To be fair ... no one is going to "pause the game" for months of real time while the ship gets built.
How long a ship takes to get built is a bookkeeping/accounting exercise that happens in the background (as setting), not a roleplaying one that happens in the foreground (as face time).
Of course, the same lack of attention to details applies to interstellar trade rules in Traveller (because the game isn't meant to be an economics simulator either).
Agree and disagree. The trade minigame can represent a world's entire trade volume (see A4, Leviathan) out in the boonies, but within reasonably-connected civilization it represents "the leftovers" after the out-of-PC-scope megacorps grab the rest.QUOTED FOR TRUTH. But well-meaning gentlemen do disagree. I happen to agree.
In neither case is it a plausible economic model, It's only enough to provide a setting framework for PC-scale merchant RPG campaigns -- and for the most part, that's all it needs to be.