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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Zeke works to help the hole get bigger.Any way out is better than no way at all!
"Ben,loosen your grip a little,your cutting off the circulation in my hand."He relized at tha t point that Hivers hadn't a clue of hwo strong they actually were.
"Pardon, Zeke."

Ben shifts from grip to clamp a foot to Zeke's back armor... he flexes back and films as much of the anomaly as possible...

"Who is it out there? Can you see?"
Ref says:
Zeke's power armour is relatively inert from the successive EMP pulses. The fibre optic matrix underneath does compensate but it makes movement much slower therefore not as dextrous.

However, between the efforts above and efforts below a man-sized hole appears. The Battle Dress gloves have ceased their combing for a moment. A spherical robot drops down propped by grav thrusters scoots around takes an active scan of everyone in the room and pops back up without a further word. They hear five rhythmically claps and the sound of an automatic door opening and closing.

After Ben's camera recorded the empty room, he pops his head out of the hole. There he sees the same room as they found the object. The object has significantly diminished in size. Now it measures no more 20m and it possesses a distinctive gray egg shape. Cordoning off the area rather nasty Imperial Marines in full Battle Dress. Above in the viewing gallery, there is the Count who is discussing a matter with one of his attendants. The guard closest to him taps him on the shoulder and points at Ben.

"Ah, Ben of Zeldar, how nice of you to join us once again. When you disappeared 12 days ago** into the object, we had feared the worse. Are prepared to offer your assistance now, in my venture. But, first, I would like you to hand over all recording equipment and I would very much like to hear your accounts." the Count's voice echoes throughout the room, as it has been amplified by some sort of A-V system.

Holding up a portable view screen, "And, I see that not all of your companions have managed to survive the ordeal. This is most tragic, you must understand, we tried to save you all but that thing repulsed most of our efforts. Come refreshments and comforts await."

To reinforce the message, the Marines relax their guard by pointing their guns toward the ground.

**At the most, the players have only perceived 3 days have passed.
"Yes, Several of our party have died. But it is of little consequence... they were only the weak ones. Thankfully the strength of Zeke has allowed for us to pass through the anomaly relatively unharmed...
Ref says:
"I am glad the Mercenary was able to be helpful. His men have been amply rewarded. Now, come this way for refreshments. You will also be happy to know, that one of the weak ones, that you have cited have been able to be saved...but more about that later." the Count cheerfully says, as pushes several buttons. A grav crane lowers a platform down and the Count departs through the sliding door.

Owen climbs on the platform, offering a hand to Zeke and Ben. As they pass through the door, different servants from a multitude of species across the Imperium graciously escort them down a corridor to a lavish chamber decorated with the finest silks and hardwoods. There the Count sits upon a throne on a dais. Flicking a switch brings in refreshment suitable of very high quality to the party.

"Please, enjoy. Tell me everything." the Count leans forward with an animated posture. As one of his servants brings a holoprojector and places it down in front of the Party, he leans back on the throne waiting for the show.

(OOC: feel free to cull together images from the Internet to tell the story Just try to have an opening statement that might solicit interest others from the board to want to join in).
After spraying the meal with Rot Enzyme # 092d,
Ben cues the holoplayer from his comp...

"Simply put, Sir, this creature is some form of macro colonial life. Similar to the Yectra from Phoga superficially... or perhaps the Turiandi of 1402 B89A7S6-C Wa 503 Hv in the Losprane Sector.


The creature is non-intelligent, and seemingly emulates intelligence as a byproduct of the destructive form of symbiosis it exhibits by macroviral infection of host organisms. This Parasitism takes the form of mitochondrial disruption, breaking down normal function of cellular cytoplasm and inhibiting golgi apparatus function, next slide please...


...resulting in rapid degeneration of the host in many physiological states. The rate of this degeneration is proportionate to the overall mass of the host subject, and dissolution occurs in a average human size creature in 37.62 days..


This process is an analog to the Hylotanathren Effect as shown in M. Darius's paper

(ben begins to read the entire paper, which is in fact a dissertation on the variants of fruit mold, but Ben changes the wording to simulate relavance to the "subject". The paper is 2,935 pages long, a model of Hiver brevity.. as this is being read out he keeps and eye or three on the goings on around him. )
Ref says:
"Zeke, Owen anything to add?" the Count asks with a yawn.

"My experts have analyzed this "creature" and they have assured me that it represents a Clear and Present Danger to this Sector. I am interested to hear your thoughts on that." the Count says leaning forward to that his face perfectly melds into Ben's last slide.


.....reboot 01, 02, 03, 04, check........

.....54370 grams, 61 litres, require plasma.........

"This is crucial data, sir, and there is no other way for me to express it, it is a complex issue...

... ofcourse if we go back and look over chart b..., then it becomes clear that the (trails off into lecture)"
Ref says: "Thank you, good Hiver. I do appreciate your contributions. However, I wish to hear from the security expert that I hired. Commander Zeke, what comments do you have add. Similarly, Owen, I do believe your background in the Navy provides us with a useful perspective, is this object and others like it a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the systems of this Sector and potentially beyond?" the Count reveals irratation in his tone.

"While this object was much larger and we have managed to shrink down to size this is what it was capable doing." he says activating the holoviewer remotely from his throne.

Behold, before:

And after, in a span of 30sec after we detected the object:


"Regretably, over 500 sentients were killed in this demostration of force by agents unknown. All we know that this object had something to do with it as it was found at the base of structure and Imperial Scientists from the Navy, Scouts and Army were called in to analyze the site. No trace of explosive material or structural flaw could be found. After a period 2hrs, the object doubled in size. At that point, I was informed of its existance, I made the quick decision to relocate here where it could be studied." the Count's voice conveys the sadness at the horrendeous loss of life.

"So, enough games. I need to know what we are up against. Our earlier expedition, led by a Naval & Marine Crack Team disappeared. You are the only ones to emerge from the object and even then, as you say the weak ones perished. Naturally, if you do want to contribute anything more useful to the discusssion, Hiver, please do so. I merely want to stop this from happening again." the Count continues.
"There's not much to add sir.The entity or colony of microbes is in my oppinion unaware of its desturcutive nature.I believe it is just following its own natural instincts for survival."Zeke watched the Hiver as he addressed the Count,looking for any prompts or support.He was trying to lull the Count into a sense of cooperation as he tried to figure a way out of this."As far as I can tell,It is just a lifeform acting on impulse and natural instinct,with no real thought or sentient process.It's just an animal doing what comes naturally."
Ref says: "I am not entirely sure looking at the devastation caused by the last slide that this object is simply acted on animal instincts. At several times, I actually felt threatened by the object. Furthermore, it is clear whilst this object may be made from indigenous materials, it is clearly not indigenous to this world. And, I for one, would be interested to know who the builders are. For I have to say it was some sort of cybernetic organism which had a symbiotic relationship with something it termed "pilots", which presumably were sentient beings." at which point Owen tries to play the conversation from the healing room but much of the message is scrambled from the EMP.

"So, does it represent a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER? If so, more concrete action must be taken before more of devices destroy all settlement on this world," the Count retorts quietly angrily at Zeke's apparent turncoat nature.

Felix, interjects, "I cannot much, guv. But, I can tell you for a moment when it took possession over me, I was no longer meself. And, the things I saw were terrible yet I cannot remember them. Pity that hot chick, Panther, something or another was not here, she would know more."

"Well, as luck would have it the object somehow ejected her earlier than you. She severely traumatized by the whole experience. But, our medical experts have been tending her for the last week and it seems like she has made a near full recovery," the Count purrs.

Pushing a button, two attendants wheel in Panthera in an old fashioned wheelchair linked to some pretty sophisticated (TL F) medical equipment. She looks tired and drawn out, physically she has some scaring that is on its way to recovery. She is dressed in a simple medical gown and quite fetching at that.

"So, are you up to the next stage of the adventure?" the Count happily asks, although his facemask obscures his face, one gets a sense he is beaming.
Ref says:
The Count holds out a datapad, "Here is a complete list of the wares of the planet. Combined with my own personal authorization for funds of 1000Cr each for the purchase of equipment for your journey to the depths."

One of his servants pass the datapad to one of the characters.
OOC: Anything from any Traveller equipment so long as it is within the Law Levels of the planet. Present me with an exact list and I will either approve items or disallow them. Keep in mind what the next adventure will entail. Keep in mind everything will have a 20% mark-up on the price listed in the book.
Ben blinks at the recovering Panthera...

"I'm not finished with the presentation yet. Perhaps Panthera could be excused for medical evaluation..."

OOC: Panny is not in on "the plan" and needs to be clued into how to act.
"Yeah could do with a check up. I think I took too many stims on the descent. Woo, it's all weird after that"
Ref says:
"Don't worry, dear Hiver, my attendants have been taking the best care of her and my personal doctors have assured me that she has made a full recovery. She probably never been so healthy, even a new born kitt-babe, would have trouble being any healther. Furthermore, her Doctors remain in the annex there and she is hooked up to the latest medical equipment monitoring all her vital signs. Select, equipment and I have to concur with your colleague here, that if this world is to be saved, we must obtain more information and the only place we will find it in the depths of the planet. What's the matter Hiver? I thought your people liked poking around looking for grubs and whatnot? You are not scared are you?" the Count cheerfully asks.

Owen taking the list, "Ok, here is what I what 5 Fusion torches at 350Cr, Grav backpack 110Cr, 18 days of military self heating dry rations at 380Cr, Emergency blanket at 20Cr, TL A First Aid kit at 300Cr."

The Count nods, "Done. Once your compatriots are finished, my guards here will escort you to transporation."
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