Imperial property... unless..." he further states.
Ben, seeing no hope but strongly put reason, Stiffens his neck to confront the man...

"Unless what, you Brigand?"

"This is how you treat vehicle crash survivors needing aid and shelter? No officer I know would behave so. You have the power to kill us, that is clear. And clearly the intent. That makes my life and all our lives in a precarious balance based on your whims."

Bens head waggles slightly from side to side..

If our deaths are to serve some purpose for you, then we have no means to control that. Be aware if you make the error in murdering us, My nest knows where I am. The Federation knows where I am. So does the Imperial Commission that set me on this fact finding mission."

Ben's face closes and his eyes lock in a perfect ring around his head, his front arms folding as a pensive human's would...

"I am sure both together will have many questions for you about our deaths. Again, You have the power here. Using that power against unarmed civilians may not bode well for you, if you will pardon the observation."
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