I think this topic should be in the Lone Star forum. Anyone agree?
I think this topic should be in the Lone Star forum. Anyone agree?
Done (I hope I did it right).
I think this topic should be in the Lone Star forum. Anyone agree?
I would say that the move was quite warranted. This issue is not specific to Traveller 5, but to all of the various editions.
So what is Imperium Setting?
Are the following Settingless?
[Specific items...]
What are your thoughts?
[CONT'D] • Precursors vs. Ancients
*** What is the difference here? ***
I have always seen the Ancients as a precursor race.
I would love to hear what others have to say on this matter.
*** What is the difference here? ***
I have always seen the Ancients as a precursor race.
I would love to hear what others have to say on this matter.
There was a mention in Knightfall and MTJ4 of an even older precursor race called the Primordials, but Marc later decanonised them.
He passed comment on the sparklers/baddies from the core scenario outline presented in the last MT journal IIRC
The first starfarers box text is still in my copy of the MT RM, and I still have Knightfall, so the idea of a psionic primordial race is still sound - but they can not have ever invented the jump drive, that was Grandfather's and his alone as I understand things.
They would have been if DGP had continued their MT lineIsn't the primordial race in Knightfall also meant to be the "sparklers"?
Generation ships, electronic personality transfer, even psionic teleportation are all possibilitiesYes, I think it was Grandfather who invented jump space, but that doesn't preclude an older race from using NAFAL drives, or even other FTL drives like hop drives.
MT:Referee's Manual, p.7:
Humanity calls its region of the galaxy by a variety of names, all of which amount to the same idea: Charted Space This is an area roughly 500 parsecs across within which are concentrated more than a thousand starfaring races on, or regularly visiting, more than 80,000 worlds. Expeditions toward the galactic core have explored (and settled parts of) a narrow corridor some 30 parsecs wide and more than 7000 parsecs long Expeditions toward the galactic rim have reached nearly 3000 parsecs toward intergalactic space. Lateral expeditions have reached kiloparsecs in each direction.
The results have always been the same-
First, there is life everywhere Worlds naturally spawn their own life forms, and many produce intelligent species.
Second, nowhere beyond Charted Space has intelligence produced the jump drive that makes interstellar travel possible. Worlds are full of life; space is empty.
Note that with the publication of T5 we have more information, namely that there are other galactic regions with interstellar societies (apparently some quite large). We do not know how they achieved interstellar travel. And we do not know if the proscription on Jump Drives being unique to Yaskoydray and/or Charted Space holds for higher level drives (Hop, Skip, etc) or not.MT:Referee's Manual, p.9:
We place the age of the universe at more than fifteen billion years.
The oldest stars in Charted Space are dim red dwarfs some ten billion years old.
Intelligent life first appeared in Charted Space more than two billion years ago.
Intelligent life first began sublight travel between the stars more than a billion years ago. Short-lived beings found sublight travel tedious and frustrating and contented themselves with confinement to a few star systems. Longer lived races ranged far and wide using generation ships, cold sleep, and even electronic personality transfers.
The first jump drive was an unrealized dream until only 300,000 years ago. By a fluke of evolution, a single supergenius was born to the pastoral Droyne, and under his leadership this ancient race travelled extensively throughout a region nearly 1000 parsecs across. The race worked wonders throughout Charted Space and then destroyed themselves in a wide-ranging war that shattered worlds and destroyed civilizations
Today, the Droyne live in independent communities on many separate worlds. They avoid entanglements and political disputes; they live peacefully with their neighbors; and their hand-built jump drives are the best that can befound anywhere.
It's tentatively canonical that Hop Drive wasn't discovered until circa 3IY 1850-1900... despite some worlds in charted space being capable of having done so since 3IY 1000.
I say tentatively only because it's in drafts that I have seen (and am commenting on), but Marc's been emphatic about that point.
T5.0 and 5.09 both are explicit that TL alone isn't enough for ANY FTL drive... neither Stutterwarp, Jump, Hop, Skip, Leap, Bound, Vault, nor Hyperspace portal.
But does that also apply universally to all now-extinct Precursor/Pre-Ancient societies as well? And does it apply to any of the other Galactic Societies in other sectors of the Galactic Map that will be encountered as Charted Space expands during the Galaxiad-era?