Azhanti High Lightning offers about 3 hours per trip for a 400 dT fuel shuttle to dive down, collect 350 dT of fuel, fly up and then transfer that load to the waiting cruiser. Trillion Credit Squadron - be warned that as a quickie game it's canonicity is in dispute - borrows from that and makes it 7 turns (140 minutes) to make the dive and then 2 turns (40 minutes) to transfer fuel to another ship, assuming you want to transfer it. I don't know any reason that all ship types would take exactly the same length of time for a skim; strikes me there would be some variation based on the size of the ship's tanks, the size of its inlets, the power of its drives, and so forth.
I know of nothing in CT that speaks to a fuel purification rate.
MegaTrav Referee's Manual offers ship design including purification plants that can take either 6 or 12 hours to purify the full fuel load, depending on how much plant you get; it doesn't mention alternate rates. MegaTrav Imperial Encyclopedia, which despite the name has a wealth of rules governing interesting things, makes it a hazardous task taking - if I recall the task rules right - 1x3D6 hours, or anything from 3 to 18 hours, with an average tending toward 10 to 11 hours. So, on average about a half day for the maneuver and then another 6 to 12 hours for the purification - unless we're allowed to do that simultaneously. I don't know if that's allowed.
Thankyou very much, it is inline with what I have been using