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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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The Hiver's rhetoric is impressive but the FGMPs more so. Felix begins to realise the true severity of the situation. Escape seems doubtful.

Hiding behind Ben's frame, Felix tries once again to gain entry to the opening in the object. Recalling the ability at reading his mind that the object seemed to have he also concentrates as hard as he can on visualising the entire party within the object and tunnelling into the ground.
Ref says:
The object's drills momentary fire and then they die down. Looking rather stunned, the Marines cry out, "This guy must be a mind ripper, let's waste them before he gets into and fracks it around." and a bolt narrowly misses Ben's prime limb with Owen's sideburns taking another toasting

The Count hisses, "Not yet. As you see, it is within my power to kill you. But, I have a proposition for you. You must either accept as a group or die as a group...and please, Hiver do not threaten me with actions from your far away Federation or the Imperium, I am the LAW here. You are not in the position to refuse."

Clasping his hands together, "You now reside on the object of strange alien manufacture which demolished the bulk of the main administrative dome in The City through the careful and meticulous placement of explosive charges beneath it. You seem to have an affinity toward it. What I need you to go in search of its makers beneath the surface of this world. Make Contact and establish who they are and what threat they pose. In exchange, all charges will be dropped and you will be given free High Passage aboard the Pride of Naasirka once it gets repaired. Or you can be reduced to melted organic sludge on this vehicle."

The Mercs, as if to reinforce the point have weapons' safeties unlocked and a clear target grid is affixed to the Hiver's main body.

“But, First, I want to see inside this object and to try to figure with whom or what we are dealing with. It is unlikely this level of technology is local. Open it for me.” the Count whispers.

NB: The object’s seems to have completely died and is not responding to any of Felix’s concentrated thoughts or other members of the Party.
Ben has already shifted focus gratefully from the bellicose human to the object. He begins to scan in its physicality into his computer...

"Coercsion of assitance was totally unecessary, and is counter productive. Please remove a bulk of these soldiers. Two guards with those cannons shouls be sufficient. And yourself of course. This is right up my service walkway, and will help even if you insist on pointing weaponry at us as we do it. You are indeed the law here."

First recommendation in this is to remove any and all explosive devices remaining, in order to minimize the potential for calamity. Whoever these builders are, there must have been some logic applied to why this is here, in this place.

This may not be logic we as other Sophonts are accustomed to. A rational approach will lead to a rational solution."

(checks computer again)
Ref says:
The Count shifts from one foot to another, "Do you take us as fools, of course, we removed all the explosives from the rubble of the administrative area. All that we could find is that they were of synthesized nature with no known chemical signatures. At first, we suspected the Zhodani or Zhodani sympathizers...but I fear that situation has been complicated by the arrival of this object which you standing on. Thus far, it has eluded some of the best minds of the quadrant, and yet, here you are standing on it and one of your members has gained access for a moment, but that is still something that eluded those so called Experts. So tell me, Ben, what do you make of it?"

"In terms of removing the guns, once I have your consent, then the guns will not be necessary. I will have you and your fellows personally airlifted to a site whereby I can provide you each with 1000 line of Credit, in which you can purchase anything from this world's stores that you might need for such an exhibition. I would expect answers within a month. In turn, I would also provide you with a sophisticated form of GPS in which you would then be able to find your way back to the surface with ease. Or, as I said you can become organic goo on the surface of this device." he says with a fawning grace.

"Before you try anything funny, I have also taken a precaution of growing a clone when you were aboard my palace and with the correct memory inserts that we took from you when you were transported to the surface, he will travel in your stead back to your precious Federation without anyone knowing the better." he says with a chuckle.

"So, what say the rest of you? For surely, you do not want to follow this Hiver into the realms beyond this life, for I grow weary and want your decision now!" says the Count in an agitated voice.
Ignoring the Count's threats, Ben sets to work.

"My decison is made. I will go. As previously stated. My concern about the guns and explosives is one of saftey. Not to try funny things.

"I would not at first impression take this for a Zhodani contrivance. They do not have the inclination for such. Nor are there bio-sciences on a level with this on the whole.

Though they show considerable technical prowess in the use of psionically triggered controls, the structure of of Zhodani society conditions them to believe that the body, and ostensibly the mind is the greatest tool afforded to them. I think if they wanted to raid, they would teleport in and do it. This seems an excessive step. Too much work and unpredictability for such a goal."

"Have any of your techs scanned anything detrimental in its makeup? Any harmful compounds? What about growth or movement?"

(pokes object with space pen)

"Who else knows about this?"
Ref says:
The poking of the pen causing a purring response for the object with a slight vibration to pen itself but not from the object, the ink appears to dry then the patterns swirl and dissolve with the surface returning to being unblemished.

"I agree with your assessments that it is not of Zhodani manufacture for it seems above their level of expertise, plus to transport it here would have required a colossal effort. Notwithstanding, from the recent conferences that I have held with the Zhodani Ambassador, it would seem that he is aware of it, somehow." states the Count in an almost jovial manner.

"As to the composition, it is of an unknown alloy that shares characteristics of the toughest metals yet has malleability and refractive index that seems to have a different composition all together. It exhibits properties that are capable of blocking spectrographic analysis issuing an effect of total darkness that I have demonstrated to you on a number of occasions when we have plugged a fragment into a Graf field generator. Sadly, that sample seems to have been depleted of its internal energy supply and reverted to an element in the Super Heavy Range.”

“Growth, we have noticed there is a process of accretion that takes place over a 12hr cycle in which the object increases or decreases by several millimetres then stabilizing. It has also exhibited tendencies of camouflage. As we are currently bombarding this area with Alpha particles from a barium laser, this tendency seems to have subsided. Therefore, to keep the object visible to the human eye...but I do believe it has also been able to block your vision into the infrared, has it not, Hiver and please, do not bother lying or trying to misdirect...it is so tiresome.”

“I must learn its SECRETS, Hiver, if you are speaking for the group, you are edging closer to your mutual destruction and I will maybe find the clone that we have made of you to be more compliant, when we have downloaded what will remain your brain into its shell." purrs the Count.

"Are the rest of you going to follow the leader and play games with me, for I warn you my patience is limited and you have angered my Mercs and Men by getting this far." coldly intones the Count.

To enforce the point, Zeke directs his men to target the remaining members of the party.
Ben blinks at the Count, very confused...

"If your Grace will permit me? Sir, how did you come to this state? Your inexplicably hostile attitude and draconinan expression shows that perhaps you act out of bitterness?

Frank shows a small film clip of him toasting several Imperial Knights at a Luncheon...

"I do not understand. I had always heard and seen that members of the Moot were fine people. The Best. Men and Women that set the standard for sanity and justice throughout the Imperium. All your Grace need do is ask, and any assistance I'm sure could be rendered at once. Part of my overall mission is one of cooperation."

(pauses for a second, looking at the Count and see if he is getting through to him...)

"As to this clone business. With all due respect, I have rarely heard anything more monsterous and barbaric in my life. I am shocked. Do you mean to say that you went to the trouble to type me, copy my memories artificially, and make a clone to try to pass of as me? And given that, do you think me so naiive that I do not know that that means you intend to kill me and have been for some time? Why, Sir? Why must I be killed when I am willing to help?

Sir, I would have easily used the money you wasted on such a project and make you a nice fleet of Robotic Duplicates of me with no trouble. And I am sure that they would be better than any clone this place could produce. The proof in that is said clone is not working on the project now. A being is more than just memory. You will have no chance of passing off some twitching, vat-grown horror. I think you may act out of an erroneous perception of how close Federation Society is.

I will help readily, and again, even if you continue to display some rather extreme character flaws, all I suggest is that you and your men may begin to get tired being on the edge of killing us constantly. We should start cultivating a positive working relationship now."

(removes a small plastic water filled maze puzzle, shakes it, and returns it too its pouch)

"I do not speak for the group. I speak for myself. These are people I just met. There is no Group. I am loyal to these people because they saved my life. Plus, they are people."

(looks directly at the count, eyes narrowing)
"I do have one condition. At the end, I want to personally destroy everything having to do with this clone, the clone itself, and your solemn oath that we shall never speak of this atrocity again. For your own good. I would hate to think of what would happen to your standing with the Peerage if anyone ever found out about this.

I just need your intent clear and then we can begin."
Ref says:
"My hexapodical friend, you are in no position to make demands. Nonetheless, I would certainly honour your request that the clone be destroyed. You see, I cannot, afford someone like you going around spreading rumours about what you have witnessed. However, clones are copies and not very effective ones at that. I need you, and you do my bidding and you shall get what you asked but nothing more."

"Furthermore, your Federation is far away but not far enough that you would not be missed therefore, let us concede that the clone exists to prevent you from taking the Emperor's monies that I will allocate for this project and see that they are put into good use." rasps the Count.

"You each possess special talents that prove useful to my ends, of which, I will not discuss..." says the Count.

Owen interrupts the Count, "Have you guys not figured out that this whole journey to this point also has nothing but a ruse to enlist our services. I say we find out more about this thing. Felix do that thing to get it open again...before we end up like those eggs that we ate in town."

[[/i] Felix concentrates but nothing happens. [/i]]

"I am growing very impatient, I want an answer. Who will speak for the group or shall I instruct my men to pick you off individually until you can make a group decision..." the Count bitterly intones.
OOC: BUMP! Players currently AWOL come and report in. And even those with leave, it is cancelled. Check in and make a play.

Ref says:
The machine's hum has suddenly stopped. The characters seem to see the walls melt away and be replaced with an amber coloured film between the Count and themselves. A contoured seat begins to take shape. The Hiver character sees one perfect for a Hiver and the Human characters see one tailored for a human. However, most disconcerting is that they see their own bodies standing on top of the object, from a nearby holoprojector. They know that this not a previously recorded image for the fact that whatever they seem to do, it is immediately copied by the image.

"Is this the afterlife?" asks a drugged Julianne.

They can see the Count cursing and scolding the soldiers around him/her. A flash and heat sensation confirms that people on top are real, as Julianne moans again, this time she is struck in a full frontal assault by several energy weapons.
OOC: BUMP! Players currently AWOL come and report in. And even those with leave, it is cancelled. Check in and make a play. Not kidding.

Ref says:
The star chair seems to perfectly contour Ben's mass. The curtain has a silky like texture tingling goes through his body as he touches it. With effort, he can pass his arm right through it. As he does, he notices the image of him in the view screen becomes sheathed in an amber shell. He "hears" a number of bleeping sounds punctuated by the hiss of static.

Owen carefully moves around the room noticing strange octagonal glyphs on the walls that seem to be withering, touching them causes them to move where his hand moves. Stepping back, he looks down at Julianne who is in a real bad state. Although, her wounds are covered with the med spray he body is undergoing shock.
Ben tries his usual control routines, to see if this machine can be used to get us out of here. Even as a non-psionic, he tries thinking to see if things happen...

OOC: Can I breathe normally in this bubble stuff?
Ref says:
No controls appear despite the concentration of the party. Owen begins to breath quite heavily as he sees ropes from the celing drop down near the where the characters are standing. A few more Mercs drop down. Seems like something effected their grav belts. Zeke takes charge who is following the row of lights that lead away from the characters, touching that portion of the "skin" of the object, it parts away allowing him alone to gain access to the interior.

Another holographic image pops this time showing a bubbling, web like mass and a several insect like creatures tending to a throbbing transparent box. It is to this area that Zeke decends as if on an air cushion.
OOC: BUMP! Players currently AWOL come and report in. And even those with leave, it is cancelled. Check in and make a play. Not kidding.

Ref says: From underneath Ben, he feels a ripple as the chair dissolves and strange purplish light floods the chamber. Protruding behind the characters a corridor forms out of sticky web-like peering through the corridor the lighting remains purplish and the place where the holes are marked by utter blackness.

Owen taking a tentative step, finds the surface to be spongy and elastic-almost. He calls upon the other characters to join him. Julianne who is incapacitated has her condition worsening. Just as Panthera was about to sling her over her shoulders she dissolves into the floor. The image of the players also show as if Julianne has been injested as no trace remains.

Ditzie screams, as she apparently sees something in the monitor pointing at, but when the other characters turn there seemingly is just the same display. She claims she saw a skull of some sort, she could make out if it was human or alien...probably alien but seemed so alive.
Extrapolate from this:



"Please we must remain calm. I am not sure what exactly we are seeing here... this is most peculiar... i will try and see if I can somehow access this... this... device? With my computer..."
"Computer, switch to frauehhoffer mode. Give me an exact material composition breakdown of the substance. Compare to direct Library for analog.
Begin passive densitometer and Mass scan..."
Zeke tries to stay calm and figure out where he is.He tries his comms in vain but can't reach the squad.He begins to relax and hopefully come through this without getting hurt or killed. :(
Ref says:
Computer reports, material exhibits no know comparable substance found in its database. Cross-references indicate that it has a composition similar to plasma but seems to be elongated atoms linked together in a chain to form a stable form of matter. Furthermore, the computer reports that the amber screen seems to be porous in parts with apertures opening and closing, however the exchange of atmospheres is minimal. With bits and pieces of regular materials thrown in. Such as. the holographic project is made from the same materials that can be found in any holoprojector across Chartered Space.

Felix is looking rather quizzically, not sure if he wants to follow Owen, Ditzie down the strange corridor or stay with Ben and his scans in a room that seems like the room he visited before.
As Zeke relaxes a tendril arises from the floor and approaches him. The "insects" seem to be mechanical in nature but are too small and too quick for Zeke to get a close look. He does notice some strange markings etched on the back side.
"I am going to go about normally, and see what has changed. I must get out of this underground pit of doom. If I go encased in amber glop then so be it."

"but this chair is mine"

Ben tries to remove the Starchair
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