Carl & Sabre, nice designs, thanks for those, they'll make appearances in my campaign when appropriate :]
I'll go back to an idea I've introduced before: when the OTU was put together and sticking as much as possible to hard science maybe robots were just low down on the writing agenda. The explanation for their absence is likely to be a lot more Occam's Razor-ish than complicated.
Carl, there are smaller prototypes for this type of mission in the works now. Given that, they should be able to produce something smaller by then. What TL does molecular circuitry kick in? At that point, and with better batteries, the bots should be able to be pushed down to insect sized (again, there's testing of those sized remotes right now)
Good catch!
This raises questions about the replacement of robots by synthetics in some areas, the transition from robots to synthetics in society, the status of synthetics an their possible suppression due to 3I attitudes to AIs, and even the migration of human labour from one lower-tech over-populated world to others where they're willing to work for less (economic migration debate...). But that's for another thread, not here.
That would depend on whether their operation was considered to be like operating a vehicle (use that skill with a specialty in bot operation), use computer (same deal again), or at higher levels whether the operation is similar enough to other things people do that it just requires an INT roll.
I can't think of a single adventure or world writeup that mentions the routine employment of robots as substitutes for human workers. Apparently there is some reason why they are not economically sound1. Perhaps the economic details for robots should be revised?
1 IMTU terrorists and 'humaniti first' activists enjoy hacking robots so much that safeguards and mandatory insurance payments make them more expensive than human workers in most cases.
I'll go back to an idea I've introduced before: when the OTU was put together and sticking as much as possible to hard science maybe robots were just low down on the writing agenda. The explanation for their absence is likely to be a lot more Occam's Razor-ish than complicated.
Remote Visual Sensor alfa
The Remote Visual Sensor alfa (RVS-a) is an Imperial military bot intended to provide observation at the squad level. The bot's body, at 28 cm length by 14 cm width and height, is the smallest producible, a bit smaller than a shoebox.
Carl, there are smaller prototypes for this type of mission in the works now. Given that, they should be able to produce something smaller by then. What TL does molecular circuitry kick in? At that point, and with better batteries, the bots should be able to be pushed down to insect sized (again, there's testing of those sized remotes right now)
Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Improvised Explosive Device Detector would likely be two immediate areas of use. Loss rate for humans would be sufficiently high to discourage volunteers, and not the easiest job to draft someone too.
Good catch!
Rich folk today seem to get great pleasure out of having people serve them, and I suspect that will not change in the future. I also suspect there's a certain resistance to having bots take peoples' jobs, but that's not going to stop bots from being built or large corporations from using them; it just means you're less likely to see bots in highly visible roles unless it's doing something a person can't do.
This raises questions about the replacement of robots by synthetics in some areas, the transition from robots to synthetics in society, the status of synthetics an their possible suppression due to 3I attitudes to AIs, and even the migration of human labour from one lower-tech over-populated world to others where they're willing to work for less (economic migration debate...). But that's for another thread, not here.
Talking about evidence of absence, does the Army career provide skill in robot operation
That would depend on whether their operation was considered to be like operating a vehicle (use that skill with a specialty in bot operation), use computer (same deal again), or at higher levels whether the operation is similar enough to other things people do that it just requires an INT roll.