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Request for testers


Okay the first alpha build of HGS 2 is ready to be tested. But the changes are at the level where I'm not willing to rely on my own testing. So I've uploaded the first test build. In the zip are two exe's. One is my latest stable build (1.21 build 15 I think) the other the alpha of hgs 2 (think its labelled beta but its an alpha).

Could some people please test it for me. What I need is several people to each make three non-refitted ships. One under 1000 tons with mixed turrets, one under 1000 tons without mixed turrets and one over 5000 tons. Could you make the ship twice, once in each version (please make sure they are identical). Then zip up the six hgs files and send them to me (add the word alpha to the new builds files so I can tell em apart). I'll then do a text export of each and check both builds are producing the same results.

All I want to test at the moment is that the non-refitted ships v2 is making are the same as the ones v1.21 makes. At the moment only the engineering refit section is (sort of) working. If you find any huge errors with the refit side, let me know too though

New features
base code for refitting engineering. Note: reporting is not good (ie the refits don't appear properly on the USP) and there is no rule enforcement (ie you can refit to your hearts content blithely ignoring all the rules)

Oh a couple of spelling mistakes fixed and it adds the option to increase the cost of main jump drives by a factor of ten (its a house rule of mine for mil std drives)

Forgot to mention, any file opened with the alpha will NOT be openable with an earlier version
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Could you post system requirements/compatibilites, please? If you've written this for the Mac, I can't test it at all; if you've written it for Windows XP, I'd have to test it in a VM first, and then see how it handles Seven, et cetera.
Windows app. I've run it on my partners machine (1GHz windows XP netbook with 1Gb of memory) without any problems. Earlier versions ran under 95 with 256Mb memory, so I'm assuming thats the lowest specs.
I've run a couple of tests, and they seem to work quite well. (Haven't noticed any issues with the designs yet).

Alas, forgot to make copies of them to post today... :confused:

I did notice one one screen, however, where one of the "OK" buttons (power screen? fuel screen? Can't rightly remember at the second... must have failed another aging roll...) is partially covered by an added option/selection area. Nothing bad, as the button is still click-able. Just thought I'd mention it while I remembered it.
Otherwise, everything I've seen looks great so far!

(I'm working the rest of the weekend, so I won't be able to get any designs/comments posted until sometime Monday morning...)
Okay so alpha build 2. This version should enforce the rules regarding refitting engineering (as far as I've got so far). Select "refit" from the file menu and go to engineering. Please I do need some other peoples HGS files built in this, so I can actually see what's happening. At the moment there's a serious risk of me GIGOing the testing (the refit option at least doubles the complexity of the app so I will miss things.)
