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Scout's Honor adventure run through (Spoilers Warning)

Decision Two

The next decision is whether to go immediately to resuce the PURCELL's crew, or to proceed to the planet, some 20 hrs. away.

One of the big factors in this decision would be the world the GRENDEL is headed for. Since the adventure is not specific, I'm going to assume it's not a well developed world. Low Class starport. Maybe low population or no Law.

I'm guessing the reason for the 20 hrs from jump emergence to the planet is because we skimmed at a Gas Giant before making it to the planet.

Also not mentioned in the adventure is the nature of the cargo the GRENDEL is carrying...or even if we're carrying anything. We've got 20 low berths...are they full? We've got 4 staterooms (had to take one of the original 5 for our new shipmate, the pilot)...do we have passengers?

If so, the Captain may not want to jeapordize civilians in a half-baked idea to rescue Scouts from pirates.

Then again, this type of thing appeals to the type of tramp freighter captain that Captain Longe is. He knows he might be able to make some scratch if he goes ahead with Drake's plan.

But, does Longe trust Drake? Hmmm...not sure about that one. Is Drake leading the GRENDEL into a trap? Maybe Drake is not who he says he is?

Because the GRENDEL is on a 20 hr flight from the gas giant re-fuel to the planet, that tells me that, if passengers are aboard, there's no hurry to deliver them to their destiation. The GRENDEL doesn't seem to have any time-sensitive cargo either.

I want to use this adventure as background (possibly--we'll see how it turns out) for my own campaign, so I'll set the adventure in the Aramis subsector of the Spinward Marches.

The adventure does say that the story takes place in a "populated system" on one of the X-Boat routes of the frontier. In the Aramis subsector, that leaves me only a couple of choices: Nasemin, Towers, Junidy, Dhian, L'oeul d' Dieu, Aramis, and Natoko.

I've established that a gas giant must be in the system, so I'll have to drop Junidy and Aramis from the list.

Next up are Naval bases. I'm sure pirates will tend to stay away from systems where they just might accidentally run into a battlecruiser or squadron of SDB's. Given that, I'll have to remove L'oeul d' Dieu, Aramis, and Natoko from the list.

That leaves: Nasemin, Towers, and Dhian.

Nasemin has a scout base, but it's TL B with a Class B Starport. That's a little high if Captain Longe is to have any decision at all into going after the PURCELL. Given that location, there's really no choice. Nasemin will have ships that can intercept and have a much better chance of success than the crew of the GRENDEL. I'm going to discount Nasemin because it doesn't fit with the story.

Now, we're down to two planets this story can be taking place: Dhian and Towers.

Looking at the world descriptions and stats, I'm going to have to pick Dhian.

Dhian system is where this is taking place.

Dhian is TL 4 and rule by an oppressive government. Going there, Longe knows that dealing with that buracracy will be no picknick.

The write up on Dhian is this: Dhian is cursed with a very repressive government which maintains itself in power by virtue of its monoploy on the production of oxygen as well as most food. All plants are grown hydroponically in goverment owned farm complexes and the secrets of successful farming are jealously guarded. The government restricts technology to very low levels in order to safeguard its monopoly.

That's it.

That's the place.

It's the perfect place our tramp freighter would be going to.

Picking that world allows some credibility if Captain Longe decides to help Drake and chase down the PURCELL.

But, we've got another question to answer: Does the GRENDEL have any passengers? Civilians?

Well, the GRENDEL carries only a J-1 Drive. That means the GRENDEL can only be coming from Paya or Inthe.

And, since I want to use worlds from the Aramis subsector as much as possible, we'll go ahead and say the GRENDEL's last port-o-call was Paya.

Paya is a small, almost unpopulated world and the current subsector headquarters of Oberlindes Lines.

In order to find out what kind of cargo the GRENDEL is carrying, I'll simply roll some dice and use the Traveller Book to determine passengers and cargo.

I'll check cargo first, coming up with two cargo lots of 60 and 20 respectively that can be used to fill GRENDEL's 80 ton cargo bay.

Given that GRENDEL already jumped to Dhian's gas giant first, it can be noted that none of the cargo is deemed perishable or on a "rush" delivery.

Now for passengers. I roll up 1 High Passenger, 10 Mid-Passengers, and 16 Low Passengers.

So, with GRENDEL's best economic interest in mind, Longe will take the 1 High Passenger, plus 3 Mid-Passengers and all 16 Low Passengers.

Good. That fits well with the "story".

Captain Longe will have to decide whether his high passenger will stand for such an excursion.

Let's see how the passenger reacts to Captain Longe and the rest of the ship's crew. I'll use the reaction chart to gauge this.

I get a non-committal reaction from the passengers. They're just hanging back and seeing what's happenin', reserving the right to veto judgement later on (when the Monday-mornin' quarter-backin' is going on and they're all talking to their lawyers about their lawsuits).

OK. It's up to the Captain. What does he do?

Make the 20 hour run to Dhian and deal with that repressive red-tape...and maybe hopefully find another ship in port to help out?

Naww...I don't see the Captain wanting to share any reward. His passengers haven't given him any flack. He doesn't have a pressing cargo commitment. He's loaded up on fuel. And, any time wasted might mean the deaths of Drake's scout friends.

Captain Longe and the crew of the GRENDEL are in.

Full steam ahead.

We're heading for the last known location of the PURCELL.
Decision Two

The next decision is whether to go immediately to resuce the PURCELL's crew, or to proceed to the planet, some 20 hrs. away.

One of the big factors in this decision would be the world the GRENDEL is headed for. Since the adventure is not specific, I'm going to assume it's not a well developed world. Low Class starport. Maybe low population or no Law.

I'm guessing the reason for the 20 hrs from jump emergence to the planet is because we skimmed at a Gas Giant before making it to the planet.

Also not mentioned in the adventure is the nature of the cargo the GRENDEL is carrying...or even if we're carrying anything. We've got 20 low berths...are they full? We've got 4 staterooms (had to take one of the original 5 for our new shipmate, the pilot)...do we have passengers?

If so, the Captain may not want to jeapordize civilians in a half-baked idea to rescue Scouts from pirates.

Then again, this type of thing appeals to the type of tramp freighter captain that Captain Longe is. He knows he might be able to make some scratch if he goes ahead with Drake's plan.

But, does Longe trust Drake? Hmmm...not sure about that one. Is Drake leading the GRENDEL into a trap? Maybe Drake is not who he says he is?

Because the GRENDEL is on a 20 hr flight from the gas giant re-fuel to the planet, that tells me that, if passengers are aboard, there's no hurry to deliver them to their destiation. The GRENDEL doesn't seem to have any time-sensitive cargo either.

I want to use this adventure as background (possibly--we'll see how it turns out) for my own campaign, so I'll set the adventure in the Aramis subsector of the Spinward Marches.

The adventure does say that the story takes place in a "populated system" on one of the X-Boat routes of the frontier. In the Aramis subsector, that leaves me only a couple of choices: Nasemin, Towers, Junidy, Dhian, L'oeul d' Dieu, Aramis, and Natoko.

I've established that a gas giant must be in the system, so I'll have to drop Junidy and Aramis from the list.

Next up are Naval bases. I'm sure pirates will tend to stay away from systems where they just might accidentally run into a battlecruiser or squadron of SDB's. Given that, I'll have to remove L'oeul d' Dieu, Aramis, and Natoko from the list.

That leaves: Nasemin, Towers, and Dhian.

Nasemin has a scout base, but it's TL B with a Class B Starport. That's a little high if Captain Longe is to have any decision at all into going after the PURCELL. Given that location, there's really no choice. Nasemin will have ships that can intercept and have a much better chance of success than the crew of the GRENDEL. I'm going to discount Nasemin because it doesn't fit with the story.

Now, we're down to two planets this story can be taking place: Dhian and Towers.

Looking at the world descriptions and stats, I'm going to have to pick Dhian.

Dhian system is where this is taking place.

Dhian is TL 4 and rule by an oppressive government. Going there, Longe knows that dealing with that buracracy will be no picknick.

The write up on Dhian is this: Dhian is cursed with a very repressive government which maintains itself in power by virtue of its monoploy on the production of oxygen as well as most food. All plants are grown hydroponically in goverment owned farm complexes and the secrets of successful farming are jealously guarded. The government restricts technology to very low levels in order to safeguard its monopoly.

That's it.

That's the place.

It's the perfect place our tramp freighter would be going to.

Picking that world allows some credibility if Captain Longe decides to help Drake and chase down the PURCELL.

But, we've got another question to answer: Does the GRENDEL have any passengers? Civilians?

Well, the GRENDEL carries only a J-1 Drive. That means the GRENDEL can only be coming from Paya or Inthe.

And, since I want to use worlds from the Aramis subsector as much as possible, we'll go ahead and say the GRENDEL's last port-o-call was Paya.

Paya is a small, almost unpopulated world and the current subsector headquarters of Oberlindes Lines.

In order to find out what kind of cargo the GRENDEL is carrying, I'll simply roll some dice and use the Traveller Book to determine passengers and cargo.

I'll check cargo first, coming up with two cargo lots of 60 and 20 respectively that can be used to fill GRENDEL's 80 ton cargo bay.

Given that GRENDEL already jumped to Dhian's gas giant first, it can be noted that none of the cargo is deemed perishable or on a "rush" delivery.

Now for passengers. I roll up 1 High Passenger, 10 Mid-Passengers, and 16 Low Passengers.

So, with GRENDEL's best economic interest in mind, Longe will take the 1 High Passenger, plus 3 Mid-Passengers and all 16 Low Passengers.

Good. That fits well with the "story".

Captain Longe will have to decide whether his high passenger will stand for such an excursion.

Let's see how the passenger reacts to Captain Longe and the rest of the ship's crew. I'll use the reaction chart to gauge this.

I get a non-committal reaction from the passengers. They're just hanging back and seeing what's happenin', reserving the right to veto judgement later on (when the Monday-mornin' quarter-backin' is going on and they're all talking to their lawyers about their lawsuits).

OK. It's up to the Captain. What does he do?

Make the 20 hour run to Dhian and deal with that repressive red-tape...and maybe hopefully find another ship in port to help out?

Naww...I don't see the Captain wanting to share any reward. His passengers haven't given him any flack. He doesn't have a pressing cargo commitment. He's loaded up on fuel. And, any time wasted might mean the deaths of Drake's scout friends.

Captain Longe and the crew of the GRENDEL are in.

Full steam ahead.

We're heading for the last known location of the PURCELL.
Whoops! Well...er...the adventure discusses the decision whether to refuel at the gas giant.

So, I'll have to retract my assumption above.

Now, the 20 hr. trip has just become a slight jump emergence error.

They happen all the time, and the navigator (the Captain) is busy filling two roles on the ship, that of Navigator and that of ship's Medic.

Flying through jumpspace isn't like dustin' crops, boy!
Whoops! Well...er...the adventure discusses the decision whether to refuel at the gas giant.

So, I'll have to retract my assumption above.

Now, the 20 hr. trip has just become a slight jump emergence error.

They happen all the time, and the navigator (the Captain) is busy filling two roles on the ship, that of Navigator and that of ship's Medic.

Flying through jumpspace isn't like dustin' crops, boy!
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Couple of noggin scratchers:

The text reads as if the GRENDEL can make 2Gs accel, but clearly the ship's stats read a 1G M-Drive.
Yeah I kinda wondered at that too. Maybe for if the player wants a different ship, like a type S. But it doesn't mention specifics so I'm not sure either.

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Drake, when first rescued, says he's recently enlisted in the Scouts, but then goes on to tell the story, mentioning that he's in his third term.
It's re-enlisted though
Which when I read it took to mean as in mustered out and went back in :D Silly me. Forgot that each term has a reenlistment throw

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
The PURCELL drew the DUPLICITY into its giant X-Boat bay. No problem. There's room...for one.
Room for two actually, I just don't see it as a prudent action but so be it. Actually I begin to suspect some of these will make more sense further in ;)

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Where's Drake's X-Boat? Did it change hands and move on without him? I'm assuming so.
That was my guess too. I've always figured the modus operandi was something along the lines of X-Boat arrives, Tender grabs and hauls in, stir crazy Pilot exits for some downtime while crew gives the Boat a quick once over, refuels it, and transfers data and packages, fresh Pilot enters, Boat exits and jumps. Repeat. So yep, Drake's Boat is gone and he's been waiting for the next ride.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Couple of noggin scratchers:

The text reads as if the GRENDEL can make 2Gs accel, but clearly the ship's stats read a 1G M-Drive.
Yeah I kinda wondered at that too. Maybe for if the player wants a different ship, like a type S. But it doesn't mention specifics so I'm not sure either.

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Drake, when first rescued, says he's recently enlisted in the Scouts, but then goes on to tell the story, mentioning that he's in his third term.
It's re-enlisted though
Which when I read it took to mean as in mustered out and went back in :D Silly me. Forgot that each term has a reenlistment throw

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
The PURCELL drew the DUPLICITY into its giant X-Boat bay. No problem. There's room...for one.
Room for two actually, I just don't see it as a prudent action but so be it. Actually I begin to suspect some of these will make more sense further in ;)

Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Where's Drake's X-Boat? Did it change hands and move on without him? I'm assuming so.
That was my guess too. I've always figured the modus operandi was something along the lines of X-Boat arrives, Tender grabs and hauls in, stir crazy Pilot exits for some downtime while crew gives the Boat a quick once over, refuels it, and transfers data and packages, fresh Pilot enters, Boat exits and jumps. Repeat. So yep, Drake's Boat is gone and he's been waiting for the next ride.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
First Decision

I'm not going to chronicle my adventure through Scouts Honor. You're doing an excellent job--no need for two of us.
Thank you on both counts, hope you're enjoying the read as much as I am the write. Two parallel tales might get confusing but your Decision Points is a great addition.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
First Decision

I'm not going to chronicle my adventure through Scouts Honor. You're doing an excellent job--no need for two of us.
Thank you on both counts, hope you're enjoying the read as much as I am the write. Two parallel tales might get confusing but your Decision Points is a great addition.
Decision Three

Captain Longe's third decision is whether or not to swoop by the local Gas Giant before heading for the PURCELL.

The tender is 600,000 km distant. It will take around 4 hours to get there.

But, Captain Longe is no fool. And, he's got the responsibility of 20 civilian lives besides that of his crew.

We're swinging by the GG to refuel in order to keep the Jump Drive as an option for a tactful retreat.
Decision Three

Captain Longe's third decision is whether or not to swoop by the local Gas Giant before heading for the PURCELL.

The tender is 600,000 km distant. It will take around 4 hours to get there.

But, Captain Longe is no fool. And, he's got the responsibility of 20 civilian lives besides that of his crew.

We're swinging by the GG to refuel in order to keep the Jump Drive as an option for a tactful retreat.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:

What are handy explosives doing on an X-Boat tender?
Indeed. I was thrown by that too, but now it occurs to me that I always have a couple rescue charges in my standard ship's locker gear. A Tender would probably have several. It's a slap patch of shaped charges used to blow a hole through a bulkhead. Just apply, pull the cord and duck and cover. BOOM! Instant man size access hole. That'd mess up a drive real bad.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Room for two actually, I just don't see it as a prudent action but so be it. Actually I begin to suspect some of these will make more sense further in ;)
Room for two X-Boats, but only one Type S, going by the dimensions listed in Supplement 7.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:

What are handy explosives doing on an X-Boat tender?
Indeed. I was thrown by that too, but now it occurs to me that I always have a couple rescue charges in my standard ship's locker gear. A Tender would probably have several. It's a slap patch of shaped charges used to blow a hole through a bulkhead. Just apply, pull the cord and duck and cover. BOOM! Instant man size access hole. That'd mess up a drive real bad.
Originally posted by far-trader:
Room for two actually, I just don't see it as a prudent action but so be it. Actually I begin to suspect some of these will make more sense further in ;)
Room for two X-Boats, but only one Type S, going by the dimensions listed in Supplement 7.
Originally posted by far-trader:
I've always figured the modus operandi was something along the lines of X-Boat arrives, Tender grabs and hauls in, stir crazy Pilot exits for some downtime while crew gives the Boat a quick once over, refuels it, and transfers data and packages, fresh Pilot enters, Boat exits and jumps. Repeat. So yep, Drake's Boat is gone and he's been waiting for the next ride.
That makes a lot of sense. I'll go by that in my version of the adventure too.
Originally posted by far-trader:
I've always figured the modus operandi was something along the lines of X-Boat arrives, Tender grabs and hauls in, stir crazy Pilot exits for some downtime while crew gives the Boat a quick once over, refuels it, and transfers data and packages, fresh Pilot enters, Boat exits and jumps. Repeat. So yep, Drake's Boat is gone and he's been waiting for the next ride.
That makes a lot of sense. I'll go by that in my version of the adventure too.
Originally posted by far-trader:
I was thrown by that too, but now it occurs to me that I always have a couple rescue charges in my standard ship's locker gear. A Tender would probably have several. It's a slap patch of shaped charges used to blow a hole through a bulkhead. Just apply, pull the cord and duck and cover. BOOM! Instant man size access hole. That'd mess up a drive real bad.
I dig it. And, consider it part of Drake's story.
Originally posted by far-trader:
I was thrown by that too, but now it occurs to me that I always have a couple rescue charges in my standard ship's locker gear. A Tender would probably have several. It's a slap patch of shaped charges used to blow a hole through a bulkhead. Just apply, pull the cord and duck and cover. BOOM! Instant man size access hole. That'd mess up a drive real bad.
I dig it. And, consider it part of Drake's story.