Excellent. That was one clarification I was sure I'd mentioned wanting because yes it's not mentioned in the rules, and I didn't see it addressed in the errata. Saves me asking
Ok, does this set of combat clarifications make it clear what we're doing now? If there are better ways to phrase this, or better ways to break it up, please point it out.
First Blood, p. 34, 47: The so-called first blood or critical hits rule applies to the first wound a character receives in each combat. Entering a combat wounded from a previous combat does not make you immune to the first blood rule.
Wounding and Death, p. 35-36, 47: Wounds from a second combat should be tracked separately from those from an earlier combat (since they will heal at a different times), unless the characteristic goes to zero; if that happens, just use the newest injury for healing times.
Effects of Characteristics, p. 36: The statement "wounds do not affect characteristics as they are used to influence blows, swings, or shots" applies only to a single combat. When a character is out of combat and has wounds applied, the resulting wounded levels do apply to any future combats after receiving such wounds. The intention of this rule was that during a combat, the game need not slow down to deal with such changes. The intention was not that already wounded characters could operate in future combats prior to recovery (or even treatment) as if they were uninjured.
Unconscious, p. 36, 47: Characters who are wounded when a combat ends but never go unconscious (because no characteristic ever is reduced to zero) have their characteristics reset to halfway between the wounded and full strength values. Unconscious characters with only one characteristic going to zero also get their characteristics reset to halfway between the wounded and full strength values after regaining consciousness. However, unconscious characters with two characteristics at zero, do not receive the halfway reset after regaining consciousness. In this case, the rule on p. 36 applies: "Their characteristics remain at the wounded level (or 1, whichever is higher). Recovery is dependent on medical attention (a medical facility and an individual with Medical-3 skill; recuperation to full strength without medical attention is not possible)."
Morale, p. 37: The point in time when a party must begin making morale throws should be 25%, not 20%.
Once we finish cleaning this up (and once a couple of HG issues are resolved over on ct-starships), it should be ready for an "almost-final" re-review by Marc.
Now, just to make things clear, I created a flowchart. This is my creation, not Marc's, so any screwups are mine:
After Combat Recovery Chart (by DonM)
1. If character has no physical characteristic reduced to zero, all wounded characteristics are placed midway between wounded and full levels, rounding fractions down; go to 2. If any physical characteristic is reduced to zero, go to 5.
2. If someone with Medical-1+ skill and medical kit available, go to 3; if not, go to 4.
3. Complete recovery takes 30 minutes; until recovered, character is treated as having the midway characteristics.
4. Complete recovery requires 3 days rest; until recovered, character is treated as having the midway characteristics.
5. If character has one physical characteristic reduced to zero, go to 6; if more than one physical characteristic is reduced to zero, go to 9.
6. Character regains consciousness in 10 minutes; once conscious, all wounded characteristics are placed midway between wounded and full levels, rounding fractions down. If someone with Medical-1+ skill and medical kit available, go to 7; if not, go to 8.
7. Complete recovery takes 30 minutes; until recovered, character is treated as having the midway characteristics.
8. Complete recovery requires 3 days rest; until recovered, character is treated as having the midway characteristics.
9. If character has two physical characteristics reduced to zero, go to 10. If all three physical characteristics are reduced to zero, go to 13.
10. Character regains consciousness in 3 hours. Once conscious, any wounded characteristics remain at the wounded level (or at 1, whichever is higher). If someone with Medical-3+ skill and medical facilities available, go to 11; if not, go to 12.
11. Complete recovery requires 5 days in medical facility; until recovered, character is treated as having the wounded characteristics.
12. No recovery possible until facilities and skill are available; until then, character is treated as having the wounded characteristics.
13. If character has three physical characteristics reduced to zero, character is dead.