Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Anyway, I think that a character's amount of zero-level skills should be based on his EDU ("gemeral knowledge") rather than on SOC (connections in the "high places").
I agree.
In my expanded chargen example (that you're hosting!
), I use a roll of EDU or less on 2D for number of Background skills a character gets.
He gets a number of background skills (skills learned prior to age 18) equal to the difference between his roll and his EDU score. Rolling over EDU means no Background skills.
And, for Background skills, I suggest that they start at Level-0 and increase +1 Level each time the same Background skill is rolled.
What characters end up with in my game, typically, is a few Level-0 skills and maybe one or two Level-1 skills.
Then, of course, I add the
Fifth Table to a character's choice of tables during his career, and the Fifth Table contains skills appropriate to that character's homeworld (homeworld based rather than career based). Those skills, like skills duirng career, are gained normally starting at Level-1.
A character has to "give up" a career skill in order to roll on the Fifth Table, and the Fifth Table can only be address once per term.
Anybody interested in this just needs to click on the link in my sig, and they'll have the full write-up at their finger tips.
One of the problems I have with awarding Background skills is that they tend to over-award skills (from a CT standpoint), should you get those background skills plus all the ones a character gets during his career (especially if you use, like I do, the two MT rules for Special Duty and Extra skills to keep basic chargen characters compatible with advanced chargen characters).
That's why I start Background skills at level-0 (and the fact that it makes sense that a pre-18 year old kid will not have too much experience in Traveller terms).
Using my background rule, characters are awarded some background skills (they roll on a chart -- skills aren't automatic), but usually, they will only be at Level-0.
Keeps the game balanced.
Click link below to see the details.