I just think berets are cool, and Scouts ought to wear them.
I guess canon states that it's a baseball cap, but I'm thinking if you're attached as a forward observer or for a listening post, and you're still a Scout, then I think a beret would be justified. Maybe not. Just me.
I thought I read somewhere where scouts were occasionally thrown into the ranks of other services...I can't remember the roles.
I thought I read somewhere where scouts were occasionally thrown into the ranks of other services...I can't remember the roles.
Scout headgear for uniforms worn in the HQ and on formal parades is one thing, but what would a scout wear in the field? Different headgear for different climates, probably, but might they have an all-purpose one? Some high-tech scarf that could be cool in the desert and warm in the arctic perhaps?
For some reason I remember A Scout "uniform" as loud Hawaiian shirts cargo style pants, and a Aussie style bush fedora.
Specifically I recall somewhere that that is the deep spacer scouts anti-uniform to make fun of the other services. Can't say know where that idea comes from though.
Scout headgear for uniforms worn in the HQ and on formal parades is one thing, but what would a scout wear in the field? Different headgear for different climates, probably, but might they have an all-purpose one? Some high-tech scarf that could be cool in the desert and warm in the arctic perhaps?
Well for the last 20 some-odd years the Loud Hawaiian shirt, Utility Undershirt, Cargo Shorts (often khaki, OD, black or dark Gray), field boots, Utility Belt/Shoulder rig and some service/ship's ball cap has been the Scout "Uniform" around here (Meaning my location not this board).
What Hans said, though this may be the default. What about when on board ship readying for jump or moving about? Are they likely to be suited up and ready for anything that comes, or still in Hawaiian shirts?
There was this one time we had a 5Kt Freight-liner we where expecting Pirates, instead we got Hijackers, they stormed the bridge to find the Capitan, Helm Officer, Sensors, Communications, Navigator and Tactical Officer all in Combat Armour, the Engineering & Damage Control team all in Power Assist Hard Vacc-Suits and the Medic in Battledress.
...we got Hijackers, they stormed the bridge to find the Capitan, Helm Officer, Sensors, Communications, Navigator and Tactical Officer all in Combat Armour, the Engineering & Damage Control team all in Power Assist Hard Vacc-Suits and the Medic in Battledress.